Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1254: dictatorship

After the walkers appeared on the same day, the battle was basically over, and the overwhelming flying insects could not be stopped by this small military prison.

Skywalkers easily destroyed the few anti-aircraft machine guns on the top of the prison city, then killed a large number of human soldiers, and opened the prison door from the inside, and the opening of the door let the insects outside the city. The crowd rushed in, and the prison was almost uninhabited.

In just ten minutes, all the people in the whole prison who were still holding weapons were killed. Some of them happened to be injured. Those who lost their weapons survived, and the bugs seemed to not see them. From their Walking around, only a few unlucky eggs were trampled to death.

At the sight of losing weapons, we can survive, so the wise human beings naturally have a good learning style. A few smart soldiers have lost their weapons. Together with those wounded soldiers, they can save their lives.

Immediately afterwards, the swarm swarmed into the prison area, whether it was an isolation gate or a heavy iron gate. In front of these bugs, they were basically the same as paper paste, and eventually all were broken by the swarm one by one. Although the defensive weapons also caused some damage to the bugs, they were quickly destroyed.

After about half an hour, the fighting in the entire prison was basically over.

In addition to this prison, this situation has occurred on more than a hundred planets, hundreds of military bases or prisons. Those who were detained by Qin Hao were basically found by the swarms. And was protected.

On the earth's side, after the swarm broke through the prison dedicated to political prisoners, Qin Hao immediately teleported to the past. He quickly locked the breath of General Cohen and General Tymov, and then instantly teleported to In front of two people.

When Qin Hao appeared, the two old men were playing chess there.

"Uh ... shouldn't I be here ..." Qin Hao touched his nose awkwardly. Although the two old guys were under house arrest, their lives seemed to be going well, and they were more relaxed than before.

When Qin Hao took control of the federal government, these two were not idle. One was in charge of education and the other was in charge of science and technology. That was really busy, and the two old men were really dedicated to humanity. They also It is indeed plunging into his field.

Theoretically, although these two old men have deep qualifications and high status, in the field of science and technology and education, the refusal is a layman. Qin Hao gave these two items to them, just to rest assured. The specific things, also There are a group of deputies below to perform, they are professional.

But these two old men were in their fifties at the age of fifty or sixty. They did n’t understand anything. After two years of hard work, they became half professional. Although they are not comparable to those pure professional assistants, at least people By the time they report, they can already understand the expertise.

Based on this alone, the two did not work harder, so it was really early and greedy.

But now, two people are under house arrest, and three meals a day are delicious, good to drink and serve, and because there is no business to do, the two people are either playing chess or fishing. This little day is like a holiday.

"You're back ..." General Cohen asked without raising his head. Since the Swarm began to attack, he guessed that Qin Hao was back, so it took more than half an hour to calm him down. Today, General Cohen's face is indifferent.

"How are you mixing with the aliens? Have you successfully penetrated them? How much do they trust you now?" Because he was under house arrest, General Cohen didn't know that Qin Hao was carrying one Here comes the alien fleet.

"How do you say ..." Qin Hao deliberately groaned for a moment, at which point he offered a treasure, after all, General Cohen, to some extent, actually played the role of Qin Hao's father.

Since Qin Hao lost his parents when he was very young, his father's love was very strange to him, but since he met Nicole and General Cohen, Qin Hao can feel that General Cohen is real He was treating him as a son-in-law and even as a son, so he not only respected General Cohen very much, but sometimes he really regarded him as his father, even if he and Nicole were not married.

"How to say? Straight! Do you have anything to hide with me?" General Cohen gave Qin Hao an unhappy glance.

"Of course not, I absolutely know everything about you and can't stop talking!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Then say it quickly!" General Cohen said angrily.

"Okay, let me tell you so. Now that the alien civilization that claims to be the Holy Admiral is under temperance, I can order them to do anything." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"Don't you? Don't tell me, in these two years, you became their king!" General Cohen rolled his eyes after hearing Qin Hao's words, although in his cognition, Qin Hao was It is unlikely to lie such a lie, but the problem is what Qin Hao said, people can't believe it!

"Of course not, how could I be their king!" Qin Hao smiled and waved.

"Let me say it! Honestly, how are you doing!" General Cohen waved.

"I am not their king, I am now their god!" Qin Hao said proudly.

"What the **** ?! You are their **** ?!" This time it was not only General Cohen, but even Ji Mofu's expression of unbelief.

"It's like this ..." Qin Hao simply told the two men about his experience with the Holy Admiral.

"So, Mr. Qin Qiu he ... hey ..." After hearing Qin Qiu's complete extinction in order to save Qin Hao ~ ~ General Cohen sighed.

"Yeah, Grandpa completely dissipated to save me ..." Qin Hao also sighed ...

"Then what are you going to do next?" General Cohen asked after calming down.

"I'm completely disappointed with those guys, I plan to come by myself!" Qin Hao said.

"Come on your own?" General Cohen finally looked up and looked at Qin Hao seriously.

"Yes! Rather than letting the Confederation go so rotten, I might as well be the dictator!" Qin Hao said firmly.

"You're so interested in power?" General Cohen's face was a little upset.

"Cohen, don't take things so seriously, Xiao Qin is not the kind of person." Ji Mo Love said.

"Not that kind of person? Then why do you want to be this dictator, please explain it to me!" General Cohen looked at Qin Hao displeasedly, because such a dictatorship is completely contrary to his values.