Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1263: Post-injury

After making a decision, Qin Hao began to take over the work at hand. Although there are still three months to go before this event, the long interplanetary journey will also take a month or two.

Fortunately, the human side is basically on the right track. Qin Hao has planted his close friends in all important posts, coupled with his **** repression before, which has made all the families fear him. Even if Qin Hao left again, they did not dare to act lightly for quite a long time.

After all the things on hand were accounted for, Qin Hao was ready to leave with the fleet of Holy Admiral, but before leaving, he was still waiting for one thing, that is, the first heavy cruiser after the human beings integrated the new technology -Gallas Law Enforcer!

This heavy cruiser is a new type of warship developed after human scientists have eaten the technology of the Kogon people and combined with the unique biotechnology of humans. Its main weapon is a plasma gun that humans are good at. The armor shell is also unique to humans. Bio-armor.

Before Qin Hao traveled to the Holy Admiral civilization for the first time, he arranged a large number of scientists to study biological armor. Now this technology is very mature. This new armor not only has stronger defense capabilities, but also Self-healing, under the stimulation of special energy, it can even reintegrate on the battlefield, quickly repair by itself without relying on logistical auxiliary warships, and re-enter the battle.

The plasma cannon is also a black technology born out of the Swarm. This thing is inspired by the Plasma in the Swarm. Through simulation, human scientists have brought this super heavy plasma weapon to the battleship. It The high-voltage plasma fired is more powerful than the beam cannon of the Holy Admiral, but the rate of fire is relatively slow and the energy consumption is exaggerated. However, when approaching an attack, the difference between a sub-light plasma weapon and a beam cannon It is not obvious, but its powerful firepower will be even more terrifying.

This heavy cruiser named the Gallas Law Enforcer class adheres to the consistent style of human civilization. It is not equipped with any flamboyant technology equipment, it is simple and durable, and in general it is the ship's guns.

The shape of the Gallas Enforcer-class heavy cruiser is very sloppy, which is completely different from the rich industrial atmosphere of the previous human warships. It borrowed from the aesthetics of the swarm on a certain level, and the dark hull is equipped with various sharp protrusions. , And the heavy-duty plasma emitters that are sculpted and exposed directly, all show its ferocity.

This Gallas law enforcer is not the same as other warships. Other warships include advanced civilizations such as the Holy Admiral. Their gun barrels are usually hidden inside the hull, because the gun barrels are very fragile and directly exposed to Manchuria. In radiated space, the service life of the gun barrel will be greatly shortened.

But Gallas law enforcement is different, this new battleship with new biological armor does not need to worry about the damage caused by cosmic radiation, because this armor integrated with the Zerg gene not only does not fear various radiation, but also it Can absorb energy from radiation, so even if the barrel is directly exposed to cosmic rays, Gallas law enforcement officers do not have to worry about being damaged.

In this way, when the Gallas law enforcer encounters an unexpected battle, its reaction speed will be faster than that of other civilized warships, because it can directly fire without extending the gun tube out of the ship!

In fact, when the high priest sent news to Qin Hao, the first new heavy cruise was already manufactured and the final test was underway, so Qin Hao simply waited for two weeks, and then he planned to drive This heavy cruise went to the grand event, let other civilizations also witness the strength of the Star Federation.

Although the StarFederation is still lacking in the battleships, they are not so far behind on the conventional battleships.

When Qin Hao received his re-entry tour, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Are the wings hard now? It's been so long since I came back that I didn't even come to see me?" Qin Hao's voice sounded in Qin Hao's mind.

"Master, are you back?" Qin Hao immediately asked. When he returned, he actually wanted to see the worm. After all, after he rescued Hu Ke, he sent Hu Ke home to the garden star, but at that time, Qin Hao learned from the Swarm Leader on the home star that the queen was not on the home star and was walking in a hurry. Even the heart of the worm nest was not taken away. At that time, Qin Hao was in a hurry to rush back to Earth. To clean up the mess, he didn't think too much.

"Well! As soon as I came back, I felt your breath. Your strength has improved rapidly. This is beyond my imagination." Qin Hao said to the queen.

"Teacher, please wait, I will come here!" Qin Hao immediately started teleportation after speaking, and then returned to his warship and drove the warship straight to his home star.

Although the new technology battleship is no longer the same as before, it will require thousands of officers and crew to navigate at every turn. However, in order to exert its full combat power, it will also require a small number of talented people. Ships are no exception.

After all, human beings do not have the talent of the Holy Admiral, and it is impossible for everyone to be a master of spiritual power. Therefore, like the Holy Admiral, it is almost impossible for humans to drive a battleship alone, let alone humans. Now, even other higher civilizations do not have a second existence like the messenger of Holy Advent.

So Qin Hao, in addition to himself, has more than a hundred crew members. UU reads and they work in cooperation to fly this spacecraft, but these crew members are all pirates controlled by the armor. They do not have their own thoughts, so there is no such thing as being read and remembered.

A few days later, Qin Hao's spacecraft landed on the surface of the home star. Qin Hao did not disembark. He launched a teleportation directly and entered the heart of the worm nest.

After entering the heart of the worm nest, Qin Hao saw his teacher. At this time, the worm was very poor, and there was no blood on his face.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you?" Qin Hao immediately approached and asked.

"It's okay, I got a little wound." The queen smiled.

"Teacher, are you fighting the Angel of Death?" Qin Hao asked tentatively.

"Oh, it seems that they have already found you, hey ... no wonder, your strength has improved so fast, presumably the eye of the universe has been opened, right?" Said the queen sighed.

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Jiutian God Emperor mobile version reading URL: