Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1277: Arms-based exhibition

Although the Nether Sturgeon after hatching is a chicken-like thing to the worm, it is completely different for Qin Hao. Now it is time for him to continue to expand his strength. If he can hatch a lot of Nether Sturgeon and promptly urge It is a good thing for Qin Hao to become familiar with them and form an army of void puppets.

"You child is all right, but you are too limited to the small race of human beings!" The queen looked at Qin Hao and sighed. How could she not know how Qin Hao was?

"Please ask the teacher to complete!" Qin Hao punched fist to the worm.

"Ah! Let's do it! But you are always dragged down by humans, and your future will be very difficult." Qin Hao said to Qin Hao. Based on her long life and experience, the race will give The advantage of individual development, but in the later period, race is a burden on excellent individuals.

So from the perspective of the worm, the swarm is something that can be discarded and reshaped at any time. It is not worth her to pay at all. Similarly, she hopes that Qin Hao can also treat humans in this way, because only absolute selfishness is The best way to pursue your ultimate progress.

However, the education Qin Hao received from an early age prevented him from doing so, and human beings, as a social social creature, cherish their own ethnic groups, and Qin Hao is no exception, so Qin Hao treats himself like a worm. Ethnicity, he can't.

Although the idea is not quite the same as Qin Hao, the queen of the worm eventually taught him the method of hatching and ripening the emptiness maggot. After storing these memories in Qin Hao's mind, the queen of the worm told Qin Hao: "Cosmic event is about to begin?"

"Yes, Master, I am here specially to invite you to come with me." Qin Hao said with a smile to the queen after the worm. Whether he got the water beads or the neuro-sensing devices before, they were all accidents Harvest, Qin Hao's main purpose this time is to formally appear before the higher civilizations on behalf of mankind.

"Then let's go, let me see if the faces of these guys are still the same as before." The queen smiled, and she was all packed now.

"Well! Let's go!" Qin Hao nodded, and he was ready for this.

After coming out of the hotel room after bringing the worm, Qin Hao and worm queen arrived near the elevator, and met a group of Borg people. There were nine Borg people. The first one was very mechanized. Basic No biological structure can be seen on it.

"Ding!" With a crisp sound, the elevator door opened.

"..." The Borg led by him didn't speak, just made a gesture of please.

"Thank you!" Qin Hao nodded at the Borg, and then walked into the elevator with the worm.

Because of the weight of the Borg people, when Qin Hao and Zouhou got on the elevator, only one Borg person followed, and then the elevator was running. The other Borg people looked like they had to wait for a while.

These transformed Borg people are all very heavy. Without the anti-gravity equipment turned on, their weight is basically calculated in tons. The silver-white metal of the Holy Admiral has anti-gravity equipment. The strong interference caused the anti-gravity equipment to operate at an overload and consume a large amount of energy, so these Borg people would rather wait a little longer than consume excessive energy reserves.

After taking the elevator downstairs, Qin Hao and Hou Hou went straight to the hotel's door, and the Borg stayed behind to wait for his companion.

"Hello, may I ask Mr. Han Yihang?" As soon as Qin Hao arrived at the hotel's door, the staff greeted him.

"It's me!" Qin Hao nodded, because he used his original name at the Holy Admiral side before, so when he appears as a human being, he can no longer use the name Qin Hao, so Qin Hao is not polite Han directly lifted the name of Han Yihang.

"Two, please come with me." The staff member nodded and then led Qin Hao out of the hotel.

Following the service staff, Qin Hao and Zou Hou embarked on a teleportation array, and then teleported to a building.

"Two people, this is the main venue for this event, and the surrounding 28 buildings are branch venues. Two of today's itineraries, Archbishop Sadell have already arranged, please come with me." The service staff smiled and smiled. Qin Hao said.

"Good!" Qin Hao nodded, knowing that all this was actually arranged by the High Priest, and Archbishop Sadrin was just an executor.

Soon, under the leadership of this service staff, Qin Hao and Zou Hou walked into the building of the main venue. At this time, the Hou Zou naturally held Qin Hao's arm. The two walked together, feeling quite a bit talented.

After entering the venue building, Qin Hao saw one booth after another. In fact, at the beginning, the high priest also asked Qin Hao to see if he needed a booth, but was rejected by Qin Hao.

Although the use of the booth can make human civilization better show itself, the problem is that Qin Hao is currently unmanned. He can never take care of a booth alone? Then he must not be exhausted? And he has more important things to do today.

Although the exhibition has not yet officially started, the venue is very lively at this time. The civilization of these exhibitors has put all the top products they brought. At these booths, some gadgets are in kind, but more are Model and graphic introduction.

"Grandma, it seems that all salesmen love PPT!" Qin Hao, while browsing these novel top grades ~, secretly vomited.

Through observing Qin Hao, although there is no clear theme for this kind of event, the goods you take out are still mainly arms. After all, opportunities for cosmic exchanges of this scale are rare, and everyone must seize the time to make the most profitable products. Come out.

And what is the most profitable product? That's obviously arms! Especially for a powerful civilization like the Borg people, they don't even need to advertise or sell anything. As long as they put out their used second-hand goods, the buyers looking for them can almost squeeze their heads.

In contrast, only those weak civilizations will exhibit some weird gadgets at this kind of event.

As he walked, Qin Hao carefully observed the graphic introduction and weapon models on the arms booths. Although the introduction of these weapons was very simple, and there might be some exaggerated components, these alien weapons were still deeply shocked. After Qin Hao, he also greatly inspired him. Many things are not that the earth cannot be artificial, but that they never thought that they could play like this!

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