Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1282: Test drug

"I want to try!" Just then, a man in heavy armor came out, and his voice was an analog sound through a speaker.

"This ..." Because Qin Hao was the first person to see this race, he didn't know how to call each other.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Irwin, and is a Welgar from Ramock Starfield." The guy in heavy armor said through the speaker.

This Verga named Ervin looks very strange. His real body is something similar to a watermelon-sized jellyfish. Inside this humanoid armor is all seawater from Irvin's hometown. Because they are also aquatic creatures, they cannot live directly on land and can only communicate with other terrestrial civilizations by this means.

Similarly, the communication among Verga people is through a very low-frequency infrasound wave. The sound of this band is not received by most races, so in order to communicate with other civilizations, they have to use this speaker. To make a sound.

"Hello, Irvine." Qin Hao nodded politely at the other person, because the Virga people were asexual, so naturally there was no such name as Mr. or Ms.

"Can I try the potion in your hand?" Irwin told Qin Hao.

"Wait a minute!" At this time, another heavy armor came out, and inside the armor was also a Welgar soaked in liquid.

"Where are you?" Qin Hao looked at the new Werga.

"Hello, Mr. Han Yihang, I am the Ambassador of the Welga and I am the brother of Ervin. My name is Eric." Said the new Welgar.

It turned out that this Elbaine was suffering from a very serious disease and had been sentenced to death by Verga medicine. He only had the last few months of life. It happened that his brother had been assigned a task. During the grand event, as the ambassador, he envoyed the Holy Admiral civilization.

So Irving pleaded with his brother to bring him with him. Although he was about to die in a few months, he wanted to see more places in this short time.

Eric, as Irving's brother, sympathizes with his brother's situation, but he is helpless. There is no way to get this incurable disease. The only thing he can do now is to satisfy his brother's hope and take him. Holy Admiral civilization, let him see the colorful of alien civilization.

But today, Qin Hao's words gave Irwin hope that as a patient who had been sentenced to death, there was nothing to fear at this time. This event lasted for about a month, plus the long interplanetary travel time. Irving was almost destined to die on the spacecraft.

So he would rather take a risk and fight here. If the Medicament of the Star Alliance is really as magical as they describe, he can hope to survive. If not, it will at best kill him on the spot. He has now come to the civilization of the Holy Admiral, and these days have seen a lot of new things. It doesn't make much sense to live for a few more days. It might as well be a fight now.

"Brother, are you thinking?" Eric asked.

"I've thought about it!" Irvin nodded.

"All right!" Eric felt his brother's determination, so he stepped aside and stopped blocking.

"Here!" Qin Hao didn't make nonsense, he directly handed the potion to Irwin.

"How do you use this?" Irwin asked.

"Drink it or inject it into the body." Qin Hao said casually.

"Huh!" Irvin nodded, and then a small slit opened in the center of the palm of his armor, and the small medicine bottle fell into the palm of his hand.

Soon, a light red liquid permeated the liquid inside the armor. Through the glass from the helmet, Qin Hao could see that the liquid in the armor had been stained red.

"Hmm ..." At this moment, Irvine, like a jellyfish, moved in and opened, and the pale red liquid was as if it had been purified. The pale red color was fast. Withdrawing, apparently the potion had been absorbed by Irving.

"Can he really be cured? Is such a small bottle enough?" Eric was nervous now, and he came to Qin Hao within a few steps.

"Wait a minute." Qin Hao still smiled, he was very confident in the flesh and blood organization of the Worm Nest Heart.

"Probably ... about how long?" Eric asked.

"Half an hour?" Qin Hao was not quite sure, so he looked at the worm.

"Fifteen minutes is enough!" The post-worm is obviously more calm, and she can even control the activity of those flesh and blood tissues from nothing, as the true master of the swarm, the post-worm can control every cell from the swarm.


Time passed by every minute and every second. The entire exhibition center was silent. Everyone was quietly waiting to see if this medicine from the Star Federation was really as magical as Qin Hao described.

About five minutes later, Irving suddenly began to shake violently, and his armor collapsed to the ground because he lost control.

"Erwin!" Eric was in a hurry. He wanted to pounce, but was stopped by Qin Hao.

"Wait a minute, he is being treated, don't disturb him!" Qin Hao said to Eric.

"If there is something wrong with my brother, I'm not finished with you!" Eric growled, although his brother asked for a test, although his brother has few days to live, but any creature with emotions At this time, it is unlikely to be willing to reason.

"..." Qin Hao did not reply to Eric ~ ~ He was waiting patiently. As for Eric's threat, he really didn't take it seriously, although Qin Hao was not 100% sure he could cure it. Okay Irvine, but what if he died?

Not to mention whether Eric is qualified to represent the entire Verga, even if he has this qualification, Qin Hao is not afraid. After all, Verga people are aquatic creatures, although they have been promoted to higher civilizations, but compared to those terrestrial races In other words, they are still suffering a lot, so their strength cannot be compared with the Holy Admiral, so it is impossible to lead the fleet to break through the blockade of the Holy Admiral and come to the human territory.

Time continued to pass fast, and after about ten minutes, Irwin's shaking stopped, and after standing still for dozens of seconds, he suddenly resumed the control of the armor again, and then stood up.

"Brother, how?" This time Eric didn't ask through the speaker, but communicated with Irving directly through infrasound.

"Brother, I feel great!" Irwin's voice became more powerful.

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