Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 134: 1st participation mission

"Why does a spaceship escorting prisoners have expensive phase-delivery devices?" Levis asked with a frown. Pinshu

"Because the ship was sailing to the latest Barnrow prison built by Charlie Lansing, and Barnrow prison was holding prisoners who would never be released, there was no exit at all, and the prisoners were thrown in by phase transmission. Professor Rodriguez explained.

This Charlie Lan star is a famous death planet. Its temperature during the day is as high as 1,200 degrees Celsius. After the sun sets at night, the surface temperature will drop sharply to minus 150 degrees Celsius. It is impossible for humans to survive, and Barnello The prison was built under the ground, and it completely sealed the entrance and exit after it was built, so the delivery of prisoners was entirely based on phase transmission technology.

Since human society has become very clear at this time, after the death penalty was completely abolished a hundred years ago, those extremely dangerous felons became the most troublesome thing for the federal government, so they spared no expense in building Barro prison, and even The newly developed life phase transmission technology, which is extremely expensive in construction and use, is used here.

But now, a spaceship responsible for carrying heavy criminals has been hijacked, and the extremely dangerous Star Pirates have been dropped on the earth, so Federal President Stern was suddenly anxious. If they were to get them on Capital Star Whatever comes, then he has to step down as president.

So Stern immediately ordered the "Twilight" organization to take full responsibility at this time, be sure to find and arrest those dangerous elements before doing anything.

After receiving the order, the "Twilight" organization immediately recalled all members near the capital star, so Qin Hao had all this.

"Well, Lord Rodriguez, then you say what we need to do." Levis nodded.

"Now everyone immediately divides into battle groups, and then scatters all over the earth. We will calculate each other's transmission path as soon as possible, and then send you the coordinates of their arrival on the earth." Rodry said.

"I see!" All the fortified soldiers nodded, and quickly completed the group.

In fact, these fortified human fighters have their own teams. Their daily tasks are performed in the form of squads, so more than a dozen squads were quickly prepared, and then boarded the transport boat and were ready to go.

For a time, there was only a blank face in the hall, Qin Hao. He had just joined the "Twilight" organization, and because his strength was too scum, no team had reached out to him.

Qin Hao, who was unrecruited, naturally had no team, so when everyone was ready to go, he was left in the hall stupidly.

"Which squad, you?" Only then did Professor Luo Derui discover Qin Hao.

"Professor, I don't have a team ..." Qin Hao shrugged and said.

"Huh?" Luo Derui hesitated. He hadn't actually heard of Qin Hao.

Because Qin Hao was recruited to join the "Twilight" organization, it was just to block the excuse of the Tang Taisi family. Alberta promised Qin Hao to leave after one year, so neither he nor Levis took Qin Hao as real. Organization members, so Qin Hao joined the "Twilight" organization and did not issue a formal notice to other members.

"Professor, I just joined the organization." Qin Hao explained.

"This way, then you come to my squad." Luo Derui didn't care, and directly took Qin Hao into his squad. Of course, this is also because he didn't know that Qin Hao only had f-class combat power, otherwise he Can not let Qin Hao drag his hind legs.

"Oh!" Qin Hao agreed, in fact, he didn't want to participate, but since others said so, he could only obey it. After all, he was of military origin, and obedience-level orders had become Qin Hao's instinct.

Soon, Professor Luo Derui brought Qin Hao and his team together. Luo Derui's team originally had only five people. In addition to Luo Derui, there was also a C-level fortified soldier, two d-levels and an e-level.

"Let's go!" Rodriguez and others boarded his private airship instead of taking a standard transport boat.

"Oh!" A flash of light flashed in a cave in the back mountain of the Naval Academy, and a transport boat flew out, followed by the second and third ...

After a while, Professor Rodriguez's private airship rushed out of the mountainside, and then went straight to a certain location in Europe.

"The intended goal has been reached!" Twenty minutes later, the onboard computer sounded.

"Stand-by!" Rodry said.

"The stealth system is starting!" The airship hovered at a certain height, and then a layer of stealth coating covered the airship. The entire airship seemed to disappear from the outside world.

"Come, before the action has begun, we welcome the new members first." Luo Derui smiled and pulled Qin Hao in front of everyone.

"First introduce yourself ~ ~ Luo Derui said to Qin Hao.

"My name is Qin Hao, and I am a freshman in special reconnaissance in the Naval Academy." Qin Hao introduced himself.

"Oh, it seems that you have just joined. We don't introduce ourselves here. You just have to say your name, the combat power level and expertise are fine." Rodry laughed. For the "Twilight" organization, you were What identity does not matter at all, what is important is your ability.

"My fighting ability is f-level, special ... I don't know ..." Qin Hao said a little embarrassingly. The f-level fighting power was shameful enough. As a result, he didn't know what he was good at, did he say he was good at fighting ? Looks like there are very few in the entire "Twilight" organization that cannot be hit!

"F-class?" Sure enough Qin Hao said, everyone was holding back, and the whole airship fell into an awkward situation.

"Uh ..." Professor Luo Derui is also very embarrassed. If he had known that Qin Hao was so weak, he would not accept him. After all, a f-grade weak chicken could not do anything except drag his hind legs.

"So, Qin Hao, you are in charge of communication." After thinking about it, Luo Derui arranged a post for Qin Hao that didn't need much fighting.

"Yes! Professor!" Qin Hao nodded. He had even served as a cooking soldier. Now he can be a communications soldier. After all, he is not as strong as anyone else.

"Received communication from headquarters!" At this time, the shipboard computer suddenly turned on.

"The coordinates transmitted by the felony prisoner have been calculated, and the closest to us is in the territory of ancient France!" Rodriguez quickly read the contents of the newsletter.

"Then let's go!" Said a fortified warrior.

"Okay!" Luo Derui nodded, then pointed to a box and said to Qin Hao: "You bring this communicator, let's go!"