Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1394: Unbound Swarm

Although Sherman was an excellent fleet commander, during the retreat, his fleet was advancing and retreating without any panic, but the Sigmon Empire ’s fleet was also damaged due to the desperate counterattack of the Swarm. More than half, even five battleships lost two!

Under such a heavy loss, Sherman's mission had to be abandoned. He didn't dare to continue his attack on the Holy Admiral's territory. He withdrew the fleet and withdrew from the occupied area, then began to rest, and waited for the supply in the rear.

While Sherman-led Sigmon Empire fleet was attacked by swarms, nine other civilizations were attacked by swarms in different ways. Although the damage was different, one thing Sure, they all suffered huge losses, so that they all terminated their plans to continue their march into the Holy Land, and they all withdrew from the occupied area for rest.

Soon, the news spread among the major universe civilizations. If only one fleet was attacked by unknown creatures, it might be an accident, but the fleet of nine civilizations was attacked by unknown creatures at the same time, and according to The images of unknown creatures provided by various civilizations show that the signs of these creatures are very similar, and the division of arms is strict.

This is obviously not an accident, but an organized, planned war! These unknown creatures do not exist naturally in the universe and have been encountered by chance. They are reinforcements of the Holy Admiral!

Subsequently, the nine civilizations quickly exchanged information, and then contacted the information returned from the battlefields of the four nations forward. The nine civilizations came up with a shocking news that these unknown creatures are likely to be Star Weapon's Biological Weapons!

We must know that in previous battles, the Star Federation used brainwashing countermeasures more than once. In particular, they could let one fleet after another suddenly collapse without warning. This is very similar to the experience of the nine civilizations. similar!

So after the intelligence was connected, everyone quickly reached a conclusion that these unknown creatures are the biological weapons of the Star Alliance, and also the Star Alliance reinforcements mentioned in the previous intelligence!

After reaching this conclusion, not only did the nine civilizations not breathe a sigh of relief, they became even more tense. We must know that the strength shown by the Star Federation before is enough to frighten any civilization. They have not eaten on the battlefield. Any losses.

Occupied the territory of five civilizations with almost no loss, and fought these civilizations with no resistance.

But even so, this is not their full strength, and now they have shown such a terrible biological weapon, which makes people secretly speculate in their hearts. Is the means of interstellar federation really limited to this? Do they hide other powerful means? !!

But unfortunately, all the universe civilizations, including the nine major civilizations, are unable to grasp more detailed information. Even the pervasive spies cannot penetrate the interstellar federal territory that does not communicate with other civilizations at all.

Moreover, the number one intelligence trafficker in the universe also refused to provide any intelligence information related to the interstellar federation, which left the interstellar federation in front of all civilizations with a mysterious veil. They hid in the shadows and spied on other civilizations. It is constantly expanding to other civilizations, and this is the place where other civilizations are most afraid.

Because it is unknown, because of mystery, it is even more frightening!

In this case, the nine civilizations did not dare to launch an attack on the territory of the Holy Admiral, and even they started to construct the star area that they had occupied madly, hoping to create a steel line of defense there to protect the results they had achieved.

The nine major civilizations stopped attacking, and the swarm did not move at all, as if they did not exist at all.

At this moment, the swarm occupies the administrative star, which is rich in biological resources, and there is a continuous supply of minerals and rare metal supplies by the Holy Admiral. The only thing they lack is time!

In the case of plentiful maggots, their reproduction speed is comparable to copy and paste. In just two months, the nine swarm leaders responsible for the attack have expanded their swarm by nearly ten times!

虫 Each swarm leader has nearly one billion bugs under his control, and these bugs are not only garbage junkies like Skywalker and Lasher.

After two months of incubation, Leviathan, the biological battleship of the Swarm, was finally completed. This super biological battleship is huge, can survive freely in the planet and space, and has powerful attack and defense capabilities. Being able to make space jumps, the swarm can enter Leviathan's body and jump to other galaxies through it, thereby increasing the expansion speed.

After Leviathan was completed, the nine Swarm Leaders successively sent applications to Qin Hao, and Qin Hao all agreed.

Subsequently, nine Leviathans left the previous planet carrying a billion insect swarms. At this time, the resources on these planets have been almost exhausted ~ ~ After entering space, Levy The Tanzanians began to tear up the space and entered the phase transition mode. Qin Hao did not plan the offensive route for the swarm. These will be decided by the swarm leader himself.

Beginning with Leviathan tearing space into phase, the Swarm once again entered the stage of history, and it took only half a year, just like the entire universe has proven itself, because in this half a year, the Swarm Nine civilizations were almost destroyed, forcing them to flee. The efficiency of this invasion was even better than Qin Hao's personal Star Fleet!

The expansion of the swarm is different from the fleet. Their goals are mainly administrative stars and resource stars. Once occupied, they will immediately build a nest on the surface of the planet, and then quickly use all resources to hatch the swarm. With the expansion of the swarm, More swarm leaders have also appeared one after another. After they appear, they will reorganize a new swarm and then hatch Leviathan to spread to other planets.

The general fleet is fighting fewer and fewer in the war, and needs to be recuperated and replenished every once in a while, but the swarms are fighting more and more, and their speed of flooding in the universe is too amazing, although any civilization can easily relax Eliminate tens of millions of bugs, but no civilization can stop the swarms.

In the screaming and killing, the swarms once again won their reputation as demons, and while this reputation was given to the swarms, it was also given to the Star Federation by those invaded civilizations, after all, in the eyes of all civilizations Swarm is just a biological weapon of the Star Federation.

Of course, this is indeed the case. In the eyes of Qin Hao, the swarm is really just a weapon.