Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1407: Post-worm

The Borg people changed their tactics and began to win over those relatively far away and relatively powerful civilizations, and the news was quickly brought to Qin Hao by Cynthia.

After getting this information, Qin Hao also thought about whether he would also change his strategy and give up the conquest of the universe. Instead, he would gather his younger brother to fight for himself. After discussing with some high-level officials, Qin Hao finally suspended this. plan.

Because for Star Federation, the timing is not yet mature.

Although the Star Federation nowadays has become famous in the universe, they have been in the vision of higher civilizations for too short a time. Compared with the long-known and powerful civilization like the Borg people, the Star Federation in the eyes of the major civilizations in the universe More like an upstart.

Although the Star Federation has shown an almost crushing attitude since its debut, they have shown great strength in both fleet technology and biotechnology, but this is not enough to change the outbreak of Star Federation by other cosmic civilizations. Households' views.

So even if the Star Federation now offers the same price as the Borg, other civilizations are unlikely to take over immediately. The reputation of the Star Federation will take time to accumulate, and it will also need to constantly establish their prestige in the war and let other universes Civilization fears them so that they will yield.

After taking this into consideration, Qin Hao was not in a hurry to solicit those cosmic civilizations, because even if he throws an olive branch now, he is just taking his own humiliation. Instead of sticking his face to his cold butt, he might as well develop for a while. Although the Borg people have begun to solicit higher civilizations on the other side of the mark of death, and the progress seems to be good, but this involves the distribution of core interests, so the negotiation alone will take a long time, and death in a short time Unification is not possible on the other side of the mark.

So Qin Hao was not anxious about this. After arranging everything, he left the territory of the Holy Admiral alone on the reconnaissance ship and headed straight for the Temple of Death.

Before the worm and Lucia left, she once told Qin Hao that King Marshall's life was soon dying, and now Qin Hao had better return to the Temple of Death to accompany his mentor.

Although Qin Hao doesn't know why Queen Marshall died shortly after the worm, but the master herself has always been disdainful to deceive people, so if she said so, then King Marshall might really encounter some uncomfortable hurdles.

Qin Hao was actually grateful for King Marshall. Although King Marshall was hostile to him at first, and even wanted to kill him and abolish him with doting, anyway, he was really good to Qin Hao, even It can be said that there is a demand to respond, and even the star core is so precious, everyone gives it.

Therefore, when King Marshall encountered a difficult situation, Qin Hao really did not have the heart to ignore it, and the queen said so, and he should return to the Temple of Death.

And the purpose of the words that the queen queen said was not to let Qin Hao be a good person. For people like the queen queen, good and evil have no meaning at all, they only care about what they can get.

So this time she asked Qin Hao to return to the Temple of Death, and to accompany King Marshall more, and to cultivate more feelings with him was simple. That is to re-establish Qin Hao's image in King Marshall's heart and cultivate the feelings between two people. Then when King Marshall hangs up, let him pass the throne of the death messenger to Qin Hao!

As an apprentice to King Marshall, Qin Hao was first qualified to inherit the throne. There are only two obstacles before Qin Hao. The first is to convince other death messengers, and the second is to allow King Marshall to pass on him.

The first point is that Qin Hao is difficult to do at present, because he is too young, and has just joined the sequence of death messengers. Although he is very talented and his strength is improving fast, he wants to convince other old death messengers to be loyal to him. This requires a little thought.

The second point is relatively easy to deal with. After all, it is easier to please King Marshall alone than to please all the messengers of death, and Qin Hao also has many innate conveniences.

First, Qin Hao was an apprentice of King Marshall. Secondly, Qin Hao was still attached to King Marshall ’s biological daughter. In addition, King Marshall ’s impression of Qin Hao has now begun to change. He has begun to believe that Qin Hao is that talent. As the savior, so long as Qin Haoduo gets along with him for a while, the queen believes that King Marshall has a great chance to pass the throne to Qin Hao.

However, Qin Hao did not tell Qin Hao her intentions, because she knew that if Qin Hao Ming had been told, Qin Hao might have rebellious emotions, but if she only told him that King Marshall was dying, Qin Hao returned to the Temple of Death , Will definitely get along with King Marshall.

It's not a day or two to know Qin Hao after the worm. She knows Qin Hao's personality very well. Although Qin Hao has all kinds of shortcomings, Qin Hao is absolutely impeccable in respecting the teacher.

And King Marshall was Qin Hao ’s mentor, and he also came to the end of his life. In this short time, the queen could almost foresee how Qin Hao would treat King Marshall, and she could also predict that King Marshall would be Touched by Qin Hao, in the end there is a great chance to pass the throne to Qin Hao.

For a long time, the worm Queen has reached a reconciliation with the previous leaders of the death messenger, but it is no surprise that every new leader will tear up the agreement when he ascends the throne. They need to stand out, and the eternal worm representative is of course theirs. The best target for determination.

That's why the Temple of Death repeats itself, reconciling several times, and tearing up the agreement several times.

Although the Temple of Death ~ ~ was not too concerned about the worm, but this time it was different. Her body exchanged with Lucia. Although her strength recovered at this time, compared with the strongest period, That's still a thousand miles.

If the Temple of Death continues to trouble her at this time, her future actions will appear very troublesome.

But if Qin Hao becomes the new leader of the death messenger, with his respectful character, he will certainly not tear up the reconciliation agreement signed by King Marshall to be the enemy of the worm, so in this way, the worm also Being able to set up a clean environment makes it easier for her to handle her own affairs.

According to the character of the worm, if you don't want to settle the death temple, don't disturb her at this important time point, then the worm will not bother whether King Marshall is dead or alive, who is the head of the death temple.

From the perspective of the worm, Qin Hao has a more important task. The Temple of Death is only a temporary post station for him. The leader of the Temple of Death is nothing to Qin Hao. If she didn't want a clean environment, she wouldn't want Qin Hao to waste time in the Temple of Death.

(End of this chapter)