Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1478: Endless sea of ​​insects

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the interstellar evolution!

"Hurry up! Raise the bow shield to the maximum!" Talus ordered immediately.

With the command of Talus, the strength of the bow shield of this battleship was instantly increased to the maximum, and most other warships basically made corresponding actions.

Fortunately, the Talus fleet is now several million kilometers away from the swarm. Even the beam attack has a buffer time of tens of seconds. If it is closer, there will be no response time!

"Hmm ..." Basically the shield of the Talus Fleet had just risen, and the attack from the Eye of Purification was here.

"Boom!" One of the rays of Purifying Eye hit the flagship of Taurus. The battleship's shield was very powerful, but it was also weakened by the impact of the Purifying Eye's destruction light, but finally the shield finally Still hold it down.

Although the flagship has carried this blow, other warships have not had such good luck. The frigate is basically a one-touch death. Although the cruiser-class spaceship can carry a few more seconds, it cannot escape the shield broken ship. fate.

And the destruction beam of the Eye of Purification does not stop a ship from sinking. They will continue to attack until the energy is exhausted.

From the onset of the beam to the end, it was actually about two seconds in total, but within these two seconds, the Eye of Purification brought a huge loss to the fleet of Talus!

"Report a battle damage!" When the ship's vibrations stopped and the bridge was calm again, Tarus asked the aide.

"Report sir! We lost a total of thirty-two frigates, seven light cruisers, severely injured four heavy cruisers, five light cruisers!" The deputy quickly compiled the data and reported it to Talus.

"His ..." Talus took a breath of air, and he had to admit that he had underestimated his enemies. These cosmic creatures were far more powerful than he thought. Just one face-to-face, he lost nearly forty battleships. At the same time, nearly ten warships have lost their combat capabilities!

Although this does not cause his fleet to lose combat power for Talous, who has more than 300 warships, this dismissal is enough to make him value his opponents.

"Command the fleet to move at full speed and the main guns begin to recharge!" Tallus ordered, and he had begun to treat these cosmic creatures as opponents.

Now Talus knows his top priority is to let the fleet charge forward and bring the enemy into his own attack range. Otherwise, they can only be passively beaten!

"Hide Tiviera and hide from them with cats!" Qin Hao immediately ordered the swarm to start moving after he succeeded. Now he doesn't have a lot of bugs, after all, he only has some large zerg. Can survive long-term in space.

But whether it is the Corruptor or the Eye of Purification, although the attacks of these gadgets are good, their defense is still too fragile. It is okay to hide in the dark and put a cold gun. If the real faces are fight together, these bugs can't help but fight.

In addition, the cost of hatching these bugs, including the Eye of Purification, is too high. Qin Hao does not want to use them as cannon fodder like Skywalker.

Now Qin Hao intends to use Tevira Star as a cover, and take the Swarm and the Borg fleet around the circle. He is waiting for the Skywalkers on the ground to complete the forced evolution. After these Skywalkers have completed the evolution, they will Can enter space operations.

At that time, there are overwhelming skywalkers as melee shields, eyes of purification and corruptors and other large bugs to hide behind and put cold guns.

"Catch up!" Of course, seeing the large creatures across the road, Taluz could not do it. He lost dozens of spaceships and thousands of soldiers when he came up. Now let the enemy run away. Is that possible?

Under Tallus's order, the Borg people's fleet advanced at full speed, chasing after the swarm ahead.

Although the distance between the two sides continues to increase, Qin Hao is very clever. He let the swarm swarm around Tevira ’s near-Earth orbit. In this way, Tevira became the best bunker. You must know The Borg people, like other civilizations, have their primary weapon as a directed energy weapon. Real things can only attack in a straight line, so when the Swarm and the Borg are separated by a Tevira star, the Talus fleet has some Helpless, they can only continue to pursue, trying to pull into the distance.

Time quickly lost in chasing and escaping, and soon the Skywalkers on the ground broke out of the cocoon!

Although the appearance of these evolved Skywalkers has not changed much, they have the ability to survive briefly in space.

These skywalkers then rose into the sky, and they quickly burst out of Tevira's atmosphere and then entered outer space.

"What's that !?" A Borg soldier in a destroyer was the first to find the Skywalkers rising from the Tavira star. At first, these Skywalkers looked like little dense black spots. , But when they approached, these horrifying horrible zergs scared the Borg creeps!

"Report ... Report ..." The Bog Minions tremblingly pointed at the Skywalkers outside the porthole. At this time, the top of the fleet discovered these unknown creatures that suddenly took off!

"Attack!" With a command from Qin Hao, hundreds of thousands of Skywalkers stormed the Borg fleet, and this was just the first wave of attacks.

"Damn! What are these ?!"

"Alert! The ship is under attack!"

"Alarm! Alert! The shield is rapidly decaying ..."

For a while ~ ~ The siren on the Borg's spacecraft made a loud noise.

"Turn on the close-up guns and destroy them!" All the captains gave orders. At this time, they no longer need to ask for anything. If they do not destroy these unknown creatures, they will all be sunk!

"Hmm ..." Although the small beams emitted by high-frequency laser weapons are not effective when dealing with battleships, they are extremely easy to deal with fighters and these Skywalkers.

The Borg spaceship, which believes in multiple guns, has a large number of near-defense weapons. For a time, there are colorful laser beams in space. The Skywalker army has been brutally killed. The whole army is gone!

"Oh! But that's it!" After destroying hundreds of thousands of enemies, Talus involuntarily floated again.

"The second wave! Let's start!" Qin Hao said very lightly.

Later, more Skywalkers rushed out of Tevira Star. This time, the number of Skywalker troops directly exceeded 100 million. In more than a week, Tavira Star ’s biological resources were almost squeezed out by the swarm. All Organic matter has been used to incubate the swarm, and at this time, the number of bugs on Tivera is unimaginable!