Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1487: underestimate the enemy

"Look! It's them!" After discovering Leviathan and the other large Zerg, Tallus sent a message to Badaville!

"I'm going! There are such huge creatures!" Badaville was stunned by Leviathan's huge body.

"Be careful, these guys are not only big, but they are very powerful!" Talus said, because the two of them were basically dismissed because of their previous cooperation.

"Oh? How great?" Badaville asked.

"See the weird creatures with big eyes in front of them? They can fire a kind of horrible light that is not weaker than the main gun of the battleship!" Talus said wistfully, before the salvo of the Purifying Eye cost him loss. A lot of ships.

"It's so powerful!" Badaville was startled, but he didn't know that Talus still muttered the power of the Eye of Purification.

"Be careful, the range of those weird creatures is very far, even beyond the range of our main gun, so let's raise the shield in advance." Talus said as he already ordered his fleet to shield Tuned to maximum.

"Hmm!" Badaville nodded, and then did the same.

Soon, the Borg's fleet was ready for battle. They raised the shield to the maximum and also extended the gun barrel out of the battleship.

"Close to them! Destroy those big eyes first!" Badaville issued a combat instruction.

Under Badaville's order, the Borg's fleet began to drive towards Qin Hao's swarm.

"Purify Eye prepare for the first wave of attacks." Han Tianyu's opponent's Swarm Leader ordered.

"Yes! King!" The Swarm Leaders immediately began preparing the Eyes of Purification for their first attack.

"Hmm ..." Just after the Borg people's fleet entered the range of the Eye of Purification, these giant bugs launched an attack!

Twelve beams of light flew directly across the Borg people's fleet, and the first was the heavy cruiser and battleship of the other side!

Since Talus had contacted the Eye of Purification before and knew that the power of these large bugs was terrifying, he suggested that Badaville transfer the battleships and heavy cruisers to the front row to absorb the firepower of the swarm.

"Boom boom boom ..." Under the bombardment of the twelve beams of destruction, including the flagship of Tallus, the sirens in the four main ships were screaming loudly, and the number of bow shields decreased rapidly, many people even There was a panic.

Fortunately, the battleship is a battleship after all. In the face of the beam of destruction of the Eye of Purification, these Borg people ’s battleships have finally been sustained, although the shield of the bow has almost been broken, and at least they have to recharge their energy A few hours, but after all, they were supported intact!

As for those heavy cruisers, they were not so lucky. The first heavy cruisers were knocked out instantly, and some of the following battleships were also hit. Twelve destruction beams, only four beams blocked by the battleship. Achieved results, the other eight beams killed many enemy ships.

"Statistical loss!" Badaville ordered when the Eye of Purification was over.

"Report the commander! The combined fleet lost a total of 22 heavy cruisers, 15 light cruisers, and 38 frigates!" The deputy reported the damage.

This time, Bataville and Talous suffered heavy losses. Although Talous has had experience with Worm Hand, he is most impressed by the overwhelming killing of the Skywalker who can never finish. As for the eyes of purification, before Although he had also fired once, Talos did not recognize the terrorist power of this attack.

In the view of Talus, the intensity of this beam is basically equivalent to the main gun of the battleship. It can easily destroy the frigates and even seriously damage the light cruisers, but as long as the heavy cruiser is ready, the shield of the bow is opened. At their maximum, they will never be destroyed!

Therefore, Talus suggested that Badaville put the heavy cruiser and the battleship to the front, hoping to use them to absorb the firepower of the Purifying Eye.

Tallus's suggestion cannot be said to be useless. After all, the four battleships did absorb a lot of firepower, but he underestimated the power of the Eye of Purification, so he also paid a heavy price!

"Come on! Let's go around!" Qin Hao's mouth twitched a smile, and then he continued to order the Swarm around the planet to keep a distance from the Borg fleet in low earth orbit.

"Come again!" Talrus screamed. If Badaville himself led the fleet to encircle the maggot swarm, he was really fooled, but this time there was Talrus in the joint fleet!

This guy has experienced the baptism of a swarm of swarms, and the scene of Skywalker flying in the sky is vivid, so he dare not let the fleet go into orbit.

"Why not chase?" Badaville asked.

"That's a trap!" Talus then recounted what happened to Tavira.

"His ..." Badaville took a sigh of air after listening to it, and then he asked, "What should we do? Now those bugs have hid behind the planet. If we don't chase them, we won't be able to hit them. "

"Around the circle! We are faster than them! Do n’t waste time and do n’t be afraid to waste energy, we will chase them around the circle, and we ca n’t get into orbit. According to my estimation, this planet is probably already talking to Tibera. There is no difference in the star! "Talus's analysis was right, and he was right!

It doesn't take long for the Swarm to occupy Tarnix, but the power of the Swarm is too horrible. It doesn't take long for them to squeeze a planet to turn a vibrant planet into a dead star!

"Let's go!" Badaville's character is much more cautious than Tallus ~ ~ If two people change it, it is Badaville reminding Tallus, then the conceited Tallus will not Listen to Badaville.

But now it's Tallus reminding Bataville, so Badaville is still happy to be good.

"Release the fighters, let's go round, but we can't let them run so freely!" With the orders of Badaville, thousands of fighters soared from these starships, and they flew at the purification Eye and Leviathan.

And the Swarm does n’t need Qin Hao to come down to command himself. The Swarm leaders directly let the Skywalkers in Leviathan complete the temporary evolution. After gaining the ability to survive and fly in the universe, these Skywalkers immediately After leaving the mothership, and after the assembly was completed, the fighters of the Borg were straight.

The Borg people's fleet is faster. In just a few minutes, they rushed to the vicinity of the Zerg Leviathan. The Skywalkers released at this time must not let them attack, so they immediately attacked them. The fighter launched a counterattack.

