Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1495: Misjudgment

The number of swarms on Tarnix began to decrease sharply, but this had little to do with the Borg's offense. At this time, the Borg were also hoarding ground forces. They just launched some small-scale tentative attacks. The purpose is just firepower reconnaissance.

The drastic decrease in the number of swarms is mainly due to the fact that the resources on Tarnix have almost been looted by the swarms. Now Leviathan needs to evolve, and Qin Hao needs to hatch more eyes of purification, hunters and corrosion. In addition, these powerful zergs that consume a lot of resources also need secondary evolution, so they need to be supplemented with various resources.

When Qin Hao came from the other side of the death scar, he only loaded a large amount of energy crystals into Leviathan's body. All other resources needed to be obtained on the occupied planet.

At present, the resources of the Tarnix star are almost exhausted. If the swarm wants more organic matter and more metal elements, it must be squeezed from the bugs. So in order to build a powerful swarm, Qin Hao You can only sacrifice these common bugs.

The first to be sacrificed was the Raider. This cheap ground army established great achievements in fighting against other civilizations. With their absolute quantitative advantage, after landing on the surface of a planet, they will soon The creatures on the planet were slaughtered.

However, in the face of the Borg war technology, these fragile little bugs could not be approached at all, so Qin Hao took the lead in abandoning the attackers who were no longer suitable for the battlefield, and squeezed them into biological resources to fill other giants. The bug's body.

Although the number of swarms has been shrinking sharply, the overall strength of the zerg has continued to increase. Especially after Qin Hao unlocked the gene lock, the strength of the swarm has been greatly improved.

But for Borg people who do n’t understand the swarm situation, the drastic reduction of the swarm population has caused them serious misleading.

"Commander! According to our bioradar, life signals on Tarnix are rapidly decreasing, and millions of lives are dying almost every hour!" The radarman reported to Badaville.

The Bog's shipborne radar is very powerful, and the swarm is hidden under the surface and cannot escape the scan of the biological radar. Unfortunately, this radar cannot guide the weapon to attack and can only indicate the approximate location of the creature. This makes the Bog people It is impossible to precisely target certain bugs.

"Talus, what do you think?" Badaville now took Talus as his backbone.

"Do you still need to ask? Can't you see the scourge of Tarnicus by these creatures?" Talus sighed, not just Tarnix, Tavira, which was previously destroyed. It's the same. Wherever the swarms pass, the richest planet will become deserted.

"Uh ..." said by Talus, Badaville also regretted it. To know that livable planets suitable for living things are very rare. A galaxy may not find a few. Now these cosmic creatures are hard to destroy. If two of them are dropped, this will make any civilized intelligent creature know it will feel heartache.

"Tarniex has become so desolate. Our ground forces can receive supplies continuously, but what about the cosmic creatures? In their way of survival, they must have scourged one planet and then turned to scourge the other. Planets, but now they are stuck here and we ca n’t leave, and then they ca n’t get supplies, so they can only starve to death in batches! ”Tallus conjectured.

In fact, Tallus's speculation is not entirely wrong. The Zerg does depend on swallowing similar species to maintain their lives at this time, but this is normal for the Swarm itself. The Swarm has no moral concept. They are exquisite pragmatists. They will never waste any resources, even if they have just landed on a rich planet, they will also carry the companion's corpse back to the worm nest to feed the newborn larva.

So for the swarm, although Talus is right, it is not the reason for the large-scale reduction of the swarm.

"If you say that, it won't be long before these cosmic creatures become what we have!" Badaville's eyes lighted up. If these cosmic creatures were hungry and paralyzed, it would be easy for them to arrest them. too much!

"Yes, now we don't need to worry at all. After the troops are sent down, we will consume so much. When the number of these cosmic creatures decreases to a certain level, we are launching an attack, which can also reduce our losses! "Talus said that in the previous battles, although the Bogs had very strong technology, they were destroyed by the swarms of troops. In order to capture some cosmic creatures, if too many troops were lost, Talus It is also difficult to explain to Badaville.

So dragging on time, bringing down these cosmic creatures, and catching them at the least cost, is undoubtedly the best choice for Tallus and Badaville.

"Should they starve them to death?" Badaville asked, worried.

"Rest assured, the creatures we are going to catch are so huge that they won't die for several years!" Talus said confidently.

"Go ahead!" Badaville nodded.

"Now our main task is to prevent these cosmic creatures from taking the risk. In case they detect our plan and know that we have deliberately delayed time to consume them, they are likely to break out. We just need to guard and don't let them run That ’s it! ”Said Talus, at this time his face was full of smiles, and he seemed to have a chance to win ~ ~ Well, rest assured, I will inform the fleet to be prepared, we have spent so much Strength, sacrificed so many warships and troops, if we let these cosmic creatures run away, we must go to the military court! "Badaville nodded. He and Talus have no way back now. If these cosmic creatures cannot be caught, the two of them are not only worried about their careers, but I am afraid they will have to spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Subsequently, under the orders of Badaville and Talus, the Borg people's tactics focused on preventing the swarm from escaping. They added patrol boats and sent people to monitor the bioradar signals for 20 hours. , Always pay attention to the movement of the swarm.

But for Qin Hao, that can only be described by the word "cooperation". Now Qin Hao needs time, it is best not to fight, because the more swarms of dead are, The more biological resources are lost, after all, many worms cannot keep their bodies when they die under guns.

With the cooperation of the Borg people, Qin Hao's core zerg cultures developed rapidly, while those conventional bugs quickly died out, and the sacrifice of these common bugs became faster and faster, which made Badaville and Talus more and more certain. These cosmic creatures are almost dead!

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