Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1498: Rolling

"Damn! What are these ?!" Talus was stupid after seeing the war damage report, and the news that the entire fighter fleet was completely stunned had shocked him. Within two minutes, the fleet was lost again. More than thirty warships, which made Talos scalp tingling!

"Brother! No, let's withdraw ..." Badaville didn't want to fight anymore.

"No! Evacuation at this time, we are dead!" Talous was still calm. Although the enemy was difficult to deal with, they were not completely helpless, but if the evacuation now, the fleet can be maintained, but he No one can live with Badaville!

Because in the previous battle, Tallus and Badaville had lost a large number of warships and soldiers, which was enough to put them in military court. If they now abandon nearly ten million ground troops to escape, he and Badaville will surely be sent to the death penalty.

Tallus doesn't want to die, so he must let go!

"Let your battleship clean up these annoying guys first!" Tallus told Badaville.

"Okay!" At the insistence of Talus, Badaville also calmed down. He also knew that he would likely be sentenced to death after fleeing, so he insisted on holding his teeth.

Under Badaville's order, the two Borg people's battleships protruded, and then wanted to use the old skills to destroy the Skywalkers.

I thought that I had previous experience, so the Borg people on these two battleships were not panic. They knew that these numerous small cosmic creatures were very easy to handle. As long as the light ball was released, it could be completely destroyed in a few minutes. !!

"Hmm ..." A glowing ball was released, as if someone was controlling it, rushing towards the Skywalker army!

But this time, the Borg people's tricks are not good. First, the speed of the Skywalkers in space has been greatly improved. Secondly, their range has also been greatly improved. This has caused these Skywalkers to have just disappeared. More than thirty battleships, but they did not approach the Borg airship.

In this way, the light ball needs to fly for a period of time to reach these skywalkers, and during this time, the originally scattered skywalkers gathered quickly, and at this time a large number of stars flew again on the Tarnex Swarm!

Seven adult Leviathans, with a large number of higher Zerg, also rushed out of the atmosphere and entered outer space.

"Hmm ..." The hunters began to spit yellow microbial clouds. These evolved hunters have become more powerful. The microbial clouds they spray are even more powerful than before. These microorganisms are no longer as ineffective as before. Sequential refraction of incoming energy beams, they can now control the direction of refraction of light energy!

This means that the yellow microbe cloud spewed out by the hunter has the power similar to the magical power of Douzhuo Star Shift. They can directly reverse the vector of incoming light energy to achieve the effect of using the other way.

The high-speed flying Skywalker army all hid behind the yellow microbial cloud before the light sphere struck, and the following light spheres plunged into the yellow microbial cloud.

"Uh ..." After entering the microbial cloud, these light **** immediately lost control, they began to collide with each other, and in the blink of an eye, they released all the energy in the collision!

"How is this possible ?!" The Swarm's performance once again refreshed the perception of Talus and all other Borg people.

"It's time for us to fight back!" Qin Hao sounded the horn of the Swarm's counterattack!

And Qin Hao was so anxious to let the swarm start to fight back, in fact, to cover up his own defects. Although the yellow microbial cloud has strong control over the energy attack, these microbes are too fragile. The moment they reflect and refract light energy, they It was also killed, so in reflection and refraction, if not replenished immediately, the yellow microbial cloud will become weaker and thinner until it dies!

The way to crack this kind of microbial cloud is actually very simple. It is to force down ten times. As long as the incoming energy is fierce enough, these microorganisms will have no time to reflect and refract, and they will be swallowed up instantly.

Of course, there are other ways to deal with this microbial cloud, such as phase missiles and ancient automatic artillery that humans are very good at!

Facing these physical attacks, the yellow microbial cloud has no defensive effect at all. Whether it is a missile or an artillery shell fired by the artillery, it can freely pass through the microbial cloud and directly hit the target. These microbial clouds cannot even interfere with the guidance system.

But for the most widely used and most mainstream beam weapons and laser weapons in the universe, the yellow microbial cloud is a bit invincible, unless there is a very strong energy level for crushing strikes. Good restraint.

To prevent the weakness of the yellow microbial cloud from being discovered, Qin Hao ordered the swarm to immediately fight back.

After receiving the order, the Swarm Leaders immediately controlled the second-order Purification Eye and began to attack!

These eyes of purification have become more pure after evolution. They abandoned the long tail, and now there is a large ball. In front of the ball is a huge eye. The ball Below the mouthpiece is the mouthpiece for ingesting food.

"Well ..." The volley of fifty eyes of purification brought devastation to the Borg fleet.

The destruction beam of the ordinary Purifying Eye is already very powerful, let alone these evolved second-order creatures. The red light emitted by them instantly swallowed the Bogg's survey ship ~ ~ not even Give them a chance to react.

The volley of fifty Eyes of Purification left Tallus and Badaville's fleet with only four battleships left, and other conventional battleships were instantly destroyed!

However, these fifty eyes of purification have also entered a period of weakness. After the destruction beam is launched, they also need a considerable time to recover.

But anyway, hundreds of warships were destroyed in an instant. This psychological deterrence alone was enough to scare these Borg people. Badaville couldn't control so much. He immediately asked the Joint Engineers' Association for help. And reported everything that happened here to Capital Star.

"Withdraw! If we don't withdraw, we can't get away! We can't fight it!" Badaville, regardless of Talus, directly gave his order to retreat, along with his flagship and the other two battleships. get away.

"Okay!" Talus also gave his fate, and he also knew that he had only this light pole commander's main ship left. He could not be the opponent of those terrorist creatures. If he continued to fight, it would be more than just dead He was alone, and everyone on this battleship had to be buried with him.

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