Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 152: Fortified person arrival

Qin Hao had good luck. He and Xiao Hei did not have much effort to find a patrol giant beetle. Pinshu

For five ordinary giant beetles, for Qin Hao, it was the meat of a worm's leg that was delivered to the door. It was also a blink of an eye. Qin Hao resolved these worms easily, and set their worm legs on the fire to start roasting.

"Eh ... I eat and eat, and the worm legs are the best!" While gnawing on the worm legs, Qin Hao patted his mouth. Although he had a free meal ticket while in college, he could go to Lu Yuan's restaurant. Eat whatever you want, but whether it ’s chicken or beef and mutton, the meat of these captive animals is far less delicious than the worm legs.

In fact, according to conscience, if you can overcome the fear of bugs and don't care about the shape of their maggots, the meat of the bugs is indeed a very good food, and their taste is actually more delicious.

After three full worm legs, Qin Hao satiated contentedly, and the abdomen fullness made him unsatisfied.

"It's almost there, Master Anthony, they should be near by too." Qin Hao looked up at the sky, at this time the sun had passed.

"Xiao Hei, feel that there is no human breath nearby." Qin Hao put his hand on Xiao Hei's head and said to him through telepathy. Although Qin Hao's sense of smell has also been strengthened, he cannot be Xiao Hei after all.

"Wang ... I'll go and see ..." Little Black nodded, and then left lightningly.

After about a tea time, Xiao Hei returned.

"King ... over there ... human ..." Xiao Hei said to Qin Hao.

"Take me to see." Qin Hao said.

"Yes!" Xiao Hei started from Qin Hao and ran to the east.

After about five minutes, Xiao Hei's speed slowed down, and eventually he stopped behind a small hill.

"Wang ... they ... before ..." Xiao Hei said to Qin Hao.

"Well! You are waiting here, I'll take a look." Qin Hao quietly climbed the hillside and then looked at the other side of the hillside.

At this time Anthony was resting with a team of fortified soldiers. The day and night attacks made these guys exhausted, and many people fell asleep directly.


"Sir, we are close to where the Federal Honor falls. What do we do next?" Ken asked Anthony.

"Wait until the brother in charge of the investigation comes back," Anthony said.

"Um." Ken nodded, and then asked, "Sir, we have encountered two waves of bugs before. How do you think they are?"

"These bugs are really powerful. If I hadn't come to Alpha Star, I wouldn't have imagined that some low-level bugs could have evolved to this level!" Anthony said with emotion.

"Yeah, these bugs are so powerful. Not only do they have powerful power, they are also very fast. The sharp blades can easily tear the armor, and a D-class warrior cannot fight them alone." Ken nodded in agreement.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. We spent so much energy in the previous battles. The main reason is that they are not familiar with their attack methods and their weaknesses, so they feel that these guys are very powerful. In fact, their The weakness is also quite obvious. "Anthony shook his head.

"Oh, sir, what are their weaknesses?" Ken asked, and the attention of the other fortified fighters also gathered.

"These insects have very low intelligence, and their attack methods are limited to the scabbers of the forearms. So as long as they do not confront them directly and take a patrol approach, then a d-class fortified human soldier can also solve one Worm. "Anthony said, a d-class warrior can really kill a giant beetle without stopping, but it takes a lot of time and energy.

"Listen to you, Lord, this seems to be the case." Ken and the other Fortified soldiers nodded.

"But do n’t underestimate these bugs. Once they are enough, it is not easy to deal with them. When such a group of insects with strong offense and defense attacked us, they attacked the infantry square with the tank group. The same, absolutely has the advantage of crushing. "Anthony reminded.

"Then how should we respond?" Ken asked.

"Once we encounter a large number of insect swarms, we must avoid their frontiers and then attack from the flanks, or look for single insects to start with," Anthony said.


Anthony talked to the fortified soldiers about his understanding of the Zerg, while Qin Hao quietly observed on the hillside. He did not return immediately because he had a hard time explaining why he suddenly appeared here.

After a break of about two or three hours, Anthony and others set off again. This time they came to the hill where Qiao Hao, who had taken the small black belt before, and on the top of the hill, they also found the fallen Federal Glory.

"Finally found you!" Anthony nodded, and the opponent told him, "Contact Cohen and say ~ ~ said we're here."

"Yes!" Someone immediately took out the communication equipment, and then began to contact General Cohen, a distant battleship.


Qin Hao was observing from a distance. Although his vision was good, he couldn't hear what Anthony and others were saying. About half an hour later, Anthony ended the call with Cohen, and he didn't know whether they made What kind of plan was it.

Then Anthony and the fortified soldiers rested on the hill until the next morning, these talents really started to operate.

"Have you started?" Qin Hao looked at the fortified soldiers in the distance while scratching his roasted insect legs.

In the distance, Qin Hao saw the fortified soldiers starting to build a strange spire. This spire seems to be some kind of signal transmission device, but what it does, Qin Hao can't judge it by looking at the shape.

After about an hour, the minaret was erected, then several fortified soldiers began to control various instruments, and the rest were on alert.

"What are they trying to do?" Qin Hao was very puzzled at this moment.

"Zila ..." Suddenly, Qin Hao felt a sharp noise in his ears, and Xiao Hei was annoyed by the noise.

"What are they doing?" Qin Hao's brows frowned, and the harsh sound seemed to have no effect on those fortified soldiers, or in other words, this kind of sound frequency was only heard by the Zerg.

"Squeak ..." The swarm in the distance also began to agitate, and they seemed to be affected by sound waves.

"It worked!" A fortified warrior shouted excitedly.

"That's good! Act as planned!" Anthony nodded, then the other Fortified Warriors dispersed, and began laying various instruments near the hill.