Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1524: Call of the Insect

Although her heart was full of curiosity, the queen did not say who the person with the ability to kill her was, and Lucia did not dare to ask more. Although she got along well with the queen during this time, but from the bottom of her heart , She still has an instinctive fear of the worm.

"Ah!" Just then the worm sighed.

"What's wrong?" Lucia asked.

"It's time to call him back ..." said the Queen.

"He?" Lucia frowned.

"Well, I don't know where this kid went ..." After the worm, he shook his head with a smile, and then said to himself: "Fortunately, I decided to invest in him without restrictions, otherwise it would be miserable today!"

"Ah ?!" Lucia was even more embarrassed, she couldn't understand what the queen was saying.

"Oh, it's okay, you don't understand ..." The queen glanced at Lucia, and smiled again at the long golden hair that she inherited from Lucia.

"Oh!" Lucia, who was sensible, didn't ask much, because she knew what Queen Queen didn't want to say, so she asked for nothing.

"Huh ?!" At this moment, the queen frowned and wondered, then murmured: "It's impossible to contact him ... shouldn't ... with his current strength, the people who can leave him don't How much ... is it possible that he went to the mark of death !? "

"Score of death ?! What is that ?!" Lucia looked blank, apparently strange to the word.

For other cosmic civilizations, the mark of death is definitely not an unfamiliar word, but human civilization is developing too fast. At the age when Lucia was still in school, the steps of human beings were limited to the vicinity of the Milky Way. It is a completely unknown concept.

When Qin Hao stole the science and technology of the major civilizations of the universe and led human technology to take off, Lucia was not at the age of school. Although she continued to learn, the content of her study focused on the medical field that she was good at. The knowledge of space is useless to her, because she doesn't even need to deal with the exam.

But if you look for a human teenager, if you ask him what the trace of death is, he will definitely answer that this is a void zone in the known universe, which splits the known universe into two parts!

Because since Qin Hao has obtained a stable memory transmission device from an alien civilization, human children have been completely liberated. They do n’t need to memorize, and the knowledge of various disciplines will be directly poured into their minds, like Common knowledge of starry sky geography, such as the Scar of Death, is no exception.

"It was a void zone, and there were almost no celestial bodies, so it would be very difficult to communicate there." The Queen of the Worms seemed willing to preach and practice today, so she explained to Lucia patiently.

"So what is he going to do there?" Lucia asked curiously. As for his identity, Lucia had a number in her heart. After all, there were not many people who could care about the queen, and Qin Hao just counted one.

"Oh ... I am not a omniscient **** ..." The queen shrugged helplessly, although from a strength point of view, people at this level are not even called gods, but as she said Although they are powerful, they still cannot do omniscience.

"Oh!" Lucia nodded in disappointment. Since then, she really feels that the Queen is a little omnipotent and knows everything!

But today, this concept has been completely subverted. First, the worm was seriously injured and was put back instead of running back by herself. This caused a flaw in the invincible worm image in Lucia's cognition. Now, Qin Hao cannot be contacted by the apprentice again, which disappoints Lucia.

"Perhaps because she lost her strength after changing her body." Lucia guessed secretly.


At the same time, Qin Hao and the ghost Leviathan were on a starry journey.

Although Ghost Leviathan is already fast, he can even perform phase jumps in short and medium distances without a node, but even so, it is not easy to cross the trail of death.

And unlike crossing the trail of death in a battleship, Qin Hao is sitting on the head of the ghost Leviathan at this time. He needs to face the dangerous environment in the universe!

Although with Qin Hao's strength, he can survive in space for a while, but after all, he has not reached the level of the post-worm, and his long-term exposure to the space will be extremely harmful to him!

"Wang! It takes a short time to cross the mark of death. You might as well go to rest in my body." Ghost Leviathan said as he opened a small mouth on the back of his neck so that Qin Hao could enter.

"Hmm!" Qin Hao agreed, and then entered the body of Ghost Leviathan along the small opening.

In the body, Leviathan created a small space for Qin Hao. This small space contains air and all necessary elements suitable for human existence ~ ~ Huh ... "In this small space, Qin Hao was relieved. After all, his long-term exposure to various ray-dense cosmic spaces will also consume him greatly.

But Ghost Leviathan is not the same. He can absorb all kinds of rays and energy in cosmic space. These will not only harm him, but also supply long-distance interstellar travel. After all, Ghost Leviathan was born with other people. Leviathan is also a creature migrating in the sea of ​​stars, and Qin Hao is also a surface creature no matter how strong he is.

"Wang! I'm almost recovered, you can use the starlight in my body to restore my strength!" A few days later, Ghost Leviathan told Qin Hao.

Ghost Leviathan can absorb all kinds of rays and energy in the universe to recover itself, and those little stars in his body are the nodes where he stores energy. Now he has recovered almost, even after absorbing cosmic rays, there is still a surplus of energy. So he started to feed back Qin Hao.

"Okay!" Qin Hao actually wanted to practice long ago. After all, he supported most of his power to Leviathan the ghost in the previous battle, but at this time in the void of the universe, Qin Hao could not help it. Those who directly absorb the energy of the rays, and the situation of the ghost Leviathan are not very good, he is not good at stealing the energy of the ghost Leviathan. After all, he still expects the ghost Leviathan to take him through the scars of death.

Now the ghost Leviathan is almost recovered, and Qin Hao has to plan for himself. After all, as a strong person, it is not a good habit to keep yourself weak for a long time.

Through the absorption of the starlight in Ghost Leviathan's body, Qin Hao's strength gradually recovered. At this time, Ghost Leviathan's voice came suddenly: "Wang, I seem to have heard the call of my mother ..."

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