Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1576: Born Liar

In the space station of Ozira, Qin Hao was fully replenished, and of course the cost was quite expensive.

After resting for about two days, Qin Hao returned to their spacecraft and then left the space station, but just as Qin Hao was about to launch the spacecraft, the worm suddenly frowned.

"Master, what's wrong?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"Interesting!" The queen smiled, and said nothing.

"..." Since the queen didn't say anything, Qin Hao didn't ask any more. He drove the spacecraft out of the port of the space station and entered the vast universe.

"Will you go directly to Mortux?" Qin Hao asked.

"Not in a hurry, go here first!" The queen pointed on the star chart, and it was not too far away, but not too close, from the two middle distances from the star of Mortu.

"Okay!" Qin Hao nodded. Although he didn't know what the queen wanted to do, she naturally had her intention since she asked to go to this place.

Qin Hao then adjusted his course and headed straight for the planet designated by the worm.

Lois Star, the public garbage dump of its NASS galaxy, this is the place where the entire galaxy puts out garbage, and it is also Qin Hao's destination this time.

Lois Star is a volcanic planet. It has an atmosphere here, but it is full of sulfide gas, which is not suitable for living at all. And the surface of this planet is filled with magma and smoke. Lava erupts at any location.

For living, this is a hell, but if it is used for garbage disposal, it is a natural incinerator, so at least two-thirds of the entire galaxy's garbage is shipped here.

After arriving at Lois Star's gravity well, Qin Hao found that the route here was very busy, and a number of garbage ships jumped here constantly, then dumped the trash on Lois Star and turned away.

However, although it is busy here, it is also quite remote, because the garbage ships passing by are almost unmanned, and such a spacecraft filled with pollutants is rarely manually operated.

And the garbage discarded here is of little value for recycling, so Star Pirates will not come here, and no patrol fleet will pass by nearby.

"Master, what are we doing here?" Qin Hao asked in confusion.

"Wait for someone," said the queen faintly.

"Who are you waiting for?" Lucia asked.

"Yeah!" As soon as the queen reached out her hand, she just scratched in front of the void, and a figure appeared in her hand.

"Ah !? Who !?" The man screamed. He was hiding in the back of the reconnaissance ship. He didn't know why. The space around him was twisted, and he was caught directly by the bridge!

"I'm going! When will he get on the ship?" Qin Hao was taken aback. Although he didn't dare to say that he was the best in the universe, he was considered a strong man, but someone touched his ship. , And just followed them all the way, he didn't even notice it.

"Naquells, a rare breed." The worm looked at the guy who had a duck-like head but no hair, and laughed.

"You ... who are you !?" the Nacquier in the hands of the worm asked in a panic.

"I wipe, you got on my boat, but asked who we are?" Qin Hao sneered.

"噗通 ..." The queen was really disgusted with this guy, so he threw him directly to the ground. Anyway, besides being good at concealing the breath, the Naquells were actually very ordinary. Among these people present was Bo Nadette is relatively weak, and the remaining three people can abuse one finger to the point where they cannot take care of themselves.

"Say, what's your name, what's up on my boat?" Qin Hao kicked the Naguire man, but he didn't try hard.

"My name is Tolion, and I am going to take the spacecraft to Abras. I may have boarded the wrong boat," said the Naquells after they got up from the ground.

"Hey, it's really troublesome, let's read the memory." Qin Hao sighed, and he didn't believe the quail's gossip.

With one hand, Naguire was settled on the ground by Qin Hao, and powerful psionic powers oppressed him and could not move. Then Qin Hao's palm was pressed against his head, and psionic powers began to invade this guy's mind.

"..." After a while, Qin Hao looked blankly at the rear of the worm.

"Don't waste time. Although these guys have little ability, the brain structure is different from other living things, and I can't even force them to read their memory!" Said the Queen after helplessly.

Generally speaking, the reason why the other party ’s memory cannot be read is because the other party ’s mental strength is not weaker than you, and they are trying hard to resist, so they will fail in the memory reading, but the Nagaurs are different. Their The brain structure is very weird, so that other energy cannot be penetrated at all, which results in that although they are weak and mentally stubborn, you cannot read their memory.

It is precisely because of this advantage that the Naquells are the most prolific race in the universe, because no one can tell whether their words are true or false.

"Is there any way to deal with them?" Qin Hao asked.

"The method is very simple ~ ~ After the worm shrugs, then Naguire, who is just still indifferent, suddenly sweats coldly.

"Don't! I say! I'll tell the truth! In the name of Tanzanius! I'll tell the truth!" The Naquell hurriedly said.

"Master, what could scare him like this?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"They are special brain structures that prevent the invasion of external spiritual energy. Wouldn't it be wise to open your head and detect with mental energy?" The queen's face still kept a smile, and then her fingers popped out suddenly. Sharp nails, it looks like this is about to directly scoop the Naquells.

"Don't! Don't! Don't! I'm begging you, I'm just working for someone else, don't kill me ..." The Naquell crouched on the ground crying.

"Then you say it." Qin Hao was also reluctant to get blood on his bridge.

"I'm really called Tolion, I'm a freelancer, and now I'm employed by the Ronald Pirates. They're following you on the space station. You have a generous shot, and at first glance, you are rich and beautiful, and The spacecraft is not very combative, so they let me lurk on your spacecraft to provide them with real-time coordinates, so that they can locate you and catch you! "Said the Naguire, but this is not true, then There is no way to verify it unless the kid's bald head is pried open.

"Master, do you believe it?" Qin Hao asked back.

"Don't you know if you pry it open?" Said the queen, while trying to open a scoop.

"Don't! I'm telling the truth, it's well verified, they should be coming soon ..." Toorion was almost scared, and he felt that he must haven't read the yellow calendar when he went out today, otherwise how could he encounter This funeral star ...