Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1578: Sacrifice

"Then they can't take away all the bloodstones? Why are they coming back every four years?" Lucia asked curiously.

"Oh, they want to ..." After the worm smiled, and then explained: "This blood stone is not a mineral, but a secretion of a special microorganism, which has very strict requirements for the living environment. Harsh, it's basically endangered now, and only they can secrete bleeding stones. "

"Isn't that Yageta family subject to this kind of microorganism?" Qin Hao asked.

"It's not ..." After the worm, he paused and explained: "In ancient times, the Yageta people had mastered the technology of breeding this microorganism, so they could raise this microorganism in all their immigrants. Points, even the prison planet. "

"But with the sudden death of the Yageta people, this technology has also been lost. This microorganism on other planets is almost dead because of the lack of Yageta people's care. Only the microorganisms on this prison planet There are still the remaining Yageta descendants to take care of, so they have been reproduced, but because the breeding technology is lost, now the Yageta people can only use the most primitive methods to raise these microorganisms ... "said the Queen.

"What means?" Lucia asked.

"Every once in a while, we feed these microbes with the dead corpses," Bernadette aside, proactively introducing.

"Uh ..." Qin Hao and Lucia are both speechless. Especially in Qin Hao's ethnic culture, the dead are always the big ones. Even if they can't be buried properly, they will not lose their bodies unless there is deep hatred. For other creatures as food.

"We can't help it ..." Bernadette sighed and explained to everyone: "The kind of microbes can live by eating the rocks in the mine, but if they want to make bloodstone, then It must be fed with the flesh and blood of the Yageta ... "

After listening to Bernadette, Qin Hao and Lucia faced each other. Although the behavior of the Yageta people sounds cruel, they are also compelled to do so. If they do not provide the corpse of the tribe as nutrition, they will not Bloodstones will be secreted, and without them, the Yageta people will not be able to give birth to baby girls, and their ethnic groups will be destroyed.

Therefore, in order for the race to continue, they had to save the corpses of the dead people. After the ritual of the quadrennial sacrifices began, they used these corpses to feed the microorganisms and then obtained the blood stone they secreted.

Then Qin Hao talked with Bernadette about the Yageta people, and he also licensed Bernadette to her, and after her clan arrived, she would surely lead them back to their former glory as much as possible.

Of course, Qin Hao also knows that what he is saying is nothing more than empty words. After all, although the Star Federation now has a good reputation, compared with the old civilization of the Yage Tower, it is really out of reach of his heels, so what he said in his mouth Leading the Yageta people to rebuild the glorious ghost is simply deceptive. His real purpose is to make these Yageta people become his thugs.


Time passed, and Qin Hao waited quietly on the Mortu star. Finally, more than thirty hours later, the phase radar of the reconnaissance ship found abnormal space signals!

"Come!" Qin Hao sat upright from his chair at once.

"Oh!" A spaceship emerged from phase space. This is a modified heavy cruiser, which can be seen as the shipbuilding style of the Solan Empire.

"..." Although Bernadette didn't speak after seeing the ship, her eyes changed obviously. Obviously, this ship was obtained by the descendants of Yageta at the price of betraying her.

Through the tiny reconnaissance satellites left in outer space, Qin Hao can clearly see the Yageta spacecraft, but it is difficult for the other party to find a basketball-sized miniature detector in the vast universe.

Through satellite reconnaissance, Qin Hao can see that these Yageta people are very cautious. After arriving at the Mortuar gravity well, they did not rush to land, but flew a few circles around the Mortuar, confirming that they were around It was true that there were no abnormalities before they started to land slowly.

Although very cautious, the Yageta people lack professional reconnaissance equipment after all, so they did not notice Qin Hao's light reconnaissance ship hidden in the crater.

A few hours later, the Yageta spacecraft began to land. They chose a location near the entrance to the prison, and Qin Hao was relatively far away from the crater.

"Almost, let's go!" Qin Hao estimated the time, the other party should have landed, so he first teleported into the air.

"唰! 唰! 唰 ..." A few figures appeared beside Qin Hao ~ ~ Although Bernadette did not have the ability to teleport, but she carried it after the worm. Not only could she teleport, And don't worry about the harsh environment on Mortuar.

In the mid-air, Qin Hao looked down. At this time, the Yageta people's spacecraft had docked, and many people began to step down from the spacecraft one after another. These people are wearing heavy space suits. They used to be not a weak cultivation race, but unfortunately, such a good bloodline has been wasted by these descendants.

From the size of the space suit, it can be seen that these yagotas have males and females, old and young, and there should be five hundred people in total.

After exiting the spacecraft, these people entered the entrance of the prison. The prison has been abandoned long ago. There is no danger in it. The group walked slowly towards the inside of the prison.

"Let's go down, too." Qin Hao teleported to the ground after he finished speaking, and then he quietly followed the Yageta people in front of him and entered the prison, followed by the worm Queen and others.

Although this prison has been abandoned for hundreds of millions of years, the life support system inside is still working. The more you go deeper into the prison, the better the environment inside. Although there are bare walls all around, regardless of temperature and humidity Still the oxygen content has caused those of the Yageta people to take off their space suits one after another.

About an hour later, Qin Hao followed these Yage Tower descendants to an underground hall, which was originally a huge mineral warehouse. When Moorto was a resource star, it was a mining center.

However, at this time, the underground hall has become a venue for the saga worship, and a large sacrifice site is being arranged.