Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1597: Top pack

All day long screaming for those who are looking for death, Bacheng is reluctant to die, he just uses the pretext of suicide to try to kill others, and those who really want to die are quietly gone, and ca n’t be saved!

At this time, the medical ship sent by the Star Federation is like this. Those amoeba are hunting to death. The Solan Empire and the Namel Empire cannot hide if they want to hide!

Although the two empires ceased fire as soon as they saw the medical ship, in a corps-level battle, the two small-scale fleets deviated from the main battlefield, and they fled into a remote one after one chase. Star Zone, and there are several Star Federation medical ships providing basic medical care for civilians, although they are not very needed ...

But the two small-scale fleets came here, fighting, and accidentally injured a medical ship by accident.

At first this wasn't much, but the two small fleets seemed to know they were in trouble, so they even united to kill and kill, not only destroying all the medical ships, but also the space city with only a few thousand people.

Although the two small fleets seemed to be doing things cleanly, they didn't know how it happened. A small private yacht passed by nearby and happened to take a picture of this scene, and then the story spread!

When the news began to spread between civilizations, the high-levels of the Solan and Empire and the Namel Empire were frightened. They immediately wanted to find the perpetrators. As a result, the two small fleets had already fought between the two countries. All of them were sunk, and the crew above were also killed. As for the details at the time of the incident, it is naturally impossible to verify.

After learning the news, the emperors of the Soland and Empire and the Namier Empire could not sleep anymore. Although at this time the matter had not passed to the ears of the Star Alliance, it was impossible to cover the paper. Fire, once the matter is known to the Star Federation, the consequences are unimaginable.

The original raging war between the Solan Wheel Empire and the Namier Empire ended so abruptly. The emperors of the two countries even communicated frequently, and they only exchanged one content-how to calm the anger of the Star Federation.

At the time when these two countries were experiencing headaches, Lu Chen, the original creator, was reporting to Qin Hao with a smile.

All of this was arranged by him, including that the commanders of the two small fleets were also unlucky eggs controlled by parasites. Like the previous Aziz incident, Lu Chen's tricks were re-implemented, and he continued to let the lurk The parasites in the two empires played a role, as if they had agreed, they came to the position of the medical ship, and accidentally injured the medical ship, happened to scare their heads, and then did the killing and killing. .

And the private yacht that happened to happen was naturally arranged by Lu Chen. Its accidental appearance happened to capture the whole process of the murder of the two imperial fleets. These are strong evidences that make these two empires want to do sophistry. No.

Next is the usual killing. After mastering this video, Lu Chen was not in a hurry to expose. He let the two controlled small fleets return to the battlefield, and fought bravely, eventually on the battlefield. The entire army was annihilated, which made the planting dead without proof!

After waiting for the two small fleets to be destroyed, this time the planting of the stolen goods has become an iron case. At this time, Lu Chen began to have trouble. He released the recorded video through some channels at the same time. Pretending not to know, continued to exercise restraint for a few days.

When the news circulated for three days among the civilizations of the universe, Lu Chen urgently summoned the ambassadors of the Solander Empire and the Namier Empire in the name of the Deputy Marshal of the Star Federation.

In the note, Lu Chen fully expressed the anger of Grand Marshal Qin Hao to the ambassadors of the two countries, attacked humanitarian medical ships, and slaughtered medical personnel. Although this kind of nausea is not done by every civilization, at least everyone is talking It is condemned.

The Interstellar Federation is also known in the universe as being both an XX and a torii. Therefore, they must have zero tolerance for attacks on humanitarian medical ships and the slaughter of innocent medical personnel. At this time, many civilizations in the universe They began to mourn for the Solander Empire and the Namel Empire.

Of course, some civilizations smell the conspiracy, but what can they say? The strength of the Star Federation is recognized. At this time, who would risk igniting and stand up for the Namir Empire and the Solan Empire that have been damaged by the war?

So no matter what you see, or just watching the excitement, everyone is watching the changes. No one speaks a good word for these two empires, and there are even many far-off civilizations who condemn the Solan Wheel Empire. And the brutal acts of the Namier Empire.

Although the Star Alliance has not declared war against the two empires so far, the clouds of war have shrouded, because the fleet of Star Alliance has begun to move forward.

With the hard work of diplomats of the two empires, Lu Chen pretended to be a good man. He said he would appease the furious Grand Marshal Qin Hao, but the two empires had to surrender the culprit!

At this moment, the emperors of both empires are stupid. If the two small fleets are still there, they will never mind carrying the infamousness and exchange the two fleets for the forgiveness of the Star Federation, but the problem is that both fleets are in Destroyed during the war!

So there are only two roads in front of the two empires. The first is to explain to the Star Federation truthfully, saying that the two fleets have been destroyed, so the culprits have fallen behind, but it is really difficult to win people's trust. , Not to mention the Star Federation does not believe it, they do not believe in another position!

This road doesn't work ~ ~ Then you can only choose the second road-find a scapegoat!

This road is simple to say, but it is not easy to implement. First of all, this scapegoat has to be voluntary, or they will confess after sending it to the Star Federation, and the previous efforts will be in vain!

Secondly, the identity of these scapegoats must be enough. You must find a few soldiers to go up, and they will certainly not believe it. Only if the scapegoats are high enough can they show their sincerity.

In the end, the Namier Empire sacrificed his uncle's uncle, and the Solan Wheel Empire sacrificed their old prime minister.

The two were a relative of the imperial family, a high weight, and they were determined to die. As the uncle of the Namier Empire, he had to abandon himself for his children and for the hegemony of the empire; and The old Prime Minister of the Solan Wheel Empire has lost his motivation to survive. All his family members, even the most beloved grandson, died on the Solvia star. The only son also died in the subsequent war. Now that he is alone, there is no meaning in living. It is better for the empire and for the hope of peace for the people.

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