Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1598: Devastation

With various purposes, either to maintain the selfishness of the family, or to protect the feelings of the civilians, the uncle of the Namier Empire and the old prime minister of the Solan round empire were pushed to the front, as culprits, Detained as a war criminal and sent to the Star Federation for trial.

To be honest, Qin Hao admires these two people. No matter what they do, what they are paying now is not just their lives. If they succeed, then after a few years, ordinary people will forget their contributions. When they appeared in history textbooks, they were the real culprits. They were not sacrificed for the sake of the people's righteousness.

In Qin Hao's view, although it is a hero who can give his life for the national justice, he can sacrifice his life and reputation for the national justice. Even if he dies, he is to be spurned. That is really admirable. Being a hero, you may not always be able to do this.

Therefore, when the uncle of the Namer Empire and the old Prime Minister of the Solan Wheel Empire arrived in the Star Alliance, Qin Hao directly placed them under house arrest, although the ending of the destruction of the Solan Wheel Empire and the Namel Empire will not change. But Qin Hao will provide the two with the best material life and let them live the rest of their lives.

Although he admired the justice of these two people, Qin Hao was not only carrying his own future. In order for human beings to survive in this crisis-ridden universe, the Solan and Empire and the Namier Empire must be sacrificed.

Once upon a time, when humans were still young, Qin Hao was very resentful of those higher civilizations, because in order to remove hidden dangers, they would eliminate the lower civilizations that had just stepped out of their mother star for no reason.

But to this day, countless civilizations have been destroyed by Qin Hao himself. This is how the **** decides his head. When he is weak, Qin Hao is of course dissatisfied with the bullies who wantonly bully the weak, but with the growth of humanity, In order to survive, they also have to squeeze the living space of other civilizations. Once the interests of both sides conflict, then human beings will not hesitate to destroy other civilizations!

Civilization ... the word sounds grand, but it's still weak and strong! No morality at all!


For the benefit of the Star Federation, they must invade the territories of the three major empires. Now no matter how the Solan Empire and the Namier Empire show weakness, the Star Federation will pick out bones in the eggs, so although they sent them status Noble scapegoat, but the Star Federation will never compromise.

So shortly after the arrival of Uncle Namel and the old Prime Minister of the Solan Wheel at the Star Federation, the Star Federation showed more evidence to prove that it was not these two men and the order they ordered to attack the medical ship.

Then Grand Marshal Qin Hao once again "furious", he declared that the Namier Empire and the Solan Wheel Empire were not only extremely sinful, but also attempted to deceive the Star Federation and use innocent people to top the bag!

This deception is an insult to the StarFederation, so the StarFederation officially declared war on the Solan Wheel Empire and the Namel Empire!

Because the fleet of the Star Confederacy is ready to go, when Qin Hao ordered it, these Star Confederate warships were like tigers flocking into the territory of the two empires.

This time, the Star Fleet ’s fleet did not concentrate its forces, but split its forces in two ways. They were led by Han Yihang and Hu Ke. The two large fleets flew directly into the hinterlands of the two empires. Each fleet also had a Song of Songs The Tower Man's battleships accompanied him.

In fact, before the Star Confederation declared war, although the Star Confederation's fleet was already under heavy pressure, neither the Namier Empire nor the Solan Empire dared to send a fleet to the border defense because they were afraid to anger the Star Confederation.

But even with this concession, they did not find peace, and the fleet of the Star Federation came ...

This time, the facts have proved once again that peace cannot be prayed for by weakness and concession. Peace comes out!

Only the strong have the right to ask for peace, and the prayer of the weak has no effect!

Forced by desperation, the Solan Empire and the Namier Empire had to assemble the remaining troops. The two countries have already consumed almost because of the previous war. The only fleet on both sides does not even have a sub-fleet of the Star Alliance. The number is large, and the number of battleships is far from enough.

If this is the case, then these two empires may still be able to support it for a while. After all, the camel is thinner than a horse. The homes before the two empires are thicker than the Star Alliance. Even after the consumption of war, Enough to resist for a while.

But today's Star Federation is not the previous Star Federation. The joining of the Yage Tower battleships has increased their combat power several times in an instant!

The Argenta ’s powerful technology allows their warships to release a force field that covers the entire theater. Under this force field, all energy weapons of the Star Alliance are greatly enhanced, while the enemy ’s energy weapons will be greatly enhanced. Was greatly weakened.

Under this force field, the guns of the two empires barely penetrate the shield system of the Star Alliance frigate, while the plasma main guns launched by the Star Alliance frigates have multiplied their power, and can even threaten them to be dozens of times their size. Heavy cruiser!

With the addition of these two Yagor tower battleships, the fleet of the Star Confederation was destroyed in the war against the two imperial fleets. The great power they showed during the war made the entire universe look at it.

You must know that the super force field that can increase and weaken such skills is not possessed by the Borg people. In fact, let alone them, even if they are the Silos civilization inherited by the Borg people, they do not have this technology!

You should know that in the ancient times ~ ~ Yageta civilization is one of the three strongest civilizations. Although the Silos civilization is strong, it is only second-class.

Absolute technological crushing makes these two battles unfolding at the same time. No matter whether it is the fleet of the Solan Empire or the fleet of the Namier Empire, it is a snap when facing the fleet of the Star Alliance, even if it depends on the fortress planet, They ca n’t hold on for too long. After all, there are not many interstellar federations, that is, many resources. Previously, through the trade of biologically active pharmaceuticals, the interstellar federations accumulated a lot of wealth, and these materials were used for technology research and development and warship production , The rest he has created a slaughter cannon!

There are strategic weapons such as slaughter cannons, what fortress planets, what empire defense lines are all in front of it, these immovable targets are living targets in front of slaughter warheads!

The war lasted for less than two months, and all the organized resistance in the Namel Empire and the Solan Empire was wiped out. The next step was the conquest of the planet by the Star Alliance Fleet. This is The most time consuming, but these planets are also precious, even Qin Hao cannot blow up.
