Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1625: Battle Star

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"Does the swarm? No need!" Qin Hao was sinking like water at this moment, and human beings suffered such a great loss, which made him feel a wicked fire in his heart.

Although the entire war was triggered by the Star Alliance ’s foreign aggression, and the damage caused by human beings to other civilizations far exceeded the death toll of 10,000 warships and millions of human generals, but the **** determines the head!

As Qin Hao, as a human leader, does he care how many people died in other civilizations? But human beings are lost, then not!

Sounds very unreasonable, but how can there be any truth in the collision between civilizations, and what logic can there be? Isn't fist big enough to be truth? The so-called reasoning is just a compromise between the two sides when no one can help each other!

Now Qin Hao has completely disregarded more than a hundred civilizations, what else would he tell the other party? His fleet is truth, and his artillery is logic!

Uh ...

"But Grand Marshal, our fleet can't support it now. If the Swarm is not allowed to participate in the battle, our defense line may collapse!" Lu Chen did not know what happened to Qin Hao, so based on the information he had, Look, the only swarm that can save the Star Federation is now.

"Let the fleet shrink defenses and trade space for time. We don't need to guard the planets that have not yet been developed. The planets that have already emigrated are evacuated immediately. The buildings under construction on the planet need not be controlled. What is lost is just resources. You can get it back soon. "Qin Hao said to Lu Chen.

"Marshal, do you have a way to break the enemy?" Lu Chen saw that Qin Hao was so confident that his original hanging heart was relieved. After all, if he knew Qin Hao, if he did not have full confidence, He will not do this.

"Well! I will be back to earth soon. You will help me prepare a few stable memory transmission equipment, and I will take them away!" Qin Hao continued to Lu Chen.

"No problem! Grand Marshal!" Lu Chen nodded immediately, because the Holy Admiral was now fully attached to the Star Alliance, so the Star Alliance received a large number of stable memory transmission equipment. At this time, most human schools were equipped with this. Kind of things, children can easily play childhood, and then instill knowledge at the age of fifteen or six. As long as two or three years of practice, when they are seventeen or eighteen, they can basically master various basics Subject, and then instill professional knowledge based on personal interests and talents, they can quickly become experts in related fields.

So at this time, there is no shortage of stable memory transmission equipment on the human side. It is not a problem for Qin Hao to take away a few sets.

After explaining Lu Chen, Qin Hao ordered Haward to rush back to the earth, and Lu Chen immediately conveyed Qin Hao's order. In addition to the two fleets that own the Yage Tower battleship, the other five The fleets began to shrink their defenses, and they began to give up the planet they were defending, using space to gain time.

A few days later, Qin Hao returned to Earth. He only met Lu Chen briefly, and then took away some memory transmission equipment and a strategic transport ship. As for Hayward and his Yage tower battleship, On the front line, with its support, one of the other five fleets will be able to stabilize their footing!

After leaving the air port of the earth, the strategic transport ship went straight to the lunar base. At this time, it has become the second base of the swarm, and the nest of the swarm is naturally still the home star of the Oris galaxy.

At the lunar base, Qin Hao directly recruited 30 Swarm Leaders and took them all to the transport ship.

As the master of the swarm, the swarm leaders naturally loyal to Qin Hao. They followed Qin Hao on a transport ship and went straight to the vicinity of the death mark.

Ten days later, Qin Hao returned to the dead space where the queen was.

"Master, how are you doing here?" Qin Hao quickly found the queen after he reached the battle star.

"I said, when you come back, I'm done." The queen said indifferently.

"Thank you Master! If not for you, I'm really in trouble this time!" Qin Hao then briefly explained the encounter of the Star Federation to the worm.

"Oh, I have to say that your kid's luck is really good, if you don't find this battle star, you really have to use the swarm ..." The queen nodded, then said to Qin Hao with a smile: " It seems that you, the candidate, have the care of heaven. "

"Master, look at what you said, if I am really lucky, will someone come to the door ..." Qin Hao shrugged.

"Okay, no nonsense, this is the relevant knowledge I sorted out, you just need to transfer them to those swarm leaders." The post-worm handed Qin Hao a compact storage device.

In fact, the Queen can transmit these memories to the swarm leaders, but she is too lazy to transmit them to the swarm leaders one by one, so she brought Qin Hao a memory transmission device.

"Yes! Master!" Qin Hao took the storage device and immediately returned to the transport ship. Then he immediately set up the transmission device and began to instill the necessary knowledge to these swarm leaders.

Just dozens of hours later ~ ~ these swarm leaders have accepted the indoctrination of memory. They are not the same as humans. After human beings have received the indoctrination of memory, they have to give them time to practice in order to gradually understand digestion.

But the swarm leaders ’mental strength is not comparable to ordinary humans. In addition, the swarm leaders themselves are like biological computers. They even have the multi-threaded control ability to finely control 100 million bugs, so understand these Knowledge is not too difficult for them at all.

After a few hours, these swarm leaders fully grasped this knowledge, and then Qin Hao sent them all to the battle star.

These swarm leaders were transported by a group of worker bees, and soon came to their posts. They quickly connected their control system with their own mental power and became familiar with this battle star!

"Om!" With a slight jitter, the Battle Star is fully activated!

"Come on! There are more than a hundred civilizations! You brought it to your own hands, and the remaining Lao Tzu did it!" Qin Hao sneered, and then he let the strategic transport ship return to Earth by himself, and he took this one. The battle star went straight to the front!

Do not look at the size of this battle star is larger than the Titan, but his phase transition speed and flexibility is almost the same as the battleship, not as heavy as Qin Hao imagined.

Uh ...

At this moment, in addition to the three fronts that have the Yage Tower battleship, the other four-way fleets of the Star Federation have withdrawn a dozen star fields one after another. They have abandoned a large amount of territory, and if they retreat, they must return. Homeland of Star Federation!