Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1710: Flame

For the next period of time, even if Qin Hao settled down in the Yandi tribe, he chatted with Xun Meng every day, and occasionally went out to hunt with him, and his life was quite pleasant.

After two days of adaptation, Qin Hao has fully mastered the power in the body, and the energy drawn from the end tiger has been fully integrated into himself, and more importantly, the evolutionary genes of the end tiger have also filled Qin Hao's gene bank. Among them, this allows him to also use some of the ability of the ending tiger.

"Roar!" With a roar, Qin Hao opened his mouth and spit out an incandescent energy mass.

"Boom!" The energy group hit a distant boulder and blasted the boulder into powder.

"Yes!" Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction. It is important to know that under the weight of Reiki, not only humans and animals are extremely powerful, even rocks and trees have great strength. If you change them, When Qin Hao first came to this world, he shattered the boulder at most, but it was impossible to blast it into powder.

"It looks gorgeous, but it is flashy ..." Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Qin Hao.

Qin Hao immediately turned around, and saw a man and a woman standing not far behind. The man Qin Hao didn't know it, but he had some similarities with the Emperor Yan that he had seen before, and the girl beside the man Qin Hao is very familiar with her. She is the red girl who fought the worm. It was because of her that Qin Hao was sent to this timeline.

"Two are?" Although Qin Hao knew the girl in red, at this time she could only pretend not to know it. After all, in this timeline, the girl in red did not interact with him. The last time Qin Hao saw her At that time, she was fighting the insect queen, and later seriously injured her coma, so she never met Qin Hao.

"My name is Yan Ju, this is my sister and daughter." The man stepped forward and laughed.

"You are also from this tribe?" Qin Hao asked.

"Yes, my father is Kuei." The man said with a smile, thinking that the etiquette and law in this era were not very sound, so when referring to his father's name, Yanju didn't have much to avoid.

"Ah !? You are the son of Emperor Yan?" Qin Hao hesitated. Although he did not know whether there was a prince in this era, but this person is the son of Yan Emperor, it must be in a low position in this tribe!

And the girl turned out to be Yan Di ’s child, which made Qin Hao somewhat surprised, and in connection with the myths and legends that she had previously learned, this girl in red is Yan Di ’s daughter, and if she is also called a baby girl, then she is likely to be Later Jingwei!

It's just that the girl hasn't drowned yet, so she hasn't turned into a jingwei bird.

"I'm Yan Di's child, but you don't have to look at me differently because of my father. My identity at this time is just an ordinary tribe member." Yan Ju said with a smile.

"Oh, don't rely on the shade of your fathers, it seems that you are also an ideal and aspiring person!" Qin Hao complimented.

"Your Excellency ..." Although Yan Ju was polite, there was a gleam of light in his eyes. Obviously, Qin Hao's statement won his heart. It is precisely because of this sentence that Yan Ju's first opinion of Qin Hao Impressive!

"That day you rescued me with Uncle Yun and them?" The baby girl crooked her head and walked in front of Qin Hao. She curiously looked at Qin Hao.

"I was there the other day, but it was Brother Yun who rescued you." Qin Hao didn't greedy this skill.

"I have a presence, anyway, thank you first!" Said the girl to Qin Hao.

"Don't stop, don't do anything. I didn't help anything." Qin Hao waved.

"Well, you don't have to be kind, brother, she must thank you, otherwise the father will punish her if you go back." Yan Ju came forward with a smile.

"Uh ..." Qin Hao had nothing to say, so he pulled the subject back to his previous question: "Yes, what did you just say about my tricks?"

"Uh ... don't be surprised, I don't mean to offend." Yan Ju said hastily.

"No, no, I'm just asking for advice, and I hope you can enlighten me." Qin Hao said sincerely, he can feel that Yan Ju's strength is far above him, although he hasn't reached the level of Qi or Emperor Yan , But also much better than him, since people will say so, naturally it has his reason.

"Since this is the case, then I will speak straight!" Yan Ju nodded, and then continued: "The move you just saw looks powerful, but it has little practical significance. If it is a long-range attack, then you launch a move After that, it ’s not difficult for the enemy to dodge. If it ’s a close-up attack, after your outbreak, you are also within the attack range. It can be said that killing the enemy is one thousand and self-damaging eight hundred, plus you It's fair to say that you've lost power! "

"Uh ..." Qin Hao pondered Yan Ju's words, and found that they really made sense. He just inherited the roar from the ending tiger, but it seemed to be very powerful, but in the battle with the ending tiger, he was a beast. This trick was not used, which is enough to show that this trick is really not suitable for actual combat.

Although the killing of the ending tiger by Qin Hao has an unexpected component, which caused the ending tiger to not exert its due combat power at all, from the beginning it slammed to the close melee fight from the beginning to the end. Without using this pure energy attack, it seems that this method is indeed not very popular in this world.

Later, Qin Hao also thought about the arrow after the cricket shot down the worm. The energy level of the cricket is undoubtedly much higher than Qin Hao's ~ ~ but the arrow he shot was unpretentious, and he didn't feel too A breath of multi-energy blessing, but the power of that arrow is beyond doubt.

This is also the same when the puppet attacks the chisel with a bow and arrow. His feathers and arrows are definitely blessed by energy. Otherwise, it is impossible to threaten the chisel, but the puppet's energy is very restrained and restrained to almost nothing. Leaked.

This type of attack is undoubtedly more concealed. At the same time, the energy is also used to bless the attack, not to strengthen the momentum. In this way, the energy emitted by the attack is naturally more efficient and the lethality is stronger.

"Brother Yanju, how do you think I should improve this trick?" Qin Hao asked.

"Your move is similar to the roar of the ending tiger. This move is usually used to deter low-level beasts. If it is really used to attack, I suggest that you do not use direct spiritual force to attack, and It is the use of spiritual power to shake the surrounding airflow. In this way, when you are in a stalemate in melee, you can not only disrupt the enemy ’s rhythm, but also surprise him with his brain and give yourself a chance for the next attack! "Yanju expressed his understanding.

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