Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1745: Sky-high price

"You said that you are really right, Da Lao Yuan came, and did not inform you." I started to blame these sea clan first.

"We arrived yesterday, and let one of you go in to report, but no one is in us yet ..." A shrimp soldier next to him couldn't hear it.

"You retreat, there's no part of you talking!" Prime Minister Turtle drank the shrimp soldier directly.

"Oh? You arrived yesterday ... Why didn't anyone go in to inform me? Check me out, who is so sloppy and neglecting the guests!" He said with a sense of blame, but the fool could hear it, but he didn't. It's just perfunctory. After all, so many people stand outside the gate for a night, are all the people of the Yandi tribe blind? If one forgets, can others not see it?

"Forget it, he may have forgotten it." The Prime Minister of Turtle persuaded himself, because he knew that He was just talking casually. How could he really punish the person who did not report?

"Oh! Let's go with me!" I also went down the donkey along the slopes, and when the tortoise pleaded for help, he would no longer pursue the previous affairs, which made all the sea people next to him angry. It has to explode.

"Have me be honest!" Prime Minister Turtle frowned. He knew the followers around him were aggrieved, but what could happen then?

Soon afterwards, the Turtle Prime Minister and his team were taken to Yan Di's residence. In the hall, Yan Emperor summoned the Turtle Prime Minister and others. This time, the Yan Di tribe's people did not make them difficult.

"Big leader." After entering into the hall, Prime Minister Gui gave a first salute to Emperor Yan. He did not bring all his followers in. Only two deputies except him entered the hall.

"The old uncle is hard. I have nothing to prepare for your sudden visit. I hope you forgive me for the inadequate hospitality!" Yan Di haha ​​said with a laugh, but he didn't stand up when he came in.

"Oh, we took the liberty to visit, and we hope that the boss will not be surprised." The face of Prime Minister Gui always maintained a smile, but his two deputies both clenched their fists, and when they hit Yandi Tribe, these guys made everything difficult. As a result, after seeing Emperor Yan, this guy was so arrogant, which made the two sea clan hearts uncomfortable, but the turtle-headed prime ministers said nothing, and they could only swallow in the stomach when they had a fire.

"Old Prime Minister, please sit down." Yan Di pointed to the opposite of him.

"Thank you, Chief!" The old prime minister sat opposite Yan Di.

Then Emperor Yan began to talk with Turtles, but from beginning to end, he did not mention the conflict between the Hai tribe and Yandi tribe, nor did they mention that they hurt Qin Hao.

"Big boss, we still don't have to go in circles ..." After talking for almost two hours, Rao, the tortoise with very negotiating experience, couldn't sit still. Although Ruifeng had already ended at this time, there was no settlement agreement. After the signing, the people of the turtle clan did not dare to rush to the shore. This did not delay for a while, and it was a huge loss for the turtle clan.

And look at this posture, Yan Emperor can talk with him for a few months in ancient and ancient times, and the turtle can not wait!

"Oh? Is that something wrong with the old man looking for me?" Yandi continued to pretend to be stupid. He just didn't mention reconciliation.

"Ah! Since the big boss is unwilling to mention it, let me talk about the old man!" Turtle sighed and then said, "There is a lot of misunderstanding in the conflict between us. The Hai tribe and Yandi tribe can be said to be a strip of water, and they should help each other ... "

The idiom of the turtle turtle is also costly, but when these scenes are finished, eventually, the turtle turtle finally brings the topic back on track: "So much has been said to prove that there are no unforgettable contradictions between us, some Let it pass if it is not pleasant ... "

"The old man said it really made sense." Yan Di nodded, and then said calmly, "But none of these conflicts seem to be caused by us? My girlfriend was seriously wounded, our messenger came to the door, You do n’t have to pay for it, and you have to kill my messenger. This is not your attitude towards friends in your mouth! "

"This ... this thing really blame us, it is related to a ... It is a misunderstanding anyway!" Prime Minister Turtle hesitated for a while, but did not give out the predictions about the Dragons. This kind of prediction is not good for the time being. After all, once this prophecy is circulated, it will hurt the prestige of the Dragons. At that time, the races that want to take the opportunity to seize the interests of the Hai will surely flock to it, which is very bad for the Hai.

"Oh, my dear friend, wouldn't you be naive enough to touch your upper lip, and a misunderstanding would have sent us away, right?" Yan Dipi said with a smile, since the sea clan admitted the mistake, then the next thing is to cut the meat. Time is up.

"Of course not. Since we have done wrong, we should be punished, and we will also compensate you for your losses. Big boss, you can set a price, and we will see if we can meet it." Xiangxi Xiang said with a smile.

"Hmm ..." Yan Emperor thought about it in fact. In fact, he had long thought about compensation, and waited for the Hai people to come to the door.

"..." Prime Minister Turtle waited patiently. He knew that Yandi would definitely open a lion, so he also made Yandi's sky-high price, and he planned to return the money to the ground.

"First of all, I need 10,000 baskets of sea fish!" Yan Di slowly said, these sea fish are enough for his people to eat for a while, with these fish, Yan Di tribe can at least spend the winter at this year ~ www. ~ Yes! The tortoise's eyelids agreed without blinking. Ten thousand baskets of marine fish sounded a lot, but for the sea people, this is nothing at all. The materials in the ocean are much more abundant than those on land.

"Then I want a high-quality fishing port and a high-quality fishing ground." Yan Di continued to add the price, 10,000 baskets of marine fish can let them through the winter safely, but what about next year? If there is a fishing ground, then the Yandi tribe can send people to fish full-time, so that they can continue to provide food to the tribe.

"Yes!" The turtle head continued to nod, which was nothing to the sea people. After all, the navigation technology of this era was limited, and the Yandi tribe could not go too far to fish, so gave a fishing ground near the shore. For the sea people, there is almost no loss.

"Then I want 10,000 sea spirit beads, and 10,000 water-based spirit crystals." Yan Di saw the turtles face expressionless, so he continued to add weight.

"Yes!" The turtle prince continued to nod, not to mention the entire sea clan for these resources, and the turtle clan did not take any effort to get it.

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