Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1754: Vote

"Ah! Let Qin Hao brother laugh at you, it was my incompetence as the leader that made the tribe brothers hungry ..." Li sighed.

"Big boss, don't say that. You've done a great job. Our tribe has been poor and weak for a long time. Since you came to power, we have been dying of starvation every year, which is very remarkable ..."

"Yeah! Big boss, don't blame yourself."


The people next to them urged to persuade, it seems that this is really deeply loved in the Jiuying tribe, and he does have some capabilities, but unfortunately the position of the Jiuying tribe is not good, and the poor and the weak are too long, this is fundamental It is not a situation that can be reversed by one person.

"Big boss, there is a word I don't know when to speak properly ..." Qin Hao said after a moment of silence.

"Even if the brothers Qin Hao have something to say," Li is still very grateful to Qin Hao. Although Qin Hao doesn't bring much food, now for Jiuying Tribe, every bite is extremely precious.

"Hmm ..." Qin Hao groaned for a while, then slowly said, "If the brothers of the Jiuying Tribe are really upset here, you can consider coming to our Yandi tribe, our side is relatively richer, And recently we got a large area of ​​high-quality fishing grounds from the Hai people. When the spring starts next year, we will be able to go fishing in the sea. By then, the food will be more abundant. "

"Hehe, your Yandi tribe is indeed very good. We have heard about the fishery, but this kind of thing is envious and envied ..." Li smiled and asked Qin Hao: "As for Qin Hao Brother, what you just proposed ... Do you mean it only on your own or on behalf of Lord Yandi? "

"Hmm ... maybe you haven't heard that I have been married to my baby girl, and I can still say a few words at Yandi Tribe." Qin Hao said nothing, but he also showed that he was The Yandi tribe can indeed be a part of the master.

"Really? That ’s really congratulations to the brothers Qin Hao!" Li Xiang Qin Hao clenched his fists. Their small-scale tribe was no longer invited to the list when Qin Hao and her baby girl were married. in.

"Thank you, the big boss, but my proposal just now is serious. If the brothers of Jiuying Tribe really want to come one day, I will definitely welcome with both hands." Qin Hao said to Li with a smile.

"I need to think about this ..." Nodded, everyone was an adult, and of course he knew what Qin Hao meant.

No one in the world is a true philanthropist, especially in this era of scarce supplies, the Yandi tribe invited them so, definitely not to invite them to spend the winter, but to annex their tribe.

It's just that this annexation is a more modest method, not a way of conquest.

For Li, it is not difficult to let him lay down his rights. He is really only thinking about the Jiuying Tribe. If it is just sacrificing his personal rights, then let Jiuying Tribe be merged into Yandi Tribe and give it to the tribe. People will have a way to live, and they can make them live better, there will be no hesitation.

Although the Jiuying Tribe is not big, the internal power structure is quite complicated. He can easily abandon his rights, but he cannot guarantee that other leaders in the tribe also think like him.

So he didn't dare to assure Qin Hao for a while, but he could only delay it.

"It doesn't matter, the big boss doesn't have to rush to make a decision. If one day comes to mind, then take the brethren directly. The gate of our Yandi tribe is always open to you." Qin Hao smiled, then stood up and said : "It's getting late, we won't delay your time ..."

"Is Brother Qin Hao going to leave now? Can't you stay for one night?" Like Youdao, in fact, he did not want to let Qin Hao and others stay. This is not because the Jiuying Tribe is not hospitable, or he doesn't like Qin Hao them, simply because the Jiuying tribe's food is too scarce. If Qin Hao took these dozens of mouths for one night, the food consumption would not be able to afford it.

"No! We have to go to other tribes along the way. If they have difficulties, I will bring them back together." Qin Hao said with a smile.

Seeing that Qin Hao was indeed leaving, Li Li was relieved, and then sent Qin Hao and his party out. In the eyes of Li et al., Qin Hao and the team disappeared into the vast wilderness.

"Big boss, what do you think of that kid's proposal?" Someone asked next.

"Go! Go back and say!" Li took the tribal leaders back to his cottage.

"Come on, everyone is willing to join the Yandi tribe's hand." After returning to the cottage where he lived, he asked the high-level officials present.

Those who are present, look at me, I look at you, although everyone's heart is showing in the eyes, but no one wants to raise their hands first.

"Then let me take a stand. Although joining the Emperor Tribe, my leader must not be able to do it, but in order for my brothers to eat and eat, and the family members will not starve to death, I am willing to take the lead to join the Emperor Tribe! "Raised your hand from the first.

"Then I agree!"

"I agree!"

The two leaders who raised their hands with Li first were born with new children at home. It is definitely not a good idea to have children at this time. The lack of food prevents the mother of the child from being full, the milk is impossible to be sufficient, and the child dies. The probability is extremely high.

"Then we agree."

"Well! Just count me ..."


One after another ~ ~ Most people raised their hands. Although there are no newborn children in their family, who doesn't have an old child? Seeing that the severe winter is approaching, no one can guarantee that his family will be able to survive this winter.

So now the opportunity is coming. These people don't want to give up. Although the rights in their hands are very tempting, what is the comparison with the lives of the young and old in the family? And even if you join the Yandi tribe, the big leaders will definitely not be able to do it, but these young leaders should not be seized, and they have a great chance to continue to manage their family.

Seeing that the last two or three people did not raise their hands, they looked around. Although there was some reluctance in their hearts, they finally raised their hands.

"Now that everyone agrees, go back and organize your family ’s staff and start packing. After leaving enough rations to go to the Yandi tribe, everyone has a few meals these days. After all, the long journey to the Yandi tribe is also It takes physical strength to support. "Li told everyone, he knew very well that going to the Yandi tribe in the severe cold is a very dangerous thing, so it must be adequately prepared.

Interstellar Almighty Evolution

Interstellar Almighty Evolution