Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1780: Killing machine

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Fighting with short soldiers is extremely brutal. No matter whether it is human beings or sea people, someone will die every minute, but the sea people will be more severely injured due to weather restrictions.

The battle continued from morning to late at night. This time, Li Yin learned enough lessons. He did not rush to attack himself in person, and did not even let the generals of the sea clan attack. He just constantly driven these ordinary sea clan, using Their lives consume human power.

The fighting has continued, and the generals on the human side have rotated twice. Each of them has killed hundreds of thousands of sea clan, but for a large number of sea clan, it is nothing more than nine cattle.

"Grandma, are you going to fight like this for two days?" Many tribal leaders frowned. Although the reinforcements would arrive two days later, if the two days were an uninterrupted battle, their respective peoples It will also suffer heavy losses.

Although the warriors on the human side adopt a rotation system, brother forces will come to respond every two hours, but in this high-intensity battle, the two-hour casualties are also amazing.

"Kill!" At this time, the only person who can be said to be like a fish and water is Qin Hao. Both he and Ruifeng have the ability to plunder the power of others. When confronting those miscellaneous fish, the two are simply tireless killing machines. Unless there is a strong person to organize them, it is just these shrimp soldiers and crab soldiers that Qin Hao and Rui Feng can kill until the beginning of next year and they will not be tired.

During the battle, Qin Hao ’s strength continued to grow, and it increased significantly. As his body was strengthened again and again, Qin Hao could absorb more and more spiritual power each time. When the battle progressed to the next afternoon, At that time, Qin Hao's strength was almost the same as that of some tribal leaders.

In this state of Qin Hao, when he was dealing with those shrimp soldiers and crabs, he was no longer one by one. I saw that Qin Hao would wave his hands against those shrimp soldiers and crabs, and seven or eight sea clan would be directly sucked into his face. These The Hai people screamed and struggled, but by the time they arrived in front of Qin Hao, they had become dried crabs and shrimp crusts.

In this almost crazy killing, Qin Hao gradually began to get lost. He was immersed in this acquisition of power, and also in this uncontrolled killing.

When Qin Hao had just become a messenger of death, his mentor had warned him not to kill too much, because that would make Qin Hao's mind lost.

Don't look at Qin Hao's blood contamination, which is already tens of billions or even 100 billions, but it was mostly because of his offensive order that led to the killing of civilization. Although this sin will also fall on Qin Hao On the head, but he was not really affected much, after all, he was not at the scene of the killing, nor did he directly face the blood of those who died tragically.

But now it is different. Qin Hao personally carried out such a huge amount of killing with his hands, which was a test for his heart.

It's also a killing. The psychological pressure caused by pressing a button thousands or even thousands of kilometers away, and then killing hundreds or thousands of people with a missile, is far worse than the psychological pressure of personally cutting a throat with a knife. of.

You should know that the blood of others, the struggle before the other's death, and even his horrified eyes are a great attack on the perpetrators, and an attack on the soul. No one is born a cold-blooded killer.

Therefore, although Qin Hao can count as countless killings before, countless planets destroyed due to his orders, and ruined civilizations are difficult to count, but it is extremely important for Qin Hao to complete so many killings with both hands. rare.

Especially when this killing can also give him stronger power, it is also a time to test his heart. If he can't strengthen his heart, then Qin Hao will become an irrational one, full of desire for blood. Killing machine.


The killing continued, and everyone including Ruifeng did not notice Qin Hao's anomaly. After all, the pressure of the Hai people was too great at this time. Everyone focused on their own fighting. Qin Hao did not In danger, no one paid special attention to him.

At this time, Qin Hao's eyes were red, and his murderous power became more and more intense. Over time, Qin Hao's murderous body had begun to condense. At this time, even the temperature around it began to be affected. It's hard not to notice.

"Qin Hao ..."

"Is this murderous?"

"This is too scary ..."

"What is this kid about?"


Everyone looked at Qin Hao and took a breath of cold air. The charging sea clan stopped, but Qin Hao's killing did not stop.

The frontline sea people were afraid to continue to be charged by this horrifying and suffocating murderous force, and Qin Hao took the initiative to kill the past. Under his murderous deterrence, those with lower strength did not even dare to resist , Just let Qin Hao **** it into dried fish.

"He is the devil!"


I do n’t know which Hai people shouted, and the spirits of the Hai people collapsed. Under the pressure of Qin Hao ’s killing pressure, the hearts of these sea people collapsed directly, and their hearts were occupied by fear.

The sea race began to flee wildly ~ ~ The yellow fear energy began to gather with Qin Hao, others can not see the fear energy, but under the indoctrination of them, Qin Hao became more crazy.

A weird scene appeared. Qin Hao chased hundreds of thousands of sea clan forces and killed them all. Those sea people were killed by their own people and even killed by Qin Hao. Although Li Yin and others at the rear tried hard to Stop the defeat, but when Qin Hao approached, his murderous spirit permeated, and even Li Yin's heart raised a mass of fear.

"This ... what the **** is going on?" Li Yin's heart was trembling. He had never seen such terrible murderous power. What level of power would it have? Even if it kills millions, I don't think there is such a murderous spirit, right?

Because in this expedition, no one other than the Turtle Prime Minister knew anything about reincarnation and killing the gods, so the latter is unknown. Therefore, everyone thought that the superhuman power came from the human side, so They were so scared they didn't dare to stay. After retreating to the bottom of the sea, these talents were slightly relieved.

During the retreat, the Prime Minister also tried to explain to the sea generals that this murderous spirit came from Qin Hao, and at this time Qin Hao was still very weak and was not at all scared, but he had no chance to speak, and the army was defeated. At this time, what he said was useless, because no one could listen to it.