Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 180: Overnight Operation

"Qin Hao! Qin Hao! Quickly open the door!" Qin Hao, who had just given birth to a child a few days later, slept soundly, and Nicole suddenly ran to knock at the door at midnight. Pinshu

"What's wrong?" Qin Hao opened the door with a sleepy eye.

"The c2 engine has reached the fleet, and my dad decided to drop it overnight!" Nicole said.

"Oh? That's great!" Qin Hao said.

"But my dad is worried that this airdrop will be the same as this time, and encounter flying insect obstruction, so he asked me to ask you if there is any way!" Nicole said.

"Don't worry, I think about it!" Qin Hao calmed Nicole first, and then he started calling Enoch's name in his heart.

"Enoch! Enoch! Did you hear that?" Qin Hao called silently in his heart.

"Wang! I'm listening!" Soon, Enoch responded to Qin Hao's call.

"I have a number of important supplies coming. Can you let the Zerg not obstruct?" Qin Hao asked.

"Wang ... If the two-footed monsters intend to drop supplies into that spaceship, I'm afraid I can't do anything, because it is the territory of Krk, and I have no right to intervene in its troops ..." Enoch said.

"What if I let them drop things on your site?" Qin Hao asked.

"That's fine, but you still have to smuggle it back. If it is found by the people in Krka, it will still be difficult to do," Enoch said.

"Um! That's always beaten to be strong!" Qin Hao nodded.

"Well then, King, I will make the flying insects quieter," Enoch said.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, then turned to Nicole and said, "I know that there is a place where airdrops can be made, but it is far from the Federal Honor."

"Then how do we get it back?" Nicole asked.

"I'll figure it out!" Qin Hao said.

"Well then, I'll take you to my dad, I hope you can convince him!" Nicole nodded.

Qin Hao followed Nicole to the bridge, and Cohen would pace back and forth in front of the map.

"Qin Hao, has Nicole told you all about the situation?" Cohen asked Qin Hao when he saw him.

"I know a place where there will be no flying insects and airdrops can be made, but there are more than forty kilometers away from the Federal Honor." Qin Hao said.

"Is that place?" Cohen would ask.

"Yes! It is the small valley where the Zerg temporarily stores supplies. The terrain there is special, and the flying insects will not approach." Qin Hao blindly edited, but the flying insects did not go there, but it was not because of the terrain, but Because of Enoch's order.

"But there is the Zerg territory, are you sure you can grab it again?" Cohen will ask.

"The problem is not big. This time we are on the active side. I can drive in the truck and wait in advance. As soon as the airdrop is over, I will immediately load the truck and wait for the bugs to come back. Qin Hao said with confidence.

"But ..." Cohen would still be uneasy.

"General, haven't our fighters been dispatched yet? If there is a real danger, I will send a signal. By then the fighters will open the road and **** my transport vehicle. There should be no problem!" Qin Hao reassured.

"Hmm ..." Cohen would hesitate. Although the method Qin Hao said was risky, it would be more reliable to transport the aircraft directly to the vicinity of the Federal Glory. After one airdrop, General Cohen was very afraid of the Zerg air force. .

"Okay!" General Cohen finally patted his thigh and made the final decision.

"Qin Hao! I have given the lives of tens of thousands of people to your hands! Don't let us down!" General Cohen said, patting Qin Hao's shoulders.

"General, please rest assured! I promise to complete the task!" Qin Hao's confidence is very sufficient, after all, there is Enork's hole card, and his loading location is in Enoch's site, which is very safe. Yes, as long as it passes through a dozen kilometers of dangerous zone belonging to Krka and can enter the safe area of ​​the Federal Glory.

"Hmm!" General Cohen nodded, and he asked the lieutenant, "How long will the transport plane reach the Alpha Star atmosphere?"

"About two hours!" The lieutenant replied.

"Update the airdrop location!" General Cohen said.

"Yes!" The lieutenant immediately provided the coordinates of that small valley to the formation where the transport plane was located.

"Received! The airdrop location changed!" The pilot of the transport confirmed the order.

"General, I have to go!" Qin Hao said to General Cohen.

"What do you need?" General Cohen asked.

"I just want an armored transporter!" Qin Hao said.

"Aren't you guarded?" General Cohen asked.

"Many people have big goals. I'm going to steal the supplies, but not grab them back. Instead, people are more likely to be exposed!" Qin Hao said.

"Well then! I wish you all the best!" General Cohen nodded ~ ~ he can only choose to believe in Qin Hao now.

Then Qin Hao came to the armored soldier's station. After filling up with fuel, he drove an armored transport vehicle.

"Qin Hao, be careful!" Nicole came to his car just as Qin Hao was about to leave the federal glory cabin door.

"Well! Rest assured! I came back before dawn!" Qin Hao laughed.

"Huh! Huh! Come on!" Nicole nodded at Qin Hao, and then the chariot Qin Hao drove out of the battleship and headed for the previous small valley.

"Be sure to come back alive!" Nicole muttered to Qin Hao's rear lights.

On the way to the small valley, Qin Hao did not encounter any slight obstacles. Qin Hao, who had traveled forty kilometers, took more than an hour. When he arrived near the small valley, the transport fleet just entered the atmosphere of Alpha Star.

Qin Hao's transport vehicle drove into the small valley. At this moment, there were a silver horn and five or six copper horns waiting.

"Oh, I've seen Yinjiao again!" Qin Hao jumped from the transport truck, this is the first time he faced Yinjiao so relaxed.

"Welcome to the king!" Yin Jiao took those copper horns to the ground.

"Enoch, let them get up." Qin Hao suddenly found himself touching each other and talking in a whispering way.

"Okay! King!" Enoch promised, and let the giant beetles that lay on the ground rise.

"Buzz ..." The time was short, the sky roared the engine, and then several large boxes were dropped. Because Enoch gave the order, the flying insects in its territory did not attack. Transport plane.

"Load!" Qin Hao said to Enoch.

"Yes! Wang!" Although Enoch did not come in person, it could remotely direct those bugs to help Qin Hao load the goods into the car.