Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1882: Mistake

, The fastest update of the latest chapter of the interstellar evolution!

Verop struggled for a long time, and he finally gritted his teeth: "Break!"

"Yes! General!" The lieutenant nodded, and immediately conveyed Verop's order.

Then the battleships of the Yage Tower all started conventional engines, and then accelerated in the direction of the Dokanz Federal Fleet.

The volume and mass of the battleship are very huge. Although there is almost no resistance in space, the acceleration time of such a massive object is very slow to overcome.

As the Yage Tower fleet slowly accelerated, they gradually increased to the maximum speed that conventional engines can reach-one tenth of the speed of light!

One tenth of the speed of sub-light is not the limit of conventional engines, but the maximum load that most intelligent creatures can withstand. After exceeding this speed, even if there is a battleship to provide some protection, the shipboard members inside can not bear this burden. So one tenth of the speed of light is the maximum speed that a conventional engine can provide, both in this time and space and in Qin Hao's time.

Don't look at only one tenth the speed of sub-light, but after reaching this speed, the ship's tracks can no longer be captured with the naked eye, all of them turned into a stream of light, fleeting towards the distance.

"Grandma, why are you here for us?"

"Damn! Ready to fight!"

"Order all ships, increase the shield strength of the bow, and prepare for battle!"

Seeing the Yage Tower fleet rushed towards his fleet, Lieutenant General Morrow, commander of the Dokanz Fleet, frowned. Although he led the fleet this time to participate in the battle against the invasion of the Yage Tower fleet Mission, but before he set off, he also got the above order, which required him to save his strength as much as possible in the battle, not to be incapable, not to consume too much of the strength of his own fleet.

But now it's better. When the Argyle fleet broke through, they chose their own direction as a breakthrough. This time, Morol and his fleet were inevitable and became the absolute main force of the battle!

Although there were 10,000 reluctance in his heart, Morol had no choice at this time. If he dodged like two sides, he would not be able to explain to the Allies, and both wings are now the Allied fleet. He If your fleet turns rashly, it will likely collide with your friendly fleet.

Without other options, Morol could only choose to do his best to fight.

"Surround them! Ready to fight!"

"Cooperate with your allies and kill your enemies!"

Unlike Morol ’s tension, the fleet commanders of the other two countries felt a lot more relaxed. Just now they were afraid that the Yage Tower fleet would choose their own direction as a breakout target. After all, it was the unlucky word, not to mention war. The final victory or defeat, but at least the casualties must be several times the other two fleets. At this time, although the Yage Tower fleet is small and the configuration is extremely unreasonable, where is the foundation of others?

As one of the most powerful civilizations in the universe, the scientific and technological strength of the Yage Tower Empire is not a joke.

Because the two sides' fleets are facing each other, the time of their confluence has naturally advanced a lot. Only a few dozen minutes later, the Yage Tower Fleet and the Dokanz Fleet have already included each other in the range!

"Fire!" Morro, who was too nervous, issued an attack order before he entered the effective range.

"Well ..." The Dokanz Federal Fleet fired all at once, and all the bright beams went straight to the Yage Tower Fleet!

In space warfare, the effective range of the battleship's main gun does not mean how far the main gun can hit. In cosmic space with almost no resistance, unless the stars or other objects in space can block it, the beam can be natural. The speed of consumption is very slow, and its range is also very exaggerated.

The effective range of the battleship is mainly subject to the fire control radar. If you fire a gun, this beam may hit thousands of light seconds and have the lethality to destroy the warship. However, even the Titan's fire control radar cannot be locked. A goal beyond a hundred light seconds.

The inability to lock the target means that you can only fire in a random direction in the general direction. In the vast universe, the distance of a gun is so far away. The deviation of a few micrometers when the main gun is aimed will eventually be thousands of miles away. What's more, you can fire directly without aiming. If you can hit the target, you can basically buy welfare lottery tickets.

Therefore, due to tension, Morol made a great mistake. He let the fleet fire in advance, and the time to recharge the main gun of the battleship was very long. Every few minutes, or even ten minutes, was enough for the enemy to We have completed a devastating blow.

"Lock the target! Free attack!" The hasty firing of the Dokanz Federation Fleet made General Verop even more relaxed. The enemy's blind shooting caused the main guns to be fully charged, so they did not need to grab the enemy. After firing, they have enough time to lock down the enemy before launching an attack.

Therefore, after the ships of both sides included the other side into the range, Verop calmly ordered the fleet to lock down the enemy ships, and then attacked.

Twenty seconds later, the battleships of the Argenta Empire locked the ships opposite the Dokanz Federation, and then the battleships of the Argenta Empire began to roar!

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hee, the beams of light hit the Dokanz Federation's fleet, but unlike the random firing of the Dokanz Federation's fleet before, this time the Yageta Empire's warships were all locked and aimed ~ ~ A distance of nearly a hundred light seconds Even a beam weapon flying at the speed of light must have a ballistic time of nearly a hundred seconds. Although the speed of light is fast, the extraordinary range also gives the enemy a reaction time.

"Alarm! Alert! High-energy response ahead!" At this time, the alarm sound in the Dokanz fleet had already sounded.

"All ships are maneuvering and maximizing the shield strength, and all members are ready for the shock!" Although he made serious mistakes in the beginning, Morol was a veteran Star Admiral after all. After he calmed down again, , Still have a certain combat literacy.

Although he suffered a small loss in the first encounter, the problem should not be too big. He and his fleet are sufficient to deal with this situation, not to mention his two wings and the Allied fleet, so although he will bear some Unnecessary losses, but this will not defeat the Dokanz Federal fleet in one fell swoop.

"Boom boom boom boom ..." The dazzling beam hit the Dokanz Fleet ’s spacecraft. Although the Dokanz Fleet ’s spacecraft was partially avoided by maneuvering, the complex trajectory calculation was a large project, even if it was super Large shipboard computers can't calculate the path of all attacks, so a considerable part of the attacks still have to rely on shields.