Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 1977: Can not accept

罗 After Luo Jinhui issued an evacuation order, the fleet of the Star Alliance began to retreat slowly, and the sub-fleet that had captured the two wings had already shot all the missiles it carried at this time, and it had also started to retreat.

"Commander! The enemy seems to be starting to retreat!" On the flagship of Barney, the lieutenant reported.

追 "Chasing! Can't let them run away!" Barney roared immediately, his fleet suffered heavy losses, and if the enemy let him slip away like this, he would be unwilling.

"Don't chase, destroy those orbital defense weapons first!" The deputy commander is still more sensible. At this time, if you continue to pursue the orbital defense weapons of the Star Alliance, it is equivalent to drilling into the enemy's encirclement, and then being enemy from In all directions for maximum firepower output, this idiot order is what Barney can say.

"Don't let them run away?" Barney asked reluctantly. Although the nominal commander of the fleet, the actual command was in the hands of the deputy.

"Run and run, we just need to make a smooth advance. On what day will we hit the earth, where can they run?" The deputy said with a smile.

Actually, there is still half a word of the lieutenant, that is, what did Victor send you to the front line? Did n’t Barney have an X number in his heart? People just want to kill you! You are still rushing forward before you die, are you not planning to live?

If you Barney is not going to live, then you will be good enough to die. People do not want to take the whole fleet of brothers to bury you!

Although this deputy commander is one of the more mediocre in the fleet command, he is at least a qualified commander. People have a mind, so naturally he will not die with Barney, but in this case he does not Fortunately, speaking in front of Barney, after all, this sentence would offend Victor.

"Also! Then lay this planet first, this is also a great achievement!" Barney nodded with a smile, laying such a planet is a good way to expand the territory, this is definitely a great achievement, and After this battle, his Barney can also be regarded as a war general.

Uh ...

Subsequently, the Borg people ’s fleet began to reduce their speed. They began to focus on clearing the orbital defense weapons. On the other hand, due to the withdrawal of the Star Alliance Fleet, the remaining orbital defense weapons could no longer cause the Borg people to go too far. Severe casualties.

At this time, the Star Federation soldiers on the orbital defense weapon also began to withdraw, and only the automatic defense system continued to execute the order against the Borg.

After two hours, there were no interstellar federal warships in the entire gravity well of the New Prague Star. Almost all humans have evacuated, and only a small number of New Prague Stars continue to choose to stay because of their homeland.

For these people, the fleet of the Star Federation did not force them. Everyone has the right to decide their own destiny. Since these people want to die on their own land, they should be fulfilled!

After more than an hour, the Borg people's fleet finally cleared out those orbital defense weapons, because without the support of the fleet, these orbital defense weapons were like fixed targets, and were quickly eliminated by meaning.

"Adjust the fleet and prepare to land!" The deputy commander ordered.

"Yes!" The captains began preparations immediately after receiving orders. Although the carrier-based aircraft were damaged in previous battles, the landing ship could still transport a large number of mechanical soldiers to the ground battlefield.

But when the Borg people's fleet was preparing to land, the fleet's early warning system suddenly issued a crazy alarm!

"Alert! Alert!"

"Super response from New Prague Star!"

Uh ...

The squealing alarm sounded everyone nervous, and some spacecraft in low-Earth orbit could even see from the porthole that somewhere on the new Prague star was shining dazzling!

"Dodge! Emergency Mobile Dodge!"

"Maximum output of all ship shields in the impact area!"

Uh ...

The deputy commander's response was fast enough, but at this time their fleet was near low-earth orbit, and a considerable part of the spacecraft was too late to dodge again!

"Boom!" The dazzling beam of light rose from the new Prague star. This is the Star Fortress Cannon that has been set before. After four hours of slow adjustment, it finally aimed the muzzle at the Borg. Fleet.

With a flash of white light, the Borg people's fleet was penetrated, and nearly 3,000 warships were evaporated at this instant, and the center of the fleet was like a hole!

Fortunately, Barney's flagship just rushed to the front because of grabbing credit, not in the central area of ​​the fleet, so they escaped.



Uh ...

Barney sighed slowly, but the deputy commander on the side was calm.

"Other ships focused their firepower on the fortress gun! You can't let it fire!" The deputy commander immediately issued an order. Although the fortress gun turned slowly, its energy recoil speed was very fast. If it could not catch up with it, If it is destroyed before the second round of attacks, the fleet's loss will be even greater!

"Yes!" The captains of other warships also responded ~ ~ They immediately adjusted the orientation of the warship, and then launched a fierce attack on the position of the fortress gun!

The fortress cannon cannot move, so after it fires, the gate above the muzzle will be closed, and above the muzzle, large defensive devices and shields are generally built to prevent the enemy's counterattack.

But no matter how the defense facilities are built, there is a limit to its defense. At this time, although the Borg people's fleet was repeatedly damaged, there are still more than 3,000 spaceships at this time, and there are still many capital ships. Under the battleship set fire, the defense system above the fortress gun was quickly defeated.

"Boom!" The fort artillery was attacked directly, and rampant violence immediately occurred. This fortress artillery that wiped out more than 3,000 battleships of the Borg people had only one shot to fire and was completely destroyed.

"Landing troops go on! Kill me all the creatures on this planet!" The deputy commander was also fired!

巴 In Barney's view, the lost warships and dead soldiers are just a number. He is an expensive engineer and a high-ranking member of the alliance. The lives of those people are irrelevant to him.

But this deputy commander is different, this fleet is his life! Every soldier is his subordinate, every battleship is his treasure. As a result, what he thought was an easy battle was fought like this. Although the victory was eventually achieved, this loss made him completely unacceptable.


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