Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 199: Heroes go

"Rest assured, I will come back alive!" Qin Hao petted and rubbed Nicole's hair. He suddenly felt that when a man was fighting in the house for a lifetime, there was a woman who missed him at all was a special happiness. Things. !

"I'm waiting for you!" Nicole said affectionately looking at Qin Hao.

Qin Haoxin suddenly felt an impulse. In front of the officers, he suddenly bent down and kissed Nicole's lips.

Nicole's body froze slightly, then she hugged Qin Hao's neck and responded enthusiastically. At this moment, his man was about to risk his life to carry out the task. What are the so-called restraints?

For a long time, Qin Hao's big mouth moved away from Nicole's red lips, and he smiled and said to Nicole, "It's a good feeling, wait for me to return, let's continue!"

"As long as you can come back!" Although Nicole blushed, her voice was firm.

"Lieutenant, the instant communication device and laser locator you want." At this time, a technical soldier came to Qin Hao with the two instruments.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, and then mounted both instruments to his armor.

"You're busy, I'll go out ..." Nicole turned away, and she was afraid that her tears would be a drag on Qin Hao ...

"Relax, silly girl, I will definitely be back." Qin Hao said silently looking at Nicole's back. Although he was very distressed to Nicole, the secret of his heart was too involved. He really could not tell Nicole can.

"Qin Hao, communication with the fleet has been connected!" Deng Jia said to Qin Hao at this time.

"Hmm! I see." Qin Hao stepped in front of the communications station.

"Here is Federal Honor, Thunder Canyon, do you have any questions?" The telegrapher heard the voice of the fleet communications officer.

"This is Thunder Canyon, I am Qin Hao of the First Special Battalion! I will talk to Cohen!" Qin Hao said to the communication instrument.

"Okay! Lieutenant Qin Hao, please wait a moment!" Said the communications officer. Although Qin Hao's rank was not high, his identity was extremely special in the Seventh Fleet.

Soon, the communications officer received Qin Hao's communication from Cohen.

"Qin Hao, are you in any trouble?" Cohen will ask a little nervously, after all, Nicole is also in Thunder Valley.

"No trouble, there is one good news!" Qin Hao laughed.

"Good news? What good news?" Cohen's heart fell to the ground.

"I found the location of Worm Nest and asked the fleet to strike!" Qin Hao said.

"Worm's Nest ?! Really?" Cohen will be shocked and happy after he got the news. He has been under too much pressure recently, and several big families have even threatened him to change battles.

"It's true!" Qin Hao said.

"What are you going to do?" Cohen would ask.

"The worm nest is deep in the ground, and it cannot be completely destroyed by planetary bombing. If you want to completely destroy it, you can only use a nuclear bomb!" Qin Hao said.

"But it only needs to be accurately positioned. Our sky in Alpha Star cannot cover the whole area, which makes it difficult for us to strike accurately." Cohen will say.

"It doesn't matter, I will use a laser locator to provide you with positioning." Qin Hao said.

"What !?" Cohen would be taken aback, and then he said to Qin Hao with a serious face: "Qin Hao, although we urgently need a victory to boost our military hearts, you do not have to take such a risk at all, I do not agree with you Locate near the worm nest! "

"Will, please rest assured that I will not do anything that is unsure. This time the blow to Worm Nest is of great significance. I ask the fleet to approve my plan!" Qin Hao said solemnly.

"It's too dangerous!" Cohen will still be reluctant to let Qin Hao take risks. He has always regarded Qin Hao as a prospective son-in-law, so of course he is unwilling to let Qin Hao take this risk.

"General! You agree, the opportunity is not lost! At this time, the Swarm is preparing for a larger attack. If we don't destroy them in advance, then Thunder Valley can be dangerous!" Qin Hao said.

"This ..." Cohen would hesitate. Although he didn't want to let Qin Hao take risks, he was even more reluctant to put Nicole in danger!

So when he heard that Thunder Canyon could be threatened, General Cohen relented.

"Qin Hao, are you really sure to evacuate?" Cohen will ask.

"General, you can rest assured. When did I do something I wasn't sure of?" Qin Hao said confidently.

"All right! I approved your plan. I ordered Viper and Hawk to prepare for a nuclear strike!" Cohen took a deep breath as the two frigates were on standby in the low-Earth orbit of Alpha Star.

"General, if that's the case, then I set off!" Qin Hao saluted General Cohen.

"Be careful all the way!" Cohen will say, and then he sends Qin Hao a communication code, which is used to communicate with the two frigates ~ ~ Hmm! I will! Qin Hao nodded, then cut off the communication.

"All the way!" Deng Jia and other officers saluted Qin Hao one after another, as if the warriors sent the death squads to the battlefield. At this moment, there was no gap in ranks among them, and some only admired the warriors.

"You, see you later!" Qin Hao smiled slightly, then walked out of the headquarters.

After coming out of the headquarters, Qin Hao saw that the soldiers of the First Special Battalion had already queued up, but Nicole was not in the queue.

"Salute!" When Qin Hao stepped out of the headquarters, these special forces soldiers immediately and neatly carried out Qin Hao's military salute. They already knew that Qin Hao was going to perform this extremely dangerous task, which was to see him off.

"Slap!" Qin Hao returned a gift, then walked outside the base.

"Salute!" When Qin Hao passed a check card, the soldiers inside would salute him, and Qin Hao smiled in return.

After a certain distance from the Thunder Canyon, Qin Hao whistled.

"Om ..." With the whistle of Qin Hao, the sound of wings flapping in the distance in the jungle, and soon Sonic appeared in the sky above Qin Hao.

"Hmm ..." Qin Hao climbed to the top of a big tree in a few steps, then leapt forward and landed on Sonic's back.

"His Royal Highness, where shall we go?" Sonic asked.

"Zaike's Worm Nest," Qin Hao said.

"Yes! Your Highness!" Sonic's wings fluttered, and its speed suddenly raised. After just over half an hour, Qin Hao came to Zaik's worm nest.

"Wait a while ..." Qin Hao estimated the time. According to the normal marching speed, he still had a few hours to reach here. Qin Hao didn't want to be caught because of these details.