Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2006: New goal

On the Honel Star battlefield, the Star Federation can be said to have achieved a great victory. Not only did they successfully delay the Borg attack here, they even wiped out more than 40,000 enemy ships, including the above. Hundred battleships!

However, this situation is still a very rare case. Most of the defensive node battles can only be regarded as satisfactory. After completing the strategic blocking mission, the ships of the Star Alliance have withdrawn from the battlefield in an orderly manner. It hindered the Borg people's offensive footsteps, but they did not create too many casualties for the Borg people. Such a battlefield is the mainstream in the entire battle situation.

Of course, there are some fleets of the Star Confederacy, either because of their intentions, or because of the super large-scale fleet raid by the Borg people. They failed to withdraw from the battlefield in time, which eventually led to the siege of the Borg people's fleet.

In any case, in this phase of the siege battle, the Starfederation did indeed achieve its desired effect. They successfully blocked the Borg fleet within the designated star area, but at this time the Starfederation's The fleet has already contracted here, and they need to stop the Borg in the heart of the Star Federation.

Unlike the outer star fields, the focus of the interstellar federal defense at this time has been the hinterland star area, which has been developed by humans for decades. Many planets have a large number of immigrants. At this time, you want to remove these immigrants. Not a simple project.

Although Lu Chen is in charge of this matter in person and is very attentive, this is a huge project after all, and it is simply unrealistic to want to remove all the people in time!

Facing the pressure of the Borg people, although the Star Federation is ready, some things are not as easy as imagined ...

Especially when it comes to self-interest, the short-sightedness of some people is unavoidable. Although the federal government has issued a notice to allow all civilians in the defense zone to evacuate immediately, this is their home, their house, their car. , They have everything, many are not taken away!

And these assets Star Federation can not be accompanied at full price, because that is not a matter of reluctance, it is unrealistic!

So for their own benefit, many people are resistant to migration. Even if the federal government has told these people how terrible they will be once the star defense is broken by the Borg, these short-sighted people often have a fluke. They I do n’t think I ’m the bad guy, so many people insist on staying ...

辰 For those who will stay alive or dead, Lu Chen has no choice but to choose.

For those scientific and technological talents who are reluctant to own their laboratory, Lu Chen directly took these useful people by abducting them. As for ordinary people, since they are willing to stay, Lu Chen ultimately chooses to respect their own choices. .

如今 In today's society, no matter what level of officials they are, they will promote the theory that people are not distinguished from high and low, but in actual practice, how can people not distinguish between high and low, and how can everyone be equal?

Especially when the crisis is coming, the ruler must make a choice. You are useful to the entire ethnic group. Even if you use strong, the ruler will let you survive, but if you have nothing to do, then I ’m sorry, the ethnic group will not Waste too much resources on you.

However, while the Star Federation was busy migrating the population, the Borg did not immediately launch an attack on the heart of the Star Federation.

As for Victor's purpose for doing this is actually very simple, in the first phase of the war, part of his purpose has been achieved, and now the opposition's great engineers have been killed by him.

After all, under the deliberate arrangement of Victor, the major opposition engineers were almost killed in battle. In this case, the fleet of the Star Federation will naturally not be polite, so they are very happy and smiled. This great gift from Victor.

And after the death of the opposition's great engineers, what Victor did was not to immediately launch a comprehensive attack on the Star Federation, but to let his subordinates take over the legacy left by these great engineers!

So whether the Borg people at this time are in the expeditionary force or in their native star domain, the theme at this time is to clear up aliens and integrate themselves.

Although the Borg people will become unprecedentedly united after doing all of this, at least it also gives the Star Federation a chance to breathe. Although this kind of wartime can't let it go, it is very unwise to give the enemy a breather. In Victor's view, the Star Federation at this time is already a fat on a chopping board. How to think and cut it all depends on his meaning, so he has no Star Alliance as his opponent. So naturally it doesn't matter if the enemy is given a chance.

In this case, the two sides ceased their truce unconsciously for almost seven months. During this period, the Star Federation successfully completed the migration of empty seats to the population in the central region of the hinterland, and also built on various defensive nodes. A large number of orbital defenses and interstellar fortresses.

For the Star Federation, although they still have a relatively wide rear, the huge population cannot all migrate to the earth. They need a certain space to accommodate these populations, so endless concessions are impossible!

Because the development of the earth's civilization is gradually expanded outwards ~ ~, so the closer it is to the galaxy, the sooner it develops, the denser the population, and the more developed the related industries, so give up The more things lost in these places.

At this time, the Star Federation has abandoned the outermost star fields, but those sites have only been occupied in the last ten or twenty years. Therefore, whether it is immigration or construction, it has just begun. If you give up now, you will not lose too much. But the hinterland is different.

In addition, if the fleet of the Star Confederacy is declining, it will also be a huge blow to the morale of the entire human race, so Lu Chen and Qin Hao discussed it. Although they did not intend to fight the Borg in this second layer of defense, But it has to be fought!

In this battle, the strategic goal of the Star Alliance is very clear, that is, to destroy at least 80% of the battleships of the Borg people except the battle star, but they have not ordered the fleet to stay in position.

This means that for the Star Federation, positions can be lost, but it must kill the Borg people as much as possible and destroy their fleet!

If the Borg people pass this battle, they will only have the invincible war star as the light pole commander. Although the position on the side of the Star Federation is lost, the Borg people will not be able to occupy Guangxi with only one battle star. Star field.


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