Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2037: Head-to-head

As the team continued to go deep into Gobi, Volca's brows frowned. Although his artificial skin could not sweat cold, the dangerous approaching feeling always lingered in Volca's mind.

Standing on Mech's shoulder, Volca looked far into the distance. At this time, the Gobi Desert had become more desolate. Looking at it, it was full of tan, except for the gravel everywhere and the withered grass that can only be seen occasionally. Nothing at all……

"What's that?" At this moment Volca found that there were a few pillars standing far away.

As the team continued to advance, Volca finally saw the original appearance of the pillars. It turned out that this was the skeleton left by a super huge creature after death. These towering pillars were the ribs of the dead creature.

"It's so huge ..." Volca couldn't help but sigh. The main fighter mech at his feet was 23 meters tall, but even so, Volca, who was nearly three meters tall, stood on the shoulder of the mech. You need to look up to see the tip of the ribs rising to the sky.

It can be seen that the thickness of this huge monster alone exceeds 30 meters in its chest cavity, and its length obviously exceeds 100 meters!

"My lord, something is wrong ..." the lieutenant said to Volca via communicator at this time.

"Well! Did you notice it?" Volca nodded.

"I can't say it in detail, but in short it feels like something is wrong ..." said the lieutenant.

"Then we should stop, or go through this place immediately?" Volka asked, and he couldn't make a decision at this time.

The anxiety in his heart has always troubled Volca, which made him want to order the team to stop and enter a defensive state, but in this way, they will be in danger, but if you quickly cross this dangerous area, then On the move, they are more likely to be targets of the enemy.

"Sir, otherwise we'll defend on the spot ..." the lieutenant suggested.

"Okay!" Volcaben couldn't help but, since the lieutenant suggested, he simply followed the advice of the lieutenant.

Soon, this army led by Volca personally began to camp on the ground. The outer periphery was tens of millions of elite robots, and then the middle defense circle composed of various chariots and mechas. Lattice Marines.

After the camp was set up, Volca's sense of crisis was undiminished. He stood on Mech's shoulders and looked at his camp. The army of tens of millions of mech warriors and war equipment looked at the sky for a glance. No one can see the margins. Under the protection of the army, he should be extremely safe, but the sense of crisis is always lingering in his heart.

"What about the other teams?" Volca looked at the communications officer.

"Sir ... we lost contact with the other units ..." The communications officer looked at Volca with horrified eyes ...

At this time, the communications officer not only could not contact other troops in the Gobi, he could not even contact the forward base in the rear. As for the fleet in space, let alone mention it!

"Damn! We may be in an ambush!" Like Volkswagen in Volca's heart, the request for help from Huroll was probably the enemy's bait. Although he did not know why Huroll had betrayed the Borg, but Obviously, this is definitely not the wisdom that a group of beasts can possess.

Until now, either the powerful creatures of Kluzexing have high intelligence, or there are other people involved in it!

"Master ... Master! No ... bad! We detected a twelfth level psionic response ..." Just then, the radar soldier shouted in a terrified voice.

"What !? Swarm!" For a moment, Volca understood that all of this was simply a conspiracy of the swarm, and he had fallen into the trap of the swarm!

Twelfth level psionic response! What this means is that Volca cannot directly discern, but he once played against the Zerg with a tenth-level psionic reaction, and the result was a loss of both ...

Volka was very sure that even the Zerg who could respond to the level 11 psionics could not cope with it. As for the level 12 ... that was not something he could fight ...

"It's over ... it's over ..." Volca's face was as dead as a ghost, but he still had a hint of hope in his heart, after all, he didn't come alone, he didn't need to face the twelfth grade alone Zerg, he still has tens of millions of robot warriors, a large number of war equipment, and millions of powerful Borg Marines.

But another idea is also constantly stimulating Volca's nerves: when has the Zerg played heads-up? Playing group attacks is the ancestor!

Although my heart is more desperate, but this is the end, and it is useless to say anything else ...

"Notify the troops and be ready to fight!" Volca ordered.

Fortunately for Volca, short-distance communications in their army remained unblocked until this time, so the order was issued smoothly.

Soon, the Borg ground troops were ready to fight, but at this time they were not qualified to take the initiative and could only wait for the Swarm to attack ...

"Order a few special forces to break out when they find a chance. Be sure to pass back the news that Cruzer Star has been occupied by the swarm. Be sure to let the fleet know the true situation of Cruzer Star!" Volka's mind was still clear He knew that if these teams were annihilated, Cruzer would still be a powerful and valuable planet for the Borg fleet.

This will allow the Borg people to continuously send troops to Cruzer Star ~ ~ and then use up their power here for nothing, only to let Victor understand that it has been occupied by the swarm, and he will order to destroy it directly. Planet!

That's right, Volca was determined to die at this time. He didn't plan to leave Cruzer Star alive, because he knew that in terms of the strength of the swarm here, in addition to destroying the planet, the Borg people would It is impossible to defeat the Swarm on the ground battlefield.

The Swarm's offensive did not keep Volka and his troops waiting, that is, less than an hour later, a white light burst into the distance and fell into the Borg formation.

"Boom boom boom ..." A fierce explosion erupted in the Borg formation, and a large block of elite robot soldiers was destroyed.

"Have the radar been locked on the target?" The frontline commander urged.

"Already locked!" Cried the radar.

"Share the coordinates, the artillery fights back!" The frontline commander shouted aloud, the Borg brought all the war equipment this time, so they did not fall into the wind at all during the confrontation.