Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2069: Escape from the interference zone

The reconnaissance pair sent by Tutak seemed to be sinking into the sea. After a few hours passed, there was no feedback at all ...

The delaying reconnaissance team cast a shadow on Tutak's heart. At this time, he could not help but start to believe what Elsman said. If the Zerg really has the ability to control biological brain waves, Then the Borg ground forces are vulnerable when confronting them!

The ground equipment used by the ground forces is relatively small, and even the giant 30-meter-high land mechs are extremely small weapon systems compared to warships or space mechas in space.

After all, there are many additional factors to consider when fighting on the ground, such as resistance, such as gravity, such as the natural environment, etc. These factors limit the size of the war weapon. Imagine a giant war vehicle of more than ten kilometers in ground warfare. , Or a giant mech that is thousands of meters high, these gadgets have no other role than the target.

The ground battlefield is more about maneuverability and flexibility, so too large war weapons are not suitable here, but correspondingly, small weapon systems mean that they must abandon some functions or weaken some functions because of the relationship between volume Some large equipment cannot be installed, nor can it carry more energy.

In this way, the ground war weapon cannot naturally shield the energy signal like a warship in space, which naturally includes the brain wave interference of the Zerg.

And more importantly, when fighting in space, the two sides are often separated by tens of thousands of kilometers. Even if the swarm has the ability to intervene in this kind of brain waves, they will not be able to amplify the energy to interfere with tens of thousands of kilometers away. Strength of.

If there is that energy, it might as well be used directly to attack!

However, on the ground battlefield, because the distance between the two warring parties is generally several kilometers or tens of kilometers, the confrontation of hundreds of kilometers away is mostly used to suppress, such close combat, and the Borg people lack resistance. The means of interference, so this ability of the Swarm naturally played an unexpected effect, so although the Bogs had dispatched a large number of troops before, there were no waves at all on the Cruzer star.

At this time, there was only one way in front of Tutak, that is, to withdraw immediately, and not just to withdraw the base. They needed to withdraw directly to the battleship, and then wait for the army ’s science and technology laboratory to develop an effective anti-Zerg brainwave intervention. After the equipment came, they made a comeback.

Prior to this, the Borg ground forces had no choice but to fight against the swarm.

Although there are some officers with a modified brain in the Borg Army, and the Angel Army also ignores this kind of brainwave intervention, the problem is that their number is too small, and the total number is less than 5,000. The scale can barely cope on the general battlefield, but when facing an almost endless number of insect swarms, this number of troops is simply not enough to gnaw the bugs.

"Sir, two more reconnaissance teams have been dispatched, this time they have carried more robots ..." The lieutenant came to Tutak's side.

"Order an evacuation!" Tutak told the aide.

"Sir, we are not waiting for the news of the reconnaissance team?" The aide asked.

"Can't wait ..." Tutak shook his head, and it was clear that the Zerg's brainwave interference technology was very powerful, and they seemed to be wary of the means by which the Borg people dispatched reconnaissance teams in batches.

Although there is no conclusive evidence, Tutak, who has fought for many years, is almost certain that the swarm must be a useful and stronger reconnaissance method, and the Borg people are under their surveillance.

So no matter how many batches of reconnaissance teams sent by the Bogs, the Swarm will not rush into brainwave attacks. They must wait for the last wave of reconnaissance teams to enter the scope of brainwave intervention before attacking them. of.

In this way, all the scouts will be disturbed by brain waves, they will be lost in their dreams, and then die unknown ...

And once these Borg scouts died, the robots they carried naturally went out of control. These robots were not capable of autonomous operation. So when the Borg scouts were killed, those robots were a pile of scrap iron. .

Because of electromagnetic interference, the Borg people could not dispatch remote reconnaissance planes to follow the scouts, so all this could not be confirmed. These were just Tutak's speculations, but at this time he already believed in El Wordsman's words.

"Yes! Lord!" Seeing that Tutak's idea had been decided, the lieutenant would not obstruct it anymore. He quickly transmitted the order to several correspondents. At this time, these correspondents were much harder than before. They could not. Continue to sit there and use the communication device to convey orders to the troops, they need to personally go to those troops to communicate the orders to them.

After about an hour or two, all Borg troops finally received orders to evacuate.

"Just retreat outside the interference zone, and once communication is restored, we'll be fine!" Tutak comforted himself.


The Borg troops were dismissed, and they quickly retreated in the direction they came from. This military operation could be said to have failed completely. They did almost nothing, ran for nothing, and then lost some troops.

Although the losses were not significant, neither of the two combat goals previously set was achieved.

Not to mention the failure to capture the princes of the Zerg, even the trapped troops did not see them, and according to the available information, those troops may have been more ferocious.

Five hours passed in a flash of time ~ ~ Borg's non-stop hurry, and finally came to the edge of the interference zone, and in about an hour, they could rush out of the interference zone and resume communication.

"Everyone will work harder! Once communication is restored, we will be able to get in touch with the fleet. With the help of the fleet, those bugs will not dare to act lightly!" Tutak comforted the sergeants around him, but because the communication was blocked What he can comfort is just a group of combat staffs around him, but those soldiers who really need to appease them, can't hear him at all.

Just as the Borg Army was about to break out of the interference zone, Elsman suddenly found Tutak.

"Ready to fight!" Elsman said immediately.

"What did you find?" Tutak immediately asked. At this time, the three thousand angels were definitely the main force in his army. Don't look at the millions of Tutak's army, but the problem is in the insect Under the interference of the brain waves of the swarm, not only could this million army not be able to exert its fighting power, it may even be used by the swarm. Lock up the soldiers' weapons ...

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