Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2085: meet

Under the mediation of Tutak, Holger finally agreed to have a communication with Victor, hoping to use this communication to resolve the previous misunderstanding.

Following Tutak's forehead, Holger entered the command center. At this time, Badaville had left the advancing base by a small spacecraft, and then took refuge at the advancing base closest to it.

Obviously, after losing the No. 2 card, Badaville was really scared. Although his brother is great, he can even control Victor ’s decision, but the problem is that his brother ca n’t send troops to support this moment. Go forward to the base!

Once caught by that horrible bug and killed by him directly, no matter how powerful Badaville's brother is, he can't resurrect the dead!

So for the sake of his own life, Badaville decisively ran away. Compared to letting his brother avenge himself, he still hoped to live, after all, everything is alive ...

Bataville fled, and this base was naturally the highest ranking Tutak, so all obstacles no longer existed. Tutak took Holger to the communications center smoothly.

"Connect me to the fleet. I want to speak directly to Lord Victor!" Tutak told the communications soldier.

"Yes! General!" The correspondent immediately began to try to contact the fleet. Because there was no Zerg on the side to interfere, the communication between this forward base and the fleet was very smooth. After a while, the communication was connected.

"Please wait!" The fleet's correspondent learned about Tutak's request to speak directly with Victor, and immediately asked for instructions.

About five minutes later, Victor appeared on the big screen of the communication center.

"Tutak, is it any surprise that you were so anxious to see me?" Victor asked puzzledly. Although the incident of fighting at this forward base had been reported by the soldiers, such reporting required a level by level. Reflecting upward, at this time there is no direct report on Victor's presence.

"It's true that there are some accidents ... Lord ..." Tutak breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Victor's doubt, as it seemed to prove that Victor had nothing to do with the attack.

"What happened? The zerg prince refuses to accept your suggestion?" Victor asked, because Holger was on the other side of the communication center and he did not appear in Victor's vision, so Victor thought it Tucker's negotiations were not smooth.

"It's not ... Chief, Lord Holger of the Zerg has accepted my suggestion, and he agrees to talk to you and is willing to go to the fleet." Tutak said flashing, and the camera followed Tutak's figure. After turning, Holger was included in the framing range. At the same time, Victor also saw Holger.

"You are their leader?" Holger asked as he looked at Victor, his mental waves were transformed into the Borg language and played.

"Master, the Zerg go straight, so they speak more directly, without any honorifics or politeness, and please don't blame this ..." Tutak explained.

"This way ..." Victor nodded. Although he acknowledged the power of the Zerg, he still discriminated against him somewhat. He felt that the Zerg was a group of barbaric uncivilized Zerg. It is acceptable, after all, how polite can you expect a group of barbaric beasts?

"Prince Holger, I'm glad to meet you. My name is Victor. I'm the chief engineer of the Boge People's Congress of Engineers. In your words, I am their leader." Victor told Holger.

"Do you mean this assassination of me?" Holger asked openly.

"Assassination? What are you talking about?" Victor looked blank.

"That's it, Master, we encountered the difficulties of Badaville while boarding the landing ship and left. In the end, he used force and even launched a humanoid weapon that I didn't know launched to His Highness Holger. Attack, "Tutak explained.

"Humanoid weapon?" Victor realized after a brief sacrifice, that the humanoid weapon in Tutak's mouth was likely to be the testing machine of the **** destroyer.

"Yes!" Tutak described the appearance of the second machine, which made Victor even more convinced that Holger's test machine was attacking Holger.

"This is not my order. Your Highness Holger, are you not injured?" Victor immediately clarified that he was not involved in the matter, but his concern for Holger was false and asked about the test results of the test aircraft. is true.

Although the attack was not directed by Victor, since the battle has already taken place, it is Victor's eagerness to know the true combat power of the test aircraft through the Zerg prince.

"Of course not! Although this guy is a bit difficult, but he is not my opponent!" Holger didn't tell the truth. He was in a state of almost total siege during the battle, and the enemy was by no means what he said.

But as a victor, Holger is qualified to describe the battle, even if what he describes is not true!

Besides, Holger had completely repaired his injury at this time, so when seeing Holger's Victor from the screen, he could not find any scars on him!

"That's ..." Victor was a little disappointed, knowing that he had high hopes for the Destroyer Plan, but now it seems that the Destroyer body cannot pose a threat to the Zerg's top powerhouse. UU Reading Book www.

"It seems they have to let them step up to crack those ancient technologies, these prototypes are still unqualified ..." Victor secretly said, these prototypes were copied according to the information in the ancient ruins, but because the civilization and the Borg people left The two are completely different technology lines, so the Borg people encountered a lot of problems when cracking, so the prototype of the **** destroyer they developed is far less powerful than recorded in the data.

"Why ... are you a little disappointed that I didn't get hurt?" Holger also noticed the regret in Victor's tone.

"No, no ... Your Highness, you have misunderstood. I have no knowledge of this attack, and I am willing to apologize to you for losing control of your weapons." Victor's face changed quickly, and he did not mind to Huo Erg said sorry or something, anyway, this oral apology does not cost money.

"Okay! I accept your apologies!" Holger didn't delve into this matter, and he didn't know he could get a fair amount of compensation if he talked about such an attack. After all, this kind of Negotiations are too strange for the Zerg. Their previous behavior was to destroy each other without a word. How could there be such a complicated mental work?

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