Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2140: Command

Although a large number of God Destroyer came to support, but because Taren had been killed, some of these God Destroyer were headless and the scene was a bit confusing, and Zhu Feng took the storm fighters and immediately withdrew from the battlefield at this time. After pulling away a distance, they immediately left the relevant area by phase jump.

Although the traces of this phase jump can be traced, when the Borg people chased them, Zhu Feng and they had already shifted.

And just when the goddess messed up and did not know how to be good, Elsman took the opportunity to bring his angels back.

"Don't panic, everyone! Listen to me!" Elsman easily gathered the military power.

Not to mention that Elsman ’s rank is not the highest here, and his personal strength ca n’t be compared with those of the God Destroyer, but what are the drivers of these God Destroyer? Before contacting the God Destroyer, they are the bottom of a group of Borgs, but if there is a little money and a little power at home, they will not refuse to accept the transformation at all.

In the social structure of the Borg people, the top Borg people have received almost all the transformations, and they have lost their fertility, so the continuation of each family needs to be obtained by obtaining babies from other civilizations and transforming them. .

But in addition to the top layers of these societies, there are some bottom layers of the Borg people. Although they have also undergone a certain degree of physical transformation, they are basically limited to the limbs, eyes, ears and other organs, so these people are equipped with Fertility.

But the problem is that these people have only a little money to reform themselves, so that they can earn money to support their families, so the children they born naturally cannot have money to reform.

The driver of the Goddess Mech is mainly selected from these children. Although the children who can be selected are relatively excellent, the lack of education from a young age is destined to their personal quality.

Although after becoming the driver of the Goddess Mech, the Borg people have trained them at all costs, but these trainings are mainly focused on mecha driving and combat skills. After all, the Borg people have not much time The Mech Armor of God Destroyer has just begun to serve.

So after these assailants have been trained in assault training, although they have mastered combat skills, they are very lacking in battlefield reaction ability, commanding ability, and qualities that other officers should possess.

After Taren was assassinated, these god-killer drivers quickly fell into a panic. At this time, Elsman appeared and shouted his arms and took the initiative to take command. This is the god-destroying **** himself. For the pilots, it is tantamount to having a backbone, and they instinctively will follow the command of this person. As for the identity of this person, it is actually not important, as long as someone can stand up at this time, it is enough .

Because of the panic of the God Destroyer, Elsman easily gathered the military power, and then he sent the God Destroyer to pursue the interstellar federal warriors who assassinated Taron, on the one hand, he also left a large part The God continues to monitor this interstellar federal base that has been exploded.

Later, Elsman sent a robot force to search inside the base. At this time, the outer wall of the base had exploded. The Goddess of Destruction could not enter the base of the Star Federation because of its size, but the robots could execute This task.

In the chaos, Elsman even allowed some of his most trusted angels who awakened to self-consciousness to erase the traces that were accidentally left behind by the interstellar federal warriors. Jump traces, now let the Borgs investigate, also because they exploded through the outer wall of the base of the Star Federation, the Star Federation soldiers inside the dog jumped the wall quickly, they chose to break through from this direction, but they happened to encounter the Taren , So the tragedy happened ...

Everything is as perfect as planned, and then Elsman will successfully find some valuable information that the Star Federation fighters have no time to destroy in this abandoned base, and obtain a lot of key information about the Star Federation through these materials. intelligence!

This huge credit originally belonged to Taren, but this guy hung up, so the credit will naturally fall on the head of the temporary commander Elsman.

Although this credit is not enough for Elsman to receive any rewards such as promotion, after all, as angels, they are themselves excluded and bogged down by the Borg people, but through this credit, Elsman is at least not by Tarren His death is implicated, and may also win the trust of some Borg people, and this is enough for him.

"Shoot ..."

"Booming ..."

A sound of battle was heard inside the base of the Star Federation. This was a crossfire between the robot forces and automatic defense weapons that entered the base. After paying a lot of robots, the Borg people quickly occupied the base.

Although most of the devices and electronic equipment inside the base have been destroyed, after all, the soldiers of the Star Federation are in a hurry to "escape", so some things such as electronic computers have not been completely destroyed. In this regard, technology is even better than The more developed Borg people of the Interstellar Federation quickly extracted valuable data from it!

"Very good!" Elsman's big stone in his heart was also landed after getting the data. So far, the plan he colluded with the Star Federation was successfully completed ~ ~ Big Brother, Chief The adult asked to talk to you ... "At this time, an angel came to Elsman's side. In fact, after taking over the military power, Elsman immediately made people report the death of Taren to the fleet.

In order not to cause trouble to himself, Elsman can say that it is watertight.

"What the **** happened?" Although he received the report, Victor still did not fully understand the situation at this time, and he needed Elsman to report it in person.

"Sir Lord ... this is the case ..." Elsman said the general situation, but the details of Taren's killing, he took it in one stroke, only saying that he was searching other areas at the time, not on the scene ...

Victor had already learned about the details of Taren's not killing through other channels. After all, those **** destroyer mechs have image recording devices on them, so even if Elsman does not say, Victor can see it.

"Why are the enemies breaking through here?" Victor instinctively questioned. Although there was no evidence, he always felt that this coincidence was abnormal.

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