Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2192: Flicker

"Alright! Then you summon your generals to have a meeting and study immediately, and I will always follow you." Although the cloak man was not satisfied with Qian Feng's reply, he could not pick it out, so he nodded and agreed. But from now on he will always follow Qian Feng's side to ensure that he will not passively slack off.

"Then I will summon my men immediately!" Although Qian Feng had a smile on his face, he scolded the cloak man's account in his heart. But in front of the cloak man, he did not show it well.

However, Qian Feng did not do anything in the dark, but he did not delay for a second. He immediately summoned the big engineers who were best at military affairs, but some of these big engineers guarded in remote places, and some In the lab planet with poor information, you can only send a spacecraft to notify, anyway, if you want to summon them from your job to the capital star, then it is impossible in two or three months.

After these major military engineers were summoned to the Capital Star, Qian Feng did not delay for a minute. When these people arrived, he immediately held a military meeting. However, in these military meetings, Qian Feng excused himself. He did not understand military affairs, so he never interjected, and these senior military officials under his control "coincidentally" level, and they did not obey anyone, so they put forward many plans.

Although these plans are similar, there are many differences in details. Qian Feng killed him and did not understand the military, so he did not make judgments. The goals of the senior military officials at this time are very simple, that is, they want to be on this expedition. Supreme Commander!

You know that the fleet provided by the Destroyer is very terrifying. It constitutes an overwhelming advantage to the fleet of the Star Federation. In addition, Qian Feng also told these military officials that the Destroyer can block the threat of the Zerg. These senior officials As long as it can fight the fleet of the Star Federation.

For these high-ranking officials, if there is no threat from the Zerg, then as long as their minds do n’t smoke, it is a very simple matter to destroy the Interstellar Federation with this super fleet, so who can become the highest commander of this fleet, who can Make the biggest contribution!

You should know that at this time, the Borg people can only have one enemy in the interstellar union. Once the interstellar union is annihilated, then if you want to make a contribution, you can only annihilate some interstellar pirates. .

So this war is undoubtedly the last chance to lay the interests of the family. Whoever can seize this opportunity, whose family can get the biggest piece in the last cake-sharing game and win the biggest for the benefit distribution in the future Advantage.

Therefore, these military senior officials value the commander-in-chief of this expedition very much. After all, as long as they get the commander ’s post, they can win the war with their eyes together, and then they can get a lot of credit for themselves. 'S family gets more benefits in the new high-level system.

And if you want to get the position of the highest commander, whoever put forward the plan adopted by Qian Feng becomes the most critical measurement indicator, so at this time, although the proposals made by these senior military officials are almost the same, they are all one by one. Inconsistent, after all, this is not about the job of a temporary commander, but the interests of the family in the future.

In front of them, the senior military officials were earning a lot of blood. Qian Feng watched with cold eyes. He neither stopped nor expressed his opinion. He watched these people attack each other so quietly, biting each other's flaws.

Qian Feng did not express his opinion. The following senior officials have similar positions and their qualifications are similar. Naturally, they do not agree with anyone. The man in the cape looked a little bored after watching it for a few days, but he did not know how to speak like this. They are cultivators, you have to ask him about the use of energy, he is an expert, but the group of people in front of Qian Feng is a quantum jump, and shutting up is a high-energy particle beam deflection. These professional terms are piled up, and the cloak people hear it. In the clouds and fog, Qian Feng knew that the schemes were similar, but the cloak people thought that these people were really arguing about the strategic policy, so they couldn't talk.

This kind of almost meaningless meeting started for one month, and Qian Feng quietly came to listen to the quarrels of these people every day, but he did n’t say anything except “start meeting” and “get here today”. The third sentence.

A month passed, and the cloak man was a little impatient. Although he did n’t understand these professional terms, how could a master who has been practicing for so many years be a fool, he could n’t understand the professional terms, and he could hear the words of the car. understandable.

The senior military officials have been arguing for more than a month. The flaws and defects in everyone's plan have been found out by each other. After there is no new things, are they just talking back and forth ...

After discovering that these senior officials were arguing and arguing back, the cloak man began to be impatient. After the day's meeting, he followed Qian Feng back to the chief engineer's mansion.

"You have been arguing for too long. I don't care whether your war plan is mature. I need you to send troops within a month!" The cloak man gave Qian Feng an ultimatum.

"One month?" Qian Feng frowned, then flatly refused: "This is impossible!"

In fact, Qian Feng is also taking risks to say this, he is testing the bottom line of the cloak man.

"Why is it impossible?" The cloak men didn't turn their faces directly ~ ~ First of all, they haven't worked out a set of reasonable strategies, knowing that to start a war of this scale, prepare in advance for years or even decades. It ’s normal. I ca n’t get the best war plan in a month, and even if I choose a set of plans at once, I immediately appoint a commander, he also needs to gather troops, and then carry out war exercises, and wait for everything to end. After that, it will take at least half a year! "Qian Feng is right. If it is normal war preparations, what he said is normal. It may even take longer."

But do n’t forget that the Star Federation has just experienced a brutal war at this time, and their military strength is seriously insufficient at this time. More importantly, the Borg suddenly got a large and powerful fleet. They can pass by this fleet completely, and the Star Alliance can't stop this invincible fleet at all, so what Qian Feng said can simply be omitted.

The reason why Qian Feng said this, except that he wanted to delay the time accident, that is, he deliberately bullied the cloak man who did not understand the military. From these days of contact, Qian Feng also saw that this cloak man seems to be someone's guard or bodyguard. Person, although he has strong personal strength, he has absolutely no knowledge of military matters, so Qian Feng dared to fooling him so wantonly.

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