Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2248: lesson

"You never thought I would take you in?" Qin Hao asked with a frown.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the boss said that they are going to do an important thing, but they can't take me, he asked me to go to the earth to find you, if you don't take me, I will go to the earth to wait..." Jingwei is very rogue Said.

"No!" Qin Hao directly refused, he absolutely can't tolerate Jing Wei to stay on the earth. Although Jing Wei will be suppressed to a certain extent on the earth, there will be no other than the queen and Qin Hao on the entire earth. Three people are her opponents.

And Jingwei's temperament is not only violent but also bloodthirsty. If you let her stay on the earth, a little carelessness will lead to a tragedy!

"If you don't worry, let me stay by your side!" Jing Wei said indifferently.

"..." Qin Hao's eyebrows had become a pimple, and he was considering whether to kill Jingwei directly.

"By the way, the boss has a letter to give you!" At this time, Jingwei suddenly shook his hand, and a letterhead wrapped in flames came straight to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao took the letterhead as soon as he reached out, and the flames belonging to Jingwei were extinguished the moment he touched Qin Hao. At this time, Qin Hao’s strength was completely above Jingwei, and her flames could not be hurt. Qin Hao.

After opening the letterhead, Qin Hao's brows became tighter, and Xingtian's tone was very polite in the letterhead. He told Qin Hao that he was going to the center of the universe to fight with Huang Di. , But Jingwei is Yan Emperor's daughter, and he is also Yan Emperor's subordinate. He can't take the hero's daughter to take risks, so he decided to ask Jing Wei to Qin Hao.

Not only that, Xing Tian also said on the letterhead that although he was a subordinate of Yan Emperor, after all, he was also regarded as Jingwei’s uncle and her elders, and was also qualified to arrange her things. If Qin Hao could see her, then take She is married and can be a wife or a concubine. If Qin Hao can't look down on her, then she can be a maid, but he hopes that Qin Hao can make Jingwei live happily...

Although Xingtian did not use any threat in the entire letterhead, Qin Hao knew very well that if he killed Jingwei, then he would have forged an irreparable hatred between Xingtian and Xingtian. The center of the world is back, so it's bound to be separated from Qin Hao's life and death, and the lack of security will bring the entire human civilization to be buried for Jingwei.

Qin Hao cannot ignore the threat of Xing Tian. Although there is now a blood contract for Qin Hao's 500-year deadline, for Xing Tian's existence at this level, 500-year existence is just a snap...

Killing can not kill, leaving a hidden danger, which makes Qin Hao very knotted.

"What did the boss tell you?" Jing Wei asked Qin Hao's brow furrowed and asked curiously. It seemed that she didn't know what Xing Tian said on the letterhead.

"He asked me to accept you as a maid!" Qin Hao said angrily.

"Impossible! Big uncle can't let me be your maid!" Jing Wei didn't believe it at all, she rushed to Qin Hao in a flash, and then snatched the letterhead.

In fact, if Qin Hao doesn’t want Jing Wei to get the letterhead, even if Jing Wei is desperate, she won’t be able to grab it, but Qin Hao is struggling with how to deal with Jing Wei at this time. Fall into the hands of Jing Wei.

"Ah! Impossible! How can a big uncle do this!" Jing Wei, who saw the contents of the letterhead with his own eyes, was even more dumbfounded. Originally, being a maidservant was enough to wrong her. To Qin Hao.

And what makes Jingwei more angry is that Qin Hao didn’t mention this at all. Doesn’t that mean Qin Hao didn’t like her at all, even saying that Qin Hao thought she was doing it for him? No concubine's qualifications, can only be a maidservant?

"I killed you!" When I thought of this, Jingwei's anger came up. She herself was a spoiled character from Xiaojiao. After fleeing the earth, Xingtian lost his head, but his loyalty to Yan Emperor did not change, so yes Jingwei is also very spoiled, and others like Kuafu and others are similar, so Jingwei becomes more spoiled.

So under shame, Jingwei suddenly ignored, she turned into a flame and ran straight to Qin Hao.

"Uh!" Qin Hao wrapped Jingwei with psionic power for the first time. While suppressing her, he tore the space directly, and with Jingwei flashed into the void dozens of kilometers away.

Qin Hao, who suffered a loss, certainly could not reproduce the scene of the assassination of the young man in the purple robe. He could no longer destroy the transportation, so he directly used the means of the destroyers to tear the space and took Jingwei out of the spaceship. .

"Boom!" At this time, Jingwei, who was still angry, waved flames towards Qin Hao again.

"Teach you first, let you know the rules!" At this time Qin Hao's anger also came up. Due to the pressure of Xing Tian, ​​although he did not dare to actually kill Jingwei, discipline is necessary. Otherwise how much trouble this girl might bring.

"Boom!" Just a punch, Qin Hao blasted Jingwei's flames, and then grabbed Jingwei's neck, pressing her against a floating meteorite nearby.

"Boom!" The huge impact force directly smashed the meteorite, but fortunately, Jingwei is not a mortal. Her strength is there after all, so the ability to resist beating is also good.

Pressed by Qin Hao on a broken meteorite with a diameter of tens of meters, Jingwei’s small face turned red. She had never been bullied like this, so she wanted to work hard with Qin Hao, but Qin Hao had just dispersed her Flame, if you want to re-assemble the flame, you must first restore her spiritual power to run, but at this time, Jingwei is suppressed by Qin Hao’s spiritual power, and she can’t restore her spiritual power to run at all. With big eyes staring at Qin Hao, UU can't read anything at

In fact, Qin Hao is also embarrassed at this time. Although he suppresses the Jingwei, this girl can’t kill, and it has no effect. After all, like the masters of this level, as long as they breathe, they can easily recover.

And Qin Hao also understands the character of this girl. She was spoiled and spoiled from childhood. If Qin Hao really slapped her a few slaps, she will definitely be grieving. Although Qin Hao can’t help her, she will go to Qin Hao’s friends for trouble or killing. The top executives of the Interstellar Federation came to add trouble to Qin Hao.

"It's a real trouble!" Qin Hao was a little helpless.

"Need help?" Suddenly, a crisp female voice appeared in Qin Hao's mind.

"Red?" Qin Hao froze for a while, the core of time-Red but one day did not show up. She said that she wanted to teach her younger brother Black, so she no longer took care of Qin Hao. She didn't take the initiative to contact Qin Hao until today.



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