Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2262: Cruel rules

"It's Xingtian!" Hong brought bad news to Qin Hao.

"Can you bypass him?" Qin Hao asked.

"Yes!" Red did not disappoint Qin Hao this time.

"Can you tell me your real plan?" Qin Hao suddenly stopped, he felt that Hong had a lot of things that he didn't tell himself. Now although he came to the center of the universe, he was too passive.

Although Qin Hao is in the center of the universe, he doesn’t know anything about it, and he doesn’t know the intention of Hong. Since she wants to get revenge from that person, she doesn’t want Qin Hao to meet with each other prematurely. She could not leave Qin Hao alone to seek revenge on the man, so this made Qin Hao confused.

"Hmm..." Hong Shen thought for a moment, and then said to Qin Hao: "I'm going to let you first improve your strength here, and then go to help me get revenge."

"Improve strength?" Qin Hao was shocked. It is not easy to know that their masters at this level want to increase their strength. This will take a very long time, perhaps one thousand years, ten thousand years or even longer.

For Qin Hao and their masters at this level, life expectancy is measured in billions or even billions of years. What they need most is time.

But Qin Hao certainly can't stay here for thousands of years, let alone say, Nicole on earth is still waiting for him! Although Nicole's body is no longer an ordinary person, she can easily live for hundreds of years, but she does not have a nearly eternal life span like Qin Hao after all.

So here is going back for thousands of thousands of years, let alone Nicole’s ashes are gone, even if humans are still a problem.

"You don’t have to worry, it’s easy to increase your strength here, which is why many immortal people choose to come here to find opportunities when their lives are about to end, because here they can more easily improve their strength and then break through before The upper limit of life, thereby obtaining a longer life." Red explained.

"It's easier to improve your strength?" Qin Hao froze.

"Yes." Red nodded.

"How to improve?" Qin Hao felt the concentration of free energy factors around him. Although it was better than the current earth, it was totally incomparable compared with the earth in the ancient times. Almost.

Although suitable for cultivation, it is absolutely impossible for a cultivator at his level to have a faster cultivation speed.

"Because of the rules here!" Red said.

"Rules?" Qin Hao was shocked. Red had mentioned the word "rules" more than once.

"Yes, in this world, after you kill the opponent, his power will return to you!" Hong said flatly.

"What!?" Qin Hao stood upright when he heard that!

Because under this rule, everyone has a reason to kill, everyone will be someone else's prey, and they will all become hunters who kill others!

What kind of world is this! The rules here are so cruel!

"You can feel it, your strength should be improved." Red hinted.

"Huh?" Lu Chen closed his eyes and felt it for a while. Sure enough, his power has been extremely weakened. If it wasn't for Red to remind him, he felt his power intently, and he couldn't find it at all.

"This is the power you gained by killing the moon dogs." Red explained that because the strength of the moon dogs was too low compared to Qin Hao, so after their power entered Qin Hao's body, they Hao's ascension was so slight that he couldn't perceive it if he didn't feel it carefully.

"So as long as you work hard to improve your strength, you can quickly get promoted!" Hong said to Qin Hao at this time.

"But..." Qin Hao just wanted to say he didn't want to hunt others, but he was interrupted by Hong.

"This is not something you can choose. You are both a hunter and a prey. You don't kill others, but others will come to kill you and kill her, so if you don't want to die, try to be stronger!" Red words are very cold, But it reminded Qin Hao, yeah, in such a **** world, killing or not killing is no longer his choice.

This world is like a huge Gu pool. Only the strongest Gu is qualified to survive. If you don’t want to be killed by someone else, you can only kill others.

Now Qin Hao regrets dragging Lucia into this world, where Lucia's character and her strength will make her the best prey in the eyes of others.

"Are all the people here meeting and fighting?" Qin Hao asked.

"Of course not, those newcomers don't understand the rules, so they are the best goals..." Hong explained.

Because not everyone came here with the core of energy, so they definitely did not know the rules when they first came here. Only during the killing can they gradually understand the rules here, but these people who don’t understand the rules are very easy. Overcast.

Even if the strength is stronger than the people here, it is easy to be overshadowed by people without precautions, so those who come here are definitely the best targets to start.

"If that's said... aren't we..." Qin Hao suddenly thought, weren't he and Lucia also newcomers? They will certainly be used as prey.

"But you already know the rules, so now you are not enemies but you are enemies! So you can suddenly attack them, catch them by surprise, and turn your disadvantages into advantages!" Red said to Qin Hao.

"Hey! Come and stay safe!" Qin Hao sighed. He started from the killing of Alpha Star until It can be said that everything has been experienced, so he accepts this kind of thing Is relatively fast.

Qin Hao's thinking is simple. Although he doesn't like killing or killing others in order to seize the power of others, he doesn't want to die, so death can only be left to others.

"Someone is here!" At this moment, Hong said suddenly to Qin Hao.

Qin Hao's spiritual energy quickly radiated, and he quickly locked the person said by Red, while Lucia was still holding Qin Hao's arm to rest without knowing.

"Someone is here, be careful!" Qin Hao patted Lucia's hand.

"Huh!" Lucia nodded.

At this time, the two figures are far and near, and these two people are obviously not from the earth. Although they also roughly maintain their human form, after all, this is an evolutionary characteristic shared by highly evolved intelligent life, but these two people are long to make the earth people aesthetic. Their heads were very ugly or even disgusting. Their heads were covered with pustule-like things, and yellowish mucus could be seen faintly inside.

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