Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2276: Alliance

What about the people from our hometown here? Qin Hao asked the tarsus.

"There are quite a few, but we don't have too many connections..." Zhuo Zhuo nodded, knowing that the first generation of earth was the most suitable planet in the universe, or even one of them, so the number of masters born here is natural. At most, so many masters will choose to come to the center of the universe when their lives are about to be exhausted, and then try to find the power to continue to live.

"Don't they come to Shouyuan to do everything, how can they live for so long?" Qin Hao asked curiously, although some masters of the earth came here with their leaders, such as those of the tarsus and Xingtian, Although they may have some Shouyuan when they first came here, how long has it been since? Their Shouyuan should have been exhausted long ago.

"It's about the rules here..." Zhuodong smiled and said to Qin Hao: "There are many rules here. One of them is the power to get the target you killed, and the other is in Time is frozen here."

"Ah? Time is frozen? What do you mean?" Qin Hao's face was blank. According to his understanding, if time is frozen, then everything here should be still, including the strong here. It's just frozen.

"This is exactly the magic of this world. The concept of time here is different from other places. Although everything here is operating as usual, everything will not age or rot because of the loss of time." Zhuo explained.

"It's strange..." Qin Hao frowned.

"But this is a thing of the past, because in recent months, time has started to flow, and our lifespan has begun to wear out!" said Yuan Zhu, who was a little worried here.

"Ah?" Qin Hao was amazed. The so-called time solidification was already incredible. How come time has returned to normal now?

"Because I'm back..." When Qin Hao was puzzled, Hong explained in his heart.

"You're back?" Qin Hao didn't react for a while.

"In this world, I am time! When I am in this world, time will be lost normally. When I leave, time will freeze, but this world also has its special features, so after I leave, the operation here It's still the same, except that the items will not spoil and people will not continue to age." Hong explained.

"It turns out so!" Qin Hao nodded. Red was brought back to the world by him a few months ago, so the world has returned to normal operation for some time.

"Time begins to pass, so our Shouyuan begins to wear down, and those of us themselves have very few Shouyuan. When there was no loss before, we can still live here calmly, but now that time is running, we must Think of a way!" said Zhuo Qin to Qin Hao.

"It seems that the world is not quite flat..." Qin Hao sighed, and he knew what the tarsus was talking about.

In this world, due to the limitation of the first rule, everyone has an absolute reason to kill each other. After all, they can gain the power of the other side.

But fighting is risky, even if the enemy is weaker than you, but he may also use some desperate means, and once you are injured, then you may become the prey of others, and otherwise, even if the enemy is really weak After you kill him, his relatives and friends will also come to avenge him, so that you will get more enemies.

Therefore, before the red came back, there was no pressure to die, so although the killings existed, they were not particularly common. They were mainly people with no foundation to hunt those newcomers.

But now it’s different. The return of Hong let the time of this world start to work normally, and most of the people who came to this world are the old guys who are near Shouyuan, so they have very few Shouyuan left. Now that Red is back, they Face the pressure of death.

And if you want to live longer, then the easiest way is to become stronger. Only by advancing can you gain stronger power and longer lifespan, so in order to avoid the ending of death, the powerful in this world must be Attack other people frantically and plunder other people's strength to give yourself a chance to survive.

"Hey, I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing to come back with red." Qin Hao sighed secretly.

"Yes, this world is really going to be chaotic, and we are fellows and neighbors, so I hope to form an alliance with you, so that we will have a greater chance of survival." Zhuo Zhu actively threw an olive branch to Qin Hao.

"I am willing to accept this alliance in principle, but after all, I still have a boss above me, so I have to ask his opinion, but I don't think the problem is big." Qin Hao said with a smile, he didn't mind the grebe The alliance, and Qin Hao can feel it, I am afraid that the tarsus is under great pressure at this time.

According to Hong's description, Qin Hao understood some of the geographical divisions of this world. He knows that this territory of the tarsus is remote, but there are a few rich places around it. These examples are all bordering on the territory of the tartar. Estimates are not peaceful.

Now the tartar will definitely not want another enemy to appear behind her. If Qin Hao does not form an alliance with her, then the tartar will fight with Qin Hao even if he fights for his vitality. Otherwise, once the belly is enemies, then she But it was a dead end.

"Then when will you be able to answer me?" Inked asked, she can see from her eagerness that her pressure is indeed not I will contact my brother! Qin Hao smiled slightly, then closed his eyes, as if using some kind of secret means to communicate with people in the distance.

"Huh?" Falcon frowned. She carefully experienced all the energy in the surrounding space. The faint Falcon could indeed feel that Qin Hao was sending a special energy fluctuation. This fluctuation was very slight, if not Her deliberate experience could not be found at all.

A moment later, Qin Hao smiled and said to the tarsus: "My brother agrees to the alliance between us in principle. I don't know what specific conditions you have?"

"Offensive and defending the alliance, one side was attacked, the other side gave full support!" The partridge said without thinking. In fact, her request was a bit of an advantage. After all, Qin Hao's territory was behind the partridge, if someone really came, That must be the first to fight the tarsus.

But Qin Hao also understood the truth of his cold lips, so he didn't take the opportunity to blackmail the tarsus, but agreed very happily.

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