Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 2400: Tiaohulishan

"Why? Don't you ask me to eat?" Lu Ya said to Qin Hao with a smile.

"Please take a seat!" Qin Hao immediately gave up his position and asked Lucia to prepare another barbecue.

"It's okay, I'll just sit here!" Lu Ya didn't take the lead, but pulled a chair beside him.

When Qin Hao saw Lu Ya sitting aside, he didn't continue to refuse, instead he sat in the main seat and started chatting with Lu Ya.

"Senior brother, why come to see me free?" Qin Hao asked with a smile.

"I heard that you are having some trouble, so come and have a look. After all, the master has explained before leaving. He said that you are still young and we should take care of many things." Lu Ya said to Qin Hao.

"Then thank you brother!" Qin Hao said to Lu Ya. Although he didn't believe that Lu Ya was so kind in his heart, since people said that, Qin Hao couldn't expose it, so he had to accompany the smile.

"Junior Brother, although Master asked me to take care of you, it is not convenient for Senior Brother to act directly because of some special relationships, so you have to forgive me for this!" Lu Ya suddenly said to Qin Hao.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if Brother can't make a move. I'm already very grateful for you to come and see me." Qin Hao said with a smile. Although Xing Tian was coming this time, the pressure on Qin Hao's side was not as much as expected. Da, because Xing Tian, ​​as a property owner, has almost unified the world. He is unwilling to fight with Qin Hao at this time, but if Xing Tian doesn’t fight his life, he will not be able to kill the Yellow Emperor. At the master level, if Xing Tian couldn't win, so in conventional wars, those people under him could not consume Qin Hao's insect swarm.

So as long as Xing Tian doesn’t work hard, Qin Hao won’t be under too much pressure, and he doesn’t need Lu Ya’s help. Even Qin Hao is afraid of Lu Ya’s move. After all, Lu Ya is very mysterious. He knew what medicine he was selling in the gourd, so if he took the initiative to help, Qin Hao would think there was a conspiracy.

"Junior, you can understand the best, but since the master has explained it, the senior can't help at all." Lu Ya smiled, and then said to Qin Hao: "You accept this thing, junior, if you run into trouble, maybe I can help you."

While talking, Lu Ya took out a bundle of bamboo slips and handed them to Qin Hao.

"Is this?" Qin Hao took the bamboo slip and opened it...

Nail Head Seven Arrows Book!

Qin Hao was dumbfounded when he saw the contents inside, wasn't this thing destroyed by Taiyi? Why did it appear in Lu Ya's hands again? Is this thing mass-produced?

"This is the original version. The copy I gave to Junior Brother before was copied by myself. Although the effect is similar, it cannot be effective for masters above level 1, but this original version is different. Can make a difference!" Lu Ya said to Qin Hao.

"So that's it..." Qin Hao kept calm, but he had already cursed in his heart. This Lu Ya seemed to be determined to pit him. It turned out that what was destroyed before was just a pirated product. But since that pirated product is not a good thing, this genuine Qin Hao dare not use it!

"Junior Brother, this thing works very well. If you really can't solve Xingtian, this thing can help you get rid of this trouble!" Lu Ya tempted.

"Thank you brother!" Qin Hao smiled and thanked Lu Ya. He did not refuse Lu Ya to leave the nail-headed seven arrows book. After all, Qin Hao still can't turn his face with Lu Ya. The strength of this guy is too terrifying, Qin Hao. I don't even know who else can fight this guy besides Taiyi.

Faintly, Qin Hao even had an intuition that Hong disregarded the constraints of the rules, and he might not be Lu Ya's opponent even with his full efforts.

Although this is only Qin Hao's unfounded guess, this intuition is very clear, so even if there is red help around, Qin Hao dare not turn his face with Lu Ya directly, after all, Tai Yi is not in this world at this time. No one can control Lu Ya.

So Qin Hao had to accept the gift with a smile, but Qin Hao had already made up his mind in his heart. Even if Lao Wo was handed over by Xing Tian, ​​he would not use it even if he took Lucia and took refuge in Taiyi’s hut. This wicked thing.

"Junior Brother, I still have some things to deal with, so I won't bother you much." After seeing Qin Hao's nail-headed seven arrows, Lu Ya got up and left.

"Since the brother has something, I won't keep it. When the brother finishes the matter, he can come and sit with me. I will definitely entertain the brother by then." Qin Hao got up and sent Lu Ya out.


After Lu Ya left here, Lucia came to Qin Hao's side. She looked at the bamboo slips on the table and asked, "What does Lu Ya mean?"

"Who knows? Eighty percent is not at ease!" Qin Hao shrugged.

"What about this thing?" Lucia asked.

"It's difficult!" Qin Hao frowned, this thing is very evil, he didn't dare to take it directly into the spirit crystal space.

But this nail-headed seven arrows book is so powerful that it is not easy for Qin Hao to put it elsewhere. After all, if this thing is stolen by the enemy, Qin Hao will not be able to stand up to others to worship a course of treatment. After all, a course of treatment will be counted as the operator. Qin Hao had to bury him with him if there was any backlash.

So this thing became a hot potato when it reached Qin Hao's hands. He stayed in his hands for fear of being hot, and lost it for fear of falling into the enemy's hands.

"I know a place to store this thing!" Lucia suddenly said to Qin Hao.

"Where?" Qin Hao asked immediately.

"Taiyi's hut!" Lucia said.

"That's right!" Qin Hao's eyes lit up. Taiyi's hut was located deep in the forbidden ground. Except for those insiders, even Xing Tian couldn't find it there. UU reading and there were countless beasts in the forbidden ground. Even Xing Tian is difficult to go deep.

And although there are some people who know Taiyi's residence, all insiders, including Lu Ya, dare to steal things from Taiyi's residence?

So Qin Hao put this thing in Taiyi's residence, it must be extremely safe, and even if this thing has backlash, what kind of character Taiyi is, can this thing pose a threat to him? As long as he comes back, he can destroy this thing.

After thinking of this, Qin Hao immediately packed up his things and called a Skywalker, and then rushed directly to the forbidden area...

And just after Qin Hao left, Lucia's eyes suddenly lit up with a weird light, and she collapsed to the ground and passed out immediately after her.


"Did you leave?" Xiang Liu met Lu Ya again in the dense forest far away.

"Well! I was taken back to the forbidden place, you have almost a day." Lu Ya said to Xiang Liu.

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