Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 302: survey

After having dinner, Qin Hao chatted with Gangmen Pianzuo for a while, and then he was sent back to school by Gangmen Pianzuo.

"Brother, if you have trouble coming to find your brother!" Qin Hao shouted when getting off Qin Hao. This guy is very optimistic about Qin Hao's future, so he spared no effort to win him.

"Well! Thank you, brother!" Qin Hao laughed.

"Then I'll go back first." Gangmen Bizuo saw Qin Hao get off and let the team return.

Qin Hao just returned to school here, and Nicole came.

"How's it? What did Gangmen Possa tell you?" Nicole asked.

"Except for some things, he mainly persuaded me to stand up and wait for the opportunity to reap the benefits twice." Qin Hao did not conceal, anyway, he had to discuss with Cohen.

Qin Hao is very self-aware. He knows that he is an absolute youngster in the political circle. Any politician who comes here can play him a hundred times, so he is very cautious before every step.

"Does he let you stand?" Nicole frowned and thought. Although Qin Haoqiang was a little girl, she was not interested in politics since she was a child, and her dad's fortune was a matter of recent years, so she I don't know much about these.

"I'll talk to the generals later," Qin Hao said.

"Well! Yeah, see what Dad said!" Nicole nodded.

In the evening, Qin Hao talked to Cohen once again. Cohen would mean to let him act on the machine. At present, he can first follow the instructions of the post, and wait and see, how to choose, and act on the machine when the time comes.

After considering it, Qin Hao felt that it was safer to do so. His foundation is too weak now. Although he has a relatively high fault tolerance rate in the presidential faction, Qin Hao, who is a small family, still cannot afford to lose, so it is obvious to bet Not a good choice.

In the next few days, Qin Hao was a class and accompanied Nicole every day. It was a moist life, but recently the college is no longer peaceful. It ’s a bit rainy and windy. They are all about the dean and several senior officials being investigated for taking bribes.

Checking the economy for political struggle is already a common method. Those who are in government must say that they are 100% clean. There is almost nothing. As long as you are willing to check, you can always find a little tail. If you do n’t have a tail yourself, people also Can give you a little tail.

So as long as you check the economic problems, no one can find the problem, but the key is whether you are in the right position in the political struggle. If the backing is strong enough to help you withstand the pressure, then it may eventually be a conversation. It's all right.

But if you stand in the wrong line in the political struggle, or are abandoned by the people you meet, then I am sorry, this economic problem is the best reason to pull you off. When the media publicizes, everyone in the Federation will know that you are corrupt and accept bribes. Let you become a street mouse in an instant. By that time, it is time for trial and judgment, and everything is logical.

Now the president of the Federal Naval Academy, Lu Kefu, is in the stage of investigation. As for the result, it depends on who can take the wind on both sides of the family forces.

"Qin Hao, didn't Gangmen Pian Zuo say that someone would come to us soon? Why have all these days passed and no one came to contact us?" Nicole asked nicely.

"I don't know. It should be coming soon. I went to find out. The gendarmerie has completed the trial of my grandson's staff. As soon as his result comes out, it is probably time for us to appear." Qin Hao said.

"He should bite a lot of people, right?" Nicole muttered to himself, although he didn't have much contact, but Nicole also had a certain understanding of the power struggle. He knew that the party who controlled the gendarmerie would surely seduce me. Sun Tzu's staves gave their confession.

"I don't know. I definitely can't get this kind of information." Qin Hao shrugged.

"Otherwise you look it up through the power of Twilight?" Nicole said.

"Also!" Qin Hao nodded. He is not the poor soldier in the past. As the seventh deacon of "Twilight", Qin Hao has many privileges.

Almost when the lights went out, Qin Hao returned Nicole to the dormitory. Then instead of taking a rest in the dormitory, he came to the headquarters of the "Twilight" organization.


"Have met my lord!"

"Sir, you are back ..."


This time when Qin Hao returned to the headquarters of the "Twilight" organization, the members of those organizations had completely different attitudes towards him. Before that, Qin Hao was only a f-class waste, and everyone was unwilling to look at him squarely, but now it is different. Now, Qin Hao is the seventh deacon of the "Twilight" organization, and that is one of the top leaders of the "Twilight" organization!

"Huh!" Qin Hao greeted these people with a smile, and then came all the way to the deepest core area underground.

"Master Qin Hao!" As soon as he arrived in the core area, Qin Hao met Ken. This time when Ken met Qin Hao again, he didn't just go as casually as before ~ ​​ ~ but moved forward very respectfully. A gift.

"Well, are there any interesting tasks recently?" Qin Hao asked, and now he was following Nalu, so he knew a lot of gossip.

"The Commonwealth has been very quiet recently, and there isn't much movement in" Flame ", so we're fairly quiet," Ken laughed.

"Calm? Do you tease me?" Qin Hao rolled his eyes.

"Sir, that is a struggle between families. It has nothing to do with us. Our" Twilight "organization is only loyal to the president. Whoever follows us will do it, and everything else has nothing to do with us." Ken said with a smile.

"That's the same ..." Qin Hao shook his head. The first task of the "Twilight" organization was to fight against "Flame", but besides that, they only executed the orders of the federal president, and who was the president against them It doesn't matter, anyway, whoever is on the stage, who gives them money, who they listen to.

So now it is very dangerous for the major families, and it is also full of political vortexes of opportunity. For the "Twilight" organization, it does not matter at all.

"I want to look up some information, do you know where?" Qin Hao asked, but he came here with a purpose.

"Oh! You go straight from here, turn left afterwards, and the fifth door is the confidential archives room." Ken replied immediately, because with Qin Hao's current authority, he was fully qualified to read all of the "Twilight" organization. Confidential.

"Well! Go and get busy." Qin Hao nodded and ran to the confidential archives room.

After entering the archives, Qin Hao activated the computer with his identification code.

"Call me all the information about my grandson's quality staff." Qin Hao said.

"Identity: Qin Hao; Position: Seventh Deacon; Passing the identity verification and satisfying the access authority!" With a burst of electronic synthesizers, all the information about my grandson's quality staff was presented to Qin Hao.