Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 33: The mystery of the missing soldier

Qi Qinhao looked back at Pang Meng again. At this moment, his eyes were also full of stagnation and blankness.

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Hao asked loudly, but neither Pang Meng nor Lucia, they both ignored Qin Hao.

"Treading ..." Pang Meng and Lucia ignored Qin Hao. The two turned and walked towards the door. Pang Meng even reached out to unlock the lock.

"Stop!" Qin Hao came to the door in two steps. He pushed open Pang Meng, and then locked the door again.

"Treading ..." Lucia came to Qin Hao's side. She didn't speak, she reached out to push Qin Hao, and then she wanted to open the door.

"What happened to you?" Qin Hao shouted loudly, but the two seemed to be inaudible and did not respond at all. They just wanted to open the door.

"It's alive!" Although Qin Hao didn't know what happened, there was absolutely nothing good about letting them out at this time.

So Qin Hao immediately started and turned Pang Meng to the ground a few times, then tied it with a rope. Although Pang Meng kept struggling, how could a weak researcher in his physical strength be like Qin Hao's worm blood? Compared to evolved warriors?

After tying up Pang Meng, Qin Hao found that Lucia had opened the lock of the gate and was about to open it at this time.

"Don't move!" Qin Hao shouted, then rushed behind Lucia, and then hugged her back, and closed the door. Then Qin Hao locked the door again, and tied Lucia back. Already.

Lucia and Pang Meng, who were tied up, were struggling, but said nothing. The expressions of the two were extremely embarrassed, and Qin Hao felt panic.

"Boom boom boom ..." At this moment, Qin Hao heard a loud noise outside, and he looked out of the window, and saw that Xiao Hei didn't know when it had rushed out of the room, at this time it was using The giant jaw hits the exterior wall of the base.

"Damn! What happened? Xiao Hei was also affected?" Qin Hao's brow frowned, giving him a sense of extreme danger outside, and subconsciously told Qin Hao not to go out.

"Ah!" Qin Hao sighed, and then he found a few more wires to tie Pang Meng and Lucia stronger.

After doing all of this, Qin Hao came to the communication equipment. During the day, he saw that Pang Meng had operated and remembered some, so he began to control the instrument and sent a distress signal to the fleet.

"呲 呲 呲 ......" In response to Qin Hao's only blind sound, the night outside seemed to block the signal transmission, and he lost contact with the fleet again.

"Ah!" Qin Hao sighed again.

"Boom! Boom! Click!" At this time, a louder noise came from outside. Qin Hao looked down the window and saw that Xiao Hei pried the metal wall with a sharp jaw and opened a gap.

"Xiao Hei!" Qin Hao just let Xiao Hei ignore it, because it is still inside the base, and it doesn't seem to be dangerous. Although Xiao Hei is in a frenzy, at most it just hits the wall.

But now Xiao Hei pried open the metal outer wall of the base, and he had to drill out. Now Qin Hao can't sit idly by, Qin Hao has already regarded Xiao Hei as a partner and watched it rush into danger. In the darkness, Qin Hao couldn't bear it.

"Forget it, but be ashamed!" Qin Hao opened the door and walked out, but after leaving the command hall, Qin Hao locked the door again. He was afraid that Pang Meng and Lucia would follow.

After a few steps, Qin Hao came to the metal wall pried by Xiaohei, and Xiaohei had already drilled out.

"Damn!" Qin Hao bent over and followed, and Xiao Hei had a height of one meter and five meters. Qin Hao was free to go in and out.

In the distance, Qin Hao saw Xiao Hei's back. At this time, Xiao Hei did not run quickly. It slowly moved forward step by step. Although Qin Hao was behind it, he could also guess It was also dull at this time.

"Are they all hypnotized? Why am I okay?" Qin Hao quietly followed Xiao Hei while thinking in his heart.

Now the mystery about whether the defenders in the base can't see people live or die can't be seen. They are obviously hypnotized like Xiao Hei, and there is no such person as Qin Hao to stop them, so these people should be opened. Walked out behind the gate of the base.

After all the people went out, the gate of the base closed automatically, which is why the base was not breached, but there was no figure.

Although this mystery has been solved, another doubt arises in Qin Hao's heart-why Pang Meng and Lucia are hypnotized, but he is fine. If it is a problem with the Zerg gene, Xiao Hei is also a Zerg. Why is it also hypnotized.

With these doubts, Qin Hao followed Xiaohei for almost ten miles, the surroundings were extremely quiet, there was no sound, except for the "stepping" sound when Xiaohei moved.

After another two or three minutes of walking, Qin Hao felt numbness in his spine ~ ~ The neck was cold, a feeling of extreme danger came to his heart, and he hurried to the side and looked at the same time. .

Because of being transformed by insect blood, Qin Hao's eyesight at night is very good, and he also has a visual ability similar to a low-power telescope. When he zoomed out, he saw a huge and giant giant five kilometers away. beetle!

"I'm going! Why is it so big?" Qin Hao was a little dumbfounded. The giant beetle was more than five meters tall, like a small building.

But what is most noticeable about this giant beetle is not its huge size, but the silvery white horn on top!

"A higher level giant beetle?" Qin Hao's pupil contracted, and his intuition told him that if he encountered this giant beetle with silver horns, he would die without a corpse!

After readjusting the perspective, Qin Hao looked at the silver horned beetle, and saw a strange-looking bug lying next to the silver horned beetle. Its body was not covered by a crust, and it looked like a large one. Slugs or brains with legs and feet!

The body of this strange worm was drumming, Qin Hao had an intuition that it was the sound wave that could hypnotize others.

Looking to the side of the silver horned beetle, there are ragged combat suits everywhere, blood stains everywhere, and some animal bones and stumps, no need to ask, here are the cemeteries of the hypnotized creatures, including those two Thousands of human soldiers, including all hypnotized animals, were tricked into here, and then killed and eaten.

"Did a silver horn beetle eat 20,000 people?" Qin Hao frowned, but at this moment, the silver horn beetle seemed to be full after eating two giant deer, and it turned and walked away. Another silver horned beetle topped up, and it began to eat the seduced creatures.