Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 330: Return to the battlefield

"You are Major Qin Hao. It's really a hero to be a boy!" Chaberstar's governor Robert took Qin Hao's hands a few steps before he turned around inadvertently, giving the reporters behind a big close up. Pinshu

Early the next morning, major news and newspapers appeared. Robert rushed to the scene as soon as possible and received reports of heroes who stopped the hijacking.

For politicians, everything can be turned into capital for their achievements.

"It's me, Master Archon." Qin Hao saluted the military salute. After all, he was an executive star who was an executive star. His level was much higher.

The next thing was nothing more than a friendly handshake between Robert and Qin Hao, and then he praised his heroic behavior and other things. These official rhetoric Qin Hao saw more, so although impatient, but also try to cooperate with Robert's show.

Finally, the official "welcome reception" was over. After the reporters dispersed, Robert casually said a few words to Hara, and then made excuses to flash people.

"Major! Thank you!" At this time, a young man with the military rank of the school came to Qin Hao. Although his rank was higher, Qin Hao took the initiative to salute.

"This is what I should do. As a federal soldier, it is my duty to protect the people." Qin Hao immediately replied, his military rank was high, so he did not dare to neglect after the other party's first ceremony.

"I thank you not only as the person in charge of the Chahar Star military base, but also as a father and a husband thank you!" The officer said gratefully, his wife and children were also in the spaceship If it weren't for Qin Hao, then they might be more ferocious.

"Sir, you are very kind." Qin Hao laughed.

"Go! Let's go back to the base. The brothers have prepared a reception for you!" The officer laughed.

Then Qin Hao followed the officer, and the team quickly left the spare military port and headed towards the base.

Through the conversation in the car, Qin Hao and Qin Hao learned that the officer who spoke to him just now is called Coleman, who is in charge of the Chahar Star military base. Do n’t look at the scale of the Chahar Star military base, but because It is a logistics base, so the rank of the official in charge here is not particularly high, but Coleman's errand is really fat.

About an hour later, Qin Hao followed Coleman to the base.

"Welcome our heroes!" Qin Hao just got out of the car and received a warm welcome. Because this spacecraft carried the wives and children of dozens of officers, Qin Hao saved the families of all the officers of the entire base.

"You're welcome, this is what I should do." Qin Hao chuckled with these officers, and was accepted by the stars.

At this time, Qin Hao had prepared a rich reception party in the base. The only regret is that the barracks cannot drink alcohol, so they can only use fruit juice instead.

But anyway, this meal was regarded as the guest and the host were happy. The officers at this base were grateful to Qin Hao, and Qin Hao was a person who loves making friends, so after a meal, everyone was quite alike. See hate feeling late.

However, Qin Hao did not stay too long at the Chahar Star Base, because his order arrived that night, and Nicole had informed General Cohen, so Cohen would immediately write an order to move Qin Hao to the front.

Early the next morning, Qin Hao found Robert.

"Brother, I have to go." Qin Hao said with a smile.

"What's wrong? Didn't you just arrive yesterday? Are we in such an anxious way that we can't be entertained!" Robert asked, and they were really grateful to Qin Hao. If he had neglected the benefactor, he would not be able to bear it.

"No ... no ..." Qin Hao waved his hands again and again and said to Robert, "My order is here."

"This way, that brother, I won't leave you, after all, the military order is like a mountain!" Rob nodded characteristically. Now that the order of the face has come down, there is nothing to do, soldiers, obedience to the order is the bounden duty.

"Oh, I am very honored for yesterday's hospitality. If I have the opportunity to meet again next time, I invite everyone to drink!" Qin Hao laughed.

"It must be!" Robert laughed, and then he arranged for Qin Hao a small military transport ship, which will send Qin Hao to the front line.

When Qin Hao boarded the ship, many officers and soldiers came to see him off, and even many children came over. These were the children saved by Qin Hao before. They were not too scared, so they came to see him off. Already.

In addition, Robert and others also prepared a lot of delicious food for Qin Hao. After all, food in the front line is not scarce, but it is definitely not fresh.

After saying goodbye to Robert and others ~ ~ Qin Hao's transport ship set off.

After a long interplanetary journey, Qin Hao's transport ship completed docking with the Federal Glory at noon on the fourth day.

"Haha! I know your kid has to come back!" While at the bridge, Qin Hao met General Cohen.

"Yeah, the earth is too messy, I don't like it much." Qin Hao sighed.

"Boy, you have to learn to adapt, or do you want to lie in the trenches of the front line all your life?" Cohen will really see Qin Hao as a son-in-law, so he is training him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Well, I know." Qin Hao nodded, and he knew Cohen would be for his good.

"Okay, boy, you don't need to worry about Capital Star, let's take care of our acres." Cohen will bring up the battle map while talking.

"General, how's the recent Alpha Star battle?" Qin Hao asked.

"Never so nourished!" Cohen said sincerely.

At this time, the human base outside the Drak Gorge has been completed, and the mine in the base has begun to operate. Although the human base is located only as a tail of a poor mine, it has also produced some crystals known as Zerg. Energy crystals.

After the crystals were transported back to Earth, they immediately made those big families ecstatic. Although the quality of these crystals was not very good and the output was not very high, it was enough to make these big families covet, because on other planets, these crystals Even more rare, the annual output is almost single digits.

The output of this mine is almost more than the sum of all the energy crystal mines in the Earth Federation, so in the eyes of those big families, this is already a super rich mine. Only Qin Hao knows that the crystals that will be mined by Cohen are basically Zerg. Indifferent goods.