Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 377: Ready

Looking at this **** slaughterhouse, Qin Hao frowned when he was used to the big scenes, not to mention the guard soldiers. !

"Squeak ..." The scream of bugs in front of him kept coming. Qin Hao glanced at the guards around him and said to them, "Let's go and see ..."

"Sir, isn't it too dangerous?" The guards were not afraid of death. They did something to Qin Hao.

"What are you afraid of? We are now allies with Bugs, and this is an opportunity for us to understand the Swarm!" Qin Hao said.

"Then ... okay ..." These guards finally knew why Qin Hao was a Zerg expert, and it was not ordinary people to rush into this deadly spirit of knowledge.

Then Qin Hao touched the team with a group of guards. In fact, the bugs had already found the traces of these humans. After all, the noses of the bugs were not so good, and it was difficult for humans to hide them.

But because Qin Hao had already explained Enoch and the Swarm had received orders, they would turn a blind eye to the sudden appearance of these humans in the slaughterhouse.

"Kaka Kaka ..." After climbing over a small hill, Qin Hao and others saw a disgusting picture. Several silver-horned giant beetles were slaughtering and dividing giant beetles, and a large number of giant beetles were standing in a row. The team was escorted here.

The unlucky giant beetles are destined to be the food of other bugs because they are old or because they are "superborn", but because of their IQ, these bugs don't know what they are waiting for. Join the team, and then step by step towards the abyss of death.

"Kakaka ..."

"Squeak ..."

The silver horn blade cuts giant beetles and sounds, echoing the screams made by the giant beetles when they died tragically. A large number of fragments were carried by worker bees to other places for temporary storage, and then transferred to the underground insect nest by other workers Feed the newborn giant beetle.

"These bugs are really barbarous and cruel. How can they even eat their own people?" A guard beside Qin Hao screamed in a low voice.

"Perhaps they have never considered those low-level giant beetles as clan people? Maybe in their eyes, these ordinary giant beetles exist as cattle and sheep." Qin Hao said.

"But those ordinary giant beetles are still fighting for the Zerg?" A guard asked puzzledly.

"This may be the difference between us and the Zerg. The values ​​between us and them are too different." Qin Hao said helplessly, although he also has a part of the Zerg gene, it does not mean that he can understand the Zerg. Thinking mode.

"Sir, this is too dangerous, let's go back first," said a guard.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, then took a group of guards to leave.

But at this time, not far ahead, a small group of bugs came over, and it also had a silver horn. The hill-like silver horned giant beetle was standing high, and Qin Hao's invisible small earth **** did not have silver eyes at all There were any obstructions, apparently they had been found by the bugs.

"Sir, be careful! We cover you!" Several guards immediately opened the rifle's insurance.

"Don't be impulsive!" Qin Hao stopped these guards.

At this time, under the leadership of a silver horn, the swarms of giant beetles walked directly from Qin Hao's side. The whole process, they did not look at them.

"This ..." Several guards were dumbfounded.

"It looks like it's because we are allies with the swarm here, have they acquiesced to our existence?" Qin Hao said intentionally.

"Huh ..." Several guards were relieved when they heard this statement.

"You are waiting here, I'll try it!" Qin Hao said a cat waist, and then rushed towards the place where the worker bees stored the corpses.

"Sir careful!" Several guards shouted, but at this time, Qin Hao rushed down.

After running to a pile of worms piled up like a hill, Qin Hao picked a few worm legs and ran back. During the entire process, a large group of worms, including a silver horn, were next to him, but they turned a blind eye and did not stop Qin at all. Ho meaning.

"Sir, you are too risky!" Several guards complained.

"You're going to get some, too, our province is hunting!" Qin Hao said to several guards.

"This ..." Several guards looked at each other, and no one immediately set off.

"Rest assured, they don't seem to matter." Qin Hao shouted.

"Yes! Sir!" Although Qin Hao did not use the tone of the order, he was a senior officer after all, so several guards gritted their teeth and rushed over.

Unlike Qin Hao's calmness, these guards were intimidated. After sprinting with all their strength, they did not make a selection, and each person carried two worm legs and ran back.

"Woohoo ..." After returning to Qin Hao, the guards were panting all over, although the amount of exercise may not be that great, it was too exciting! Snack on the worm's mouth ~ ~ This Nima can be retired and can also be blown away forever!

"Hey! Let me say it's okay!" Qin Hao laughed.

"Sir, don't you say that, these bugs really don't seem to care about us." Several guards nodded.

"Okay, let's go back first. It seems that we don't have to hunt anymore in the future. It's better to get a few insect legs here. Anyway, it's also a matter of nine cattle and one hair." Qin Hao said.

After returning to the base, according to the usual practice, the entire base has added meals. Now the chefs at the base are very skilled at cooking leg meat, and they have even developed several new tricks.


In the next few days, Qin Hao was fine with a group of people to steal the worm legs in the slaughterhouse. Later, the veterans led by the security guards did not need Qin Hao to follow, and they were all right to steal some roots. When I came back to solve the problem, sometimes it was an exaggerated drive of an all-terrain transport vehicle to get over and get back a car bug leg meat.

Regarding the "stealing" behavior of human beings, the Zerg who has been ordered to turn a blind eye. Anyway, humans only take some worm legs. For Zerg, this does not have much impact.

After a few more days, the equipment and employees required by Qin Hao's worm-making meat factory were transported over. Of course, this was also through the back door of General Cohen. Otherwise, if Qin Hao paid for the equipment himself, the manufacturer would not be able to give it Da Alpha Star comes.

Although the establishment of a private factory in a military base is not in line with the rules, but now the major families are staring at the fat crystal of the energy crystal. As for Qin Hao's soup behavior, everyone has opened his eyes and closed his eyes. No one wants to rush him. If no oil or water is left for Qin Hao, in case this boy is in a hurry to smuggle crystals, it is worth the trouble.