Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 39: Airborne Kola

报告 "Report!" Qin Hao came to the division's office.

"Come in!" Came the voice of a staff member.

"Pop!" Qin Hao pushed the door and entered the office.

报告 "Report! Corporal Qin Hao applies to return to the team!" Qin Hao shouted.

"Huh ?!" James, who had been lying on the desk studying a report on the battle, suddenly looked up.

"Haha! Good boy! You are finally back! I knew you would be fine!" James was obviously very happy to see Qin Hao.

"Master, I am back." Qin Hao laughed.

"Come and come, sit down quickly, King Staff, pour a glass of water for Qin Hao!" James took Qin Hao and sat beside him.

"Okay!" The staff officer didn't expect Qin Hao to have a lower rank than his rank. He was glad to pour a glass of water for Qin Hao. You should know that almost all of them in the 106th division could be regarded as Qin Hao's rescue If it came down, if it wasn't for Qin Hao who had trapped the tunnel worm with his own strength, then none of the 106th division would want to leave Z3 Heights smoothly.

"Come, Qin Hao, tell me quickly, how did you escape from Z3 Heights?" James asked Qin Hao's hand.

"It's like this ..." Qin Hao told his experience ...

"Oh my **** ... your kid can do it!" After listening to Qin Hao's description, James and the staff in the office were all stunned. They killed Z3 Heights alone and broke out among tens of thousands of insect swarms. And luckily escaped the aftermath of the nuclear bomb, traveled through hundreds of kilometers of jungle to reach the Coles Valley, and rescued Dr. Pang Meng on the way. None of these things can be done by ordinary people, all done in one breath. This not only shows that Qin Hao's ability is high, and his luck is really good.

"Hehe ..." Qin Hao smiled thickly. In fact, he remembered these things for a while, and he was afraid. If he wasn't lucky enough, he would really bury the Alpha Star.

好 "Okay, now that your kid is back, then my guard platoon leader!" James laughed.

"Yes! Teacher!" Qin Hao stood up and saluted.

After Qin Hao returned to the team, he immediately assumed his post and remained in the division's office.

At this time, more than ten hours have passed since Major General Rice issued his order. Three cruisers are carrying out carpet bombing on the Kola area. This type of bombing from space is more terrifying than the aerial bombs carried by carrier aircraft. One A super-heavy neutron warhead was fired from the battleship, and then a huge cloud of mushrooms lit up in the Cohen area.

Compared with nuclear bombs, neutron bombs have a smaller equivalent weight and cause less pollution, which is convenient for subsequent ground forces. Moreover, high-penetration neutron bombs can effectively kill the zerg in the ground, but even so, the federal military is also very clear This kind of planetary bombing will not bring a deadly blow to the Zerg.

But because of the tight time and the pressure from within the Federation is growing, Rice can't wait. He needs a victory to prove himself. Otherwise, once he is selected as a scapegoat by the Federation, his future will be It was all ruined, so at this time he had to choose to fight, even if he lost the bet, the result would not be worse, the only ones who were sacrificed were the big soldiers lying in the trenches.

"嘀嘀 嘀 ..." A few hours later, the battlefield recorder on James's shoulder rang and the mission was updated!

"Li staff, ordered the division to assemble urgently, we are going!" James said to the combat staff around him.

"Yes!" Staff Lee turned to convey James' order.

"Qin Hao, go and find the quartermaster's equipment and let's go!" James said to Qin Hao aside.

"Yes!" Qin Hao immediately stood up, then left the division's office and went to the quartermaster to get his equipment.

Soon, the fully armed Qin Hao returned to James, with a new power exoskeleton, a new combat helmet, an electromagnetic rifle, a self-defense pistol, an energy grenade, and Qin Hao's alloy long sword. He could say It was armed to the teeth.

"Let's go!" After seeing Qin Hao return, James took him on a transport boat.

At this point, the soldiers of the 106th Division were basically in place. They boarded their own transport boats. The soldiers who had undergone an airdrop were no longer as nervous as they were the first time, but they knew better. The danger of airdrops.

"Ka ... 呲 ..." With the sound of steam ejection, the transport boat detached from the battleship and flew towards the Alpha Star.

"Boom ..." When entering the atmosphere, the landing boat shook violently, but the soldiers with an airborne experience did not panic this time.

"Boom Boom Boom ..." Although the planetary bombing is over, the carrier-based squadron is still throwing aerial bombs.

"嘭! 嗤 ... Ka ..." Qin Hao's transport boat successfully landed and opened the hatch.

Due to the intensity of the previous planetary bombing, the Zerg in the Kola area were cleared, and the underground tunnel network was also destroyed. Therefore, there was no plasmaplasma to interfere with the landing ~ ~ This allows humans The soldier's loss on landing was minimized.

"Gather! Gather!" James shouted loudly. Although he had not been attacked by the Zerg, he had to assemble the troops as soon as possible, and then establish a defensive position, because carrier-based aircraft squadrons cannot bomber endlessly once they return. After the battleship, the Swarm will immediately counterattack.

Soon, the 106th Mechanized Infantry Division completed the assembly. Although they were only second-line troops before, after the hard battle in the Z3 Highlands, these soldiers have matured. Do not look at the current 106 Division is not full, but the combat effectiveness is even More than before the first airborne.

"Rapid march, target the Azlan Hills!" James issued an order. The Azlan Hills is the location of the 106th Division. They will guard the east gate for the entire human force.

"Yes!" The soldiers promised, and then began to march quickly, moving towards the Azlan hills.

Don't look at the soldiers of the 106th Division before the war was shrouded in pessimism, but after the battlefield, the morale of these people has increased, as the so-called mourning soldiers will win, everyone feels dead before the war begins Yes, but now that they have come to the battlefield, these soldiers who have experienced hard work also want to open, it is a death horizontally, then it is better to pull a few backs!

So all the fighters of the 106th Division came to the Azlan Hills with the mood of killing the enemy.

"The combat unit entered a defensive state, and the engineering soldiers immediately established positions!" James ordered.

Soon, the fighters of the 106th Division were busy with their duties. The fighters cleaned the surrounding area to eliminate possible hidden dangers, while the engineering units quickly dug trenches and built fortresses in response to the upcoming wave of insects. Get ready.