Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 392: Talent

"Since you know the black market so well, do you have any ideas?" Qin Hao asked Han Yihang. Pinshu

"This doesn't require any way. The black market is open. As long as you give money, they will ship to your designated location, and the whole process will be safe and confidential." Han Yihang replied.

"That's really human ..." Qin Hao smiled, because there are major families involved in this black market, and none of them want to be caught by the other side. The construction of this black market is naturally the first priority. Premise.

"Sir, is there anything else I can help you with?" Han Yihang asked.

"It's gone," Qin Hao said.

"I still have four sets of deductions to do here. If you are all right, I will retreat first." Han Yihang stood up and saluted Qin Hao.

"Well! Go down first." Qin Hao nodded.

"Yes! Sir!" Han Yihang saluted again, then turned and left Qin Hao's office.

"Hey, Lorenzo, you graduated with this kid in one phase. Does he know about him?" Qin Hao looked at Lorenzo.

"Okay ... we were together in high school," said Lorenzo, who is from the same immigrant planet as Han Yihang.

"Oh? Then tell me about this guy, he looks different from ordinary people ..." Qin Hao said.

"He's like that, except that he doesn't seem to be interested in anything other than studying. We have known each other for almost ten years. I should be his best friend except the people in his family, but so, He couldn't talk to me in three words, "Lorenzo said.

"So, this person is very lonely and difficult to get along with?" Qin Hao asked.

"I can't say that. He is lonely, but he is good. If he can help others, he would be happy to help, but he doesn't like chatting with people, especially gossiping." Lorenzoton paused, Then he worded it a bit, and then said to Qin Hao: "In his eyes, it seems that in addition to studying and working, everyone is wasting time. He doesn't talk to others, he doesn't hate others, but thinks that there is no nonsense. Meaning, it's better to do business at that time. "

"If Guanggan is serious, what difference does that robot have?" Qin Hao rolled his eyes.

"Yes, I feel the same way, but the kid is so awkward, he doesn't care about other people's thoughts, sometimes he doesn't even know that he offends others, otherwise he won't be assigned the first grade in the whole department. Kind of place to come. "Lorenzo was quite upset for his fellow people.

"Oh, it's also ..." Qin Hao smiled. In the corruption and chaos of the commander's department, Han Yihang's character is really not attractive, so he has excellent grades, and it is not rare to be assigned to this kind of pension fleet.

"Come, help me with this list from his staff." Qin Hao took out the note just left by Han Yihang.

"Hmm!" Lorenzo took the list, but after a moment he flushed.

"What's wrong?" Qin Hao asked.

"Inner ... sir, I ca n’t talk to that Xueba. I do n’t know a lot of the equipment he listed. Can I check the specific data?” Lorenzo said embarrassingly. After all, Han Yihang opened this list. Time, but with a piece of paper and a pen.

"It's okay, check it, check it." Qin Hao threw Lorenzo a palm head, and he couldn't ask everyone around him to be like Han Yihang. In that case, no one else could live.

Here Lorenzo started to query information and explained to Qin Hao: "Sir, according to this list, Han Yihang's proposal is to strengthen the flagship Keha Light, and a frigate and a destroyer. Others The ship is not converted for the time being. "

"Why not refit them all?" Qin Hao asked.

"Maybe ... maybe it's not enough money ..." Lorenzo said as he looked up at Qin Hao, seeing that his face hadn't changed, and then continued: "Since we want to kill the pirates, I guess You shouldn't wait too long, so if we strengthen each ship a little bit, it would be better to raise funds to strengthen a few ships, so that the fleet can expand its maximum combat power at the lowest cost. "

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, then motioned to Lorenzo to continue.

"According to this list provided by Han Yihang, our flagship Keha Light needs to purchase three 650-mm-caliber heavy cannons, two sets of trident heavy missile launchers, and ten trillion Newton afterburners. One, one shield-type recoiler, one target-marked radar, and one shield-expanding device. "Lorenzo was speaking here, but was interrupted by Qin Hao.

"Wait!" Qin Hao waved his hand and asked, "Is he going to use the flagship as a meat shield?"

"It looks like, the cost of the flagship equipment alone accounts for 50% of the total cost. ~ ~ Lorenzo replied.

"Then why are the shield recoiler and the expansion device as long as the equipment is heavy, can't it be equipped with heavy equipment?" Qin Hao asked.

"Sorry, sir, our ship has limited power, and the capacitors are not enough to supply so much energy, so some equipment must make a choice." Lorenzo said.

"Does Han Yihang remember all the data of the ship and equipment? He is based on these configurations?" Qin Hao froze.

"I'm afraid this is the case, this guy is really amazing." Lorenzo nodded.

"It's a personal talent!" Qin Hao's eyes brightened. I didn't expect that he could still encounter this kind of talent in this kind of pension fleet. The most important thing was that the boy had just graduated and was not attracted by those big family forces. For such talents, of course Qin Hao will not let go.

"In addition to these, Han Yihang also listed the reactor control enhancement device. This is to improve the reactor output efficiency in order to deal with the shortcomings of our old spacecraft and insufficient reactor power, and then the energy diagnostic device, which can improve the efficiency of energy distribution. To increase the utilization rate of various equipment; to search for enemy radar boosters, this will allow us to lock target ships further away. "Lorenzo continued.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, he didn't understand it very well. Although Lorenzo explained to him, he didn't know whether this configuration was good or bad.

After Lorenzo gave Qin Hao the list of flagship equipment, Qin Hao asked the other spacecraft to use the equipment, so that he had a rough idea of ​​these things.

After dismissing Lorenzo, Qin Hao began to try to communicate with the frontline Federal Honor.

"Xiao Qin, how do you remember calling me?" General Cohen's smile appeared on the big screen.