Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 417: Captive Lion

"Uh ..." A rescue capsule was ejected from the Lion Scorpion. A large number of pirates took the rescue capsule and went straight to Zheng Yi's ship. Tykes looked back at his spaceship, and then he clenched his teeth. The rescue capsule.

Because the two spacecraft were not far away, these pirate rescue capsules quickly fled to Zheng Yi's ship!

"Activate the star gate immediately!" Zheng commanded.

"Yes!" The little pirates immediately began to execute the order. Under the acceleration of the star gate, Zheng Yi's ship shut down the conventional engine, and then began to transition.

"Boom! Boom!" At this time, the two Whiplash missiles launched by the Momentar arrived, and they accurately killed Zheng Yi's ship and opened two large holes in the stern.

However, Zheng Yi had good luck. The two missiles did not hit his main engine or phase engine, so although the spacecraft shook violently and the stern cabin was damaged, the spacecraft was still accelerated by the star gate and entered. Phase space!

"Sir! The pirate ship escaped!" The radar officer reported.

"Leave them alone, stop attacking all!" Han Yihang ordered.

"Yes!" The Keha Galaxy fleet ceased to fire. Although there is a pirate destroyer ahead, it looks like this spacecraft has been abandoned.

"Send a small boat over to see if this spaceship is worth anything!" Han Yihang ordered.

"Yes!" A small boat left the fleet and headed for the pirate destroyer ahead.

Soon, the boat approached the Scorpion, because the pirates had all evacuated, so the boat was not attacked by the Scorpion.

"Sir, the small boat ahead has connected the enemy ship's control system, and data is being transmitted!" The communications officer reported.

"Let the people on the dinghy be careful and be ready to evacuate at any time!" Han Yihang ordered, fearing that the abandoned pirate ship would have a self-detonation procedure.

"Yes!" The communications officer immediately conveyed Han Yihang's order.

Soon, the data of the Lion Scorpion was transmitted back to the light of Keha. The pirate ship was not issued a self-explosion order, it was simply abandoned!

"Strange, pirates shouldn't be so kind ..." Han Yihang frowned. He actually sent someone in the past just to try his luck, in case the ship hadn't set a self-detonation program, or if the self-detonation took a long time. He can try to stop the self-detonation and then salvage the ship.

It turned out that they really left him with this ship intact!

In fact, there was no self-destructing Lion and Scorpion. It was Tex's idea. After all, he had served in the federal navy. He still had a little affection for his brothers in the past. Therefore, he did not order the self-destructing spacecraft.

Moreover, Tex is mainly angry with Zheng Yi. If this guy is a little capable, this battle will not be like this, so under the anger, Tex would not even want to blow up his spacecraft.

It was under such circumstances that Han Yihang picked up a cheap one. Although this pirate destroyer was covered with scars all over the body, to be honest, its performance is still among the two ocean-class destroyers of the Kazakh fleet.

After all, the Lion Scorpion had just retired from the first-line troops a few years ago, and was sold to the black market by the Zheng family, and then was taken away by their pirate regiment.

So in terms of battleship performance, the Razor before the Scorpion can be modified is too much!

"Iron Guard went to tow the pirate destroyer back, put it on the asteroid belt first, and take it with us when we return!" Han Yihang ordered.

Because the control code of the Lion Scorpion is still in the hands of the pirates, this thing can not be cracked in a short while, so although it controlled the battleship, it was impossible for Han Yihang ’s people to drive it away. A destroyer dragged it aside in the past, after all, it will serve as a battlefield after a while.

Soon, the destroyer Tiewei drove past, and after locking the Lion Scorpion with a towing beam, dragged it to the asteroid belt.

The Iron Guard had just towed away the Lion Scorpion, and it hadn't waited for it to return to the team. The technology officer of the light of Keha had detected a lot of space signals near the star gate!

"Sir! A lot of space signals have been found! The size of the enemy fleet is being calculated!" The tech official reported loudly.

"Everyone is there, ready to fight!" Han Yihang commanded loudly. Although he destroyed a pirate fleet, he never thought that the pirates would only come in one wave.


Qin Hao also welcomed an unexpected guest when Han Yihang commanded the Keha Galaxy Fleet to fight near the star gate.

"Haha, you are the school of Qin Hao. I often hear Pian Zuo mention you! Seeing today, it really is young!" A chunky young man held Qin Hao's hand and laughed, this man looks like Quite ugly, a pinch of lips is very unpleasant.

"Master Gangmen, you are so famous!" Qin Hao said with a smile ~ ~ The guy in front of him is Gangmen's uncle, and he is also one of the real people in the Gangmen family, called Gangmen Youzhi.

"Where and where, this time I heard that the lightsaber to be auctioned is also from your hand?" Gangmen Youzhi asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Qin Hao nodded.

"My nephew, because of your relationship with partial Zuo, I can't call you too much, right?" Gangmen Youzhi said.

"Not too much, not too much, Uncle Gangmen, you call me worthy of this name." Qin Hao has been with General Cohen for some time, so he is also good at seeing what people say.

"Okay! Good! Good!" Gangmen nodded and nodded, and then said to Qin Hao: "With our relationship, otherwise you have a lightsaber to directly bargain with me, uncle I promise not to bargain, How much are you talking about! "

"Uncle, what you said, because of my relationship with Bizuo, you have opened your mouth, can I still ask for money? You can give it away for free!" Qin Hao made Gangmen ambitious, but he has not waited for him. Happy, the second half of Qin Hao also came out: "But Uncle Gangmen you said a little bit late, if you told me earlier, I gave you the lightsaber, but now things are so big, each one The big family is staring at this lightsaber. If I gave it to you, I would n’t be able to explain to those families ... ”

Looking at Qin Hao's embarrassed face, people who didn't know thought he really wanted to give the lightsaber to Gangmen Youzhi.

"Ah! You have this heart, and your uncle is content. This auction has really alarmed too many people. If I take down the lightsaber in advance, I am afraid this pressure will be enough for us." Gangmen Zhizhi smiled and shook. Shaking his head, he actually wanted Qin Hao's attitude. Now this lightsaber was shocked even by the Storm Team. If he took the lightsaber in advance, it would be very troublesome.