Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 425: 1 trigger

"Everyone! Prepare for battle!" In the face of a powerful pirate fleet, Han Yihang has prepared for the worst. !

"Yes!" After experiencing the deadly battle before, at this time, the Kazakh fleet is no longer the old-fashioned fleet that was waiting for death. This fleet has seen blood and fire, although the equipment is still before That look, but the momentum and fighting spirit are completely different.

"Oh!" At this time, Qin Hao's head appeared on every battleship.

"Brothers, I'm Qin Hao ..." Qin Hao's voice sounded in every battleship in the Kazakh fleet.

"I'm sorry I'm not in the fleet right now and can't fight with everyone." Qin Hao said solemnly: "But this is by no means because I'm greedy for life and fear of death. If I can, I now want to return to the fleet and talk to You live together! "

If someone else said this kind of thing, the officers and men of the Keha Galaxy Fleet would think that he was standing and talking without backache, hiding such a cheap word in the back, but Qin Hao is different. He is a federal fighting hero. Before he came to the fleet of the Keha Galaxy, he was a front-runner on the battlefield. His school can be said to have climbed out of the dead.

Therefore, none of the officers and men of the Keha Galaxy Fleet felt that Qin Hao was telling lies.

Of course, the officers and men of the Keha Galaxy Fleet have such a good impression of Qin Hao, for a reason. After all, Qin Hao just sent them a double 饷 饷, and later always always benefited the officers and men of the fleet. In the hearts of officers and soldiers, Qin Hao is a rare and good officer.

"But then again, I counted in the fleet, I guess it will not help everyone, I am an infantry origin, the fleet commander can be said to be a layman, I believe Han Yihang is doing much better for me at this point!" Qin Hao did not shy away from his own shortcomings, he said so bluntly to all officers and men of the entire Kazakh fleet.

"Today this battle is probably a bad one. I can't guarantee that each of you can or return to the base ..." Qin Hao said something heavy, and the entire Kazakh fleet was silent.

"But there is one thing I can guarantee, as long as I have Qin Hao in one breath, I guarantee that your family can get the highest standard of pension, how much federal pension, I personally triple it!" Said Qin Hao At that time, his tears came down, because he was using the money to buy the lives of the soldiers!

"Of course, if everyone can survive, as long as I am your one-day leader, you can receive a day's double pay!" Qin Hao said loudly.

"Sir! Let's talk!"

"Sir, that's it! I'll get your double salary!"

"Yes! For the double pay of the sir, we must also survive!"


As soon as Qin Hao's words came to an end, the Kazakh fleet was lively. These lovely officers and soldiers were not really greedy for the double salary promised by Qin Hao. They said nothing more than to ease the depressed atmosphere and comfort Qin Hao at the same time.

After all, in the face of enemies several times their own, the officers and men of the Keha Galaxy Fleet almost never thought that they could survive, and Qin Hao's promise at least solved their worries.

As federal soldiers, although they are second-line troops, things are already in front of them. The pirate fleet soldiers have no other choice. As a soldier, their responsibility is to protect the country and protect the planet and faces behind them. Thousands of people.

So the Khalidian fleet is irrevocable!

But while these young soldiers are soldiers, they are also the children of their parents and the parents of their children. They also have families. For the country and for their shoulders, they can fight to death. But for their families, they also need a A promise that is reassuring.

Companionship may be the most needed thing for the family, but if this is doomed to be satisfied, then a generous pension can at least allow parents to live comfortably for 10,000 years and provide a good education for minor children.

Therefore, although Qin Hao's promise was accompanied by the smell of copper, it was enough to reassure the soldiers.

After resolving the worries of the future, the Kazakh fleet broke out with an unimaginable fighting spirit!

The so-called mourning soldiers will win. At this time, the officers and men of the Kazakh fleet have set aside life and death. They have nothing to fear. Now what one has to do is to fight the deadly pirates!

"Keha Galaxy Fleet, we are the Clippers Knights, you have been surrounded. If you surrender immediately, we can guarantee your personal safety! Now give you five minutes to consider, if we do not surrender, we will launch an attack!" The pirates actually sent an ultimatum to the Khalidian fleet and Rabattan.

"Too arrogant!" Qin Hao patted the table. Although he has a strong ability, after all, he is not a pervert of Prince Philip's level ~ ~ So he has a little energy to face the Pirate Fleet. Do not!

"Sir, please authorize it!" Han Yihang's eyes were full of revenge.

"Okay! I now authorize Labotanxing Defense to you, and now the entire Labotanxing defense system is under your command!" Qin Hao immediately gave Han Yihang the biggest authorization.

When chatting with Gangmen Pianzuo before, Gangmen Pianzu told Qin Hao that the so-called suspects are not used, and the people are not in doubt. Since Qin Hao decided to reuse Han Yihang, then he must trust his ability, so Qin Hao directly took all The authority was granted to Han Yihang, and his performance in the next battle depends on him.

"Hao brother, give me control of the Gaussian platform." At this time, Qian Feng, who had been behind him, didn't speak, suddenly came over.

"You?" Qin Hao glanced at Qian Feng, then pushed him aside: "Whenever, don't make trouble!"

"Oh!" Qian Feng shrugged, but didn't continue to force.

On the other side, after receiving Qin Hao's authorization, Han Yihang began to issue orders.

"The drone hangar releases the drones and collects missile frigates attacking the enemy's rear!" Han Yihang first ordered the command platform of the Space Station.

"Yes!" Because Han Yihang held Qin Hao's authorization, there was no question on the command platform side, and they immediately activated the drone hangar in the orbital defense circle.

"Uh ..." A large number of drone groups were released, and these unmanned bombers flew directly to the pirate fleet as a unit.

"The Gaussian defense platform aimed at the enemy's front row ship and attacked freely!" Han Yihang's second order also came down.

"Yes!" In the command hall where the order was given, officers immediately began to control those Gaussian defense platforms, and they quickly locked their targets.