Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 5: Landing War

"Boom!" The falling landing boat not only tore itself to pieces, but also crushed another landing boat that had not had time to take off, and did not know whether the marine soldiers carried in it came out in time.


"Boom boom boom ..."

At this time, the battlefield was filled with the sound of bombardment and various explosions. A number of landing boats landed on the ground, and a large number of mobile infantry rushed to the battlefield, but some landing boats had not had time to land. It was destroyed.

On the tragic battlefield, the casualties did not just appear on the human side. The giant plasma worms that launched the plasma in the distance were even more deadly. The fighters of the Earth Federation were flying in the sky, and their energy cannons were constantly roaring. , Blasted a huge bug into dark green blood plasma and stump limbs.

"Come with me! Find a place to hide!" Qin Hao waved his robotic arm. As a veteran, he had the obligation to lead the recruits around him to adapt to the battlefield. The first step in adapting to the battlefield is to survive on the battlefield now.

"噗通!" Qin Hao jumped forward and jumped into a large pit blown out by plasma. Although it cannot be said to be absolutely safe, it is at least much more likely to survive than being exposed to the ground!

"唰!" Behind Qin Hao's subconscious touch, his electromagnetic rifle should have been hung there, but unfortunately, there is a lot of food on his back.

"Mom!" Qin Hao cursed secretly. Although food is important on this kind of battlefield, it is obviously not as reassuring as the use of weapons.

"The class ... the leader ... what should we do?" Of course, the closest thing to Qin Hao is the cooking soldiers under his command. Although these guys are fat and fat, they are not good at first glance. Warrior, but luck is really good. In such a brutal battlefield, none of them was killed, and all of them were fortunate to follow Qin Hao and jumped into this crater.

In addition to the cooking soldiers around him, Qin Hao counted it and found that there were four or five recruits next to him. Although these were serious combatants, they were scared because they were the first actual combat. His face was pale, and he was completely messed up at this time. If he was not lucky to follow Qin Hao, they would have been a good meal for bugs.

"Wait a minute!" Qin Hao was still quite anxious. It was like this when he just landed. The chaos on the battlefield was extremely chaotic. After the landing war had been going on for a while, the carrier-based aircraft completely suppressed the bugs. These Landing soldiers can complete assembly and get effective command.

So what Qin Hao now has to do is to keep their own lives, and wait until the battlefield is clear.

"But the order we got wasn't to capture the beachhead? Wouldn't it be helpless for us to lie here ..." a new recruit asked, pointing at the battlefield recorder on his shoulder.

"Boom!" Before the newcomer egg was finished, an aerial bomb from a friendly army exploded not far from this crater. The violent explosion killed a large number of giant beetles, and the shock wave also overturned a lot of dirt. The dirt and gravel directly smashed the recruit who had just stood up to the ground.

"Hmm ..." Qin Hao laughed and didn't answer the recruit. At this time, he rushed up and used this equipment on a mobile infantry. I am afraid that as long as he encounters a small giant beetle, they all have to become people. Snack.

At this time, the carrier-based air squadron was bombarding the swarm, and those pilots could not take care of the scattered infantry on the battlefield. At this time, they rushed forward, and the possibility of being accidentally injured by friendly forces was extremely high.

"Boom boom ..." The explosion seemed to be in the ear. The earth and rocks that were shaken kept falling on Qin Hao and others, but Qin Hao was unmoved by this. He lay on the edge of the crater, carefully. Watch the form on the battlefield.

"All mobile infantry will immediately gather to the Z3 highland!"

At this time, Qin Hao and others updated the order on the battlefield recorder. Although he was only a cooking soldier, he belonged to the battle sequence after all, so when the task reached the top of the second company, they would also receive the order.

"Go!" After receiving the order, Qin Hao became like a person. Originally, he nestled in a crater like a timid mouse, but now he uses the power of an external bone to jump suddenly from the crater. After getting up to the crater, Qin Hao quickly lowered his figure again. He tried to make himself as small as possible and then rushed to the Z3 high ground.

"Follow! Keep up!" The mobile infantry behind Qin Hao did not dare to neglect. They followed Qin Hao's footsteps and rushed into the crater.

Z3 Highland is about 1.5 kilometers away from Qin Hao's location. According to the training standards of the Federal Mobile Infantry, under the condition of marching, it should arrive within ten minutes. UU reading www.uukanshu. After all, all mobile infantry are equipped with powered exoskeletons, even the fat cooks are no exception, so in this era, carrying a heavy load is not too difficult.

However, the training standards are different from the actual battlefield. The battlefield is changing rapidly. Qin Hao and their team are only a dozen people. Most of them are cooking soldiers without heavy weapons. Those who have weapons are also recruits. Their combat effectiveness is limited. So they must bypass the enemy and try not to fight the giant beetle.

"Squeak!" A giant beetle rushed out of a crater, and its sharp forefoot pierced a cook's lower abdomen and picked him up.

"Ah!" The cooking soldier screamed. Qin Hao knew this guy. When he came to the cooking class to report, it was the beef that the guy brought to himself.

"Give me the gun!" Qin Hao snatched the electromagnetic rifle from a frightened recruit.

"Clap!" Qin Hao opened the insurance skillfully, and then the electromagnetic rifle began to vomit the tongue of fire!

"DaDaDaDa ..." Under the precise control of Qin Hao, each bullet of the electromagnetic rifle was not wasted. These bullets hit the forefoot of the giant beetle exactly like the same steel beam.

After snapping "slap!" Dozens of bullets, the forefoot of the giant beetle that Qin Hao accurately fired broke, and the cook was dropped.

"Go and grab him back!" Qin Hao shouted, while the audience's electromagnetic rifle continued firing, suppressing the giant beetle, and preventing it from continuing to approach.

"Yes!" The two recruits rushed up. Although they had not been on the battlefield, they had also been trained. Obedience to orders has become an instinct, so the roar of Qin Hao reminded them of the former instructors, and they rushed up to the The cook was snatched back.