Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 516: Excited Qian Ling

After coming out of the Wudaoyuan, Qian Ling first took Qin Hao to eat something. Although Qin Hao was not particular about eating, he had to admit that the food of this big family was not ordinary, and the cook he raised was The chefs in many star hotels outside are much better. Pinshu

After eating and drinking, Qian Ling said to Qin Hao, "Brother-in-law, you can't go out anyway today, can you help me see where Xiaohanghang is?"

"Xiao Hanghang?" Qin Hao's tea almost didn't spit out. When he thought of Han Yihang's expressionless dead fish face, he thought about the nickname and said, "Your boy really has to plant here The girl's hand. "

Han Yihang is too bored. In the face of a lively and free-spirited girl like Qian Ling, he really can't fight it, and because the two people's personalities are very complementary, they really have a great appeal to each other.

"Okay brother-in-law! You help me look at me!" Qian Ling hugged Qin Hao's arm and said Jiao, this is her usual method, used to coquettish those grandparents.

Although Qin Hao wasn't grandparents, but faced with endless slapstick like Qian Ling, he finally had to let go.

"Let's go and see for you. Do you know where the nearest Navy Military Affairs Department is?" Qin Hao asked.

"I know! I know! In d1, it's close!" Qian Ling nodded when he saw Qin Hao, and immediately jumped up excitedly.

"Then let's go later." Qin Hao said.

"Brother-in-law, are you all right?" Qian Ling asked suddenly.

"It's all right." Qin Hao sipped the tea ceremony.

"What are you waiting for? It's time to go!" Qian Ling stepped forward, and then pulled Qin Hao out.

"Uncle Zhong, arrange a car for me!" Qian Ling shouted before he reached the gate.

"Good lady!" Qian Zhong, the housekeeper of Qianfu, was enjoying himself at the door.

Soon, Yiliang suspended the car at the entrance of Qianfu, Qin Hao and Qian Ling separated, and then the butler Qian Zhong asked: "Miss, where are you going?"

"Grandma asked me to walk with my brother-in-law." Qian Ling shouted.

"Then you come back early." Qian Zhong nodded. He was also afraid that Qian Ling would go out to cause trouble. Although the two men and women were different, Qian Ling after all grew up watching him, so Qian Zhong sometimes took this. Girl looks at the junior.

"I know!" Qian Ling shouted, and then said to the driver, "Let's go to Guangming Street!"

"Good lady!" The driver nodded, then drove towards Guangming Street.

Guangming Street is a well-known commercial street in d1 district. It is very prosperous, and Qian Ling took Qin Hao to go there.

I heard that Qian Ling was going to Guangming Street, Qian Zhong nodded, and then went back to take a cool ride. After all, shopping will not cause too much trouble.

"Turn left!" Qian Ling suddenly said to the driver before it had reached Guangming Street.

"Turn left? Miss, if we turn here, we have to go around Guangming Street for a long time," said the driver.

"It's all right, we won't go to Guangming Street, we will go to the administrative district." Qian Ling said.

"Go to the administrative area? Are you looking for a master?" The driver asked, because Qian Xuehui usually worked in the administrative area.

"Drive your car and ask so much?" Qian Ling rolled his eyes.

"Oh!" The driver didn't dare to ask any more. He directly steered the vehicle and went straight to the direction of the administrative district.

Twenty minutes later, the car came to the administrative area.

"You stop, we'll come back to you later." Qian Ling told the driver, she did not dare to let the driver take her to the Navy Military Affairs Department, because she also knew that her family was opposed to her and Han Yihang.

"Yes! Miss!" The driver nodded, because it was close to the administration building, he thought Qian Ling was looking for her father, so he didn't think much.

"Brother-in-law, follow me!" After getting off the bus, Qian Ling took Qin Hao to the Navy Military Affairs Department.

Qian Ling bounced along the way, looking very happy.

"It looks like this girl is really in love." Qin Hao smiled at the back.

Soon, two people came to the front of a building with a nameplate on the door of the building—the Department of Military Affairs.

"Two people, there is a military restricted area in front, please show your identification." As soon as he arrived at the gate, a guard stopped Qin Hao and Qian Ling.

"Here." Qin Hao showed his military identity card.

"Drip ..." The other party verified Qin Hao's identity card, and then saluted him immediately: "Hello! School!"

"May I go in?" Qin Hao asked.

"Of course you can!" The guard nodded, and then reassured along with Qian Ling. After all, the school was already a senior officer, and it was normal for someone to bring a secretary.

After entering the Navy's Military Affairs Department, Qin Hao quickly came to the front of an automatic terminal in accordance with the instructions in the hall ~ ~ "... As Qin Hao inserted his ID card, the automatic terminal issued A soft sound.

"Please verify your fingerprint ..."

"Please verify the iris ..."

"Please enter an authentication code ..."


"Welcome to the officer service terminal! Qin Hao school! Your permissions have been obtained."

After a very stringent verification process, Qin Hao finally gained permission.

"Check me, one of my officers, where is he now." Qin Hao said.

"Okay, please enter the officer's identification number, or identity characteristics such as name and rank."

"Han Yihang, the rank of second lieutenant, military captain trainee." Qin Hao said.

"Please wait……"

"Wow, brother-in-law, this is so convenient!" Qian Ling said with a smile.

"I'm on vacation. If I'm in service, it will be more convenient to bring a battlefield recorder." Qin Hao laughed.

"Ensign Han Yihang boarded 1,175 interplanetary flights to Earth six hours ago and expects to arrive on Earth 18 hours later!"

"Oh ?! Is everything done on his mother star's side? Quite fast!" Qin Hao laughed.

"That's great! Xiao Hanghang is coming to the earth, I can finally see alive!" Qian Ling jumped excitedly.

"Sorry, what you are looking for cannot be searched ..."

"It's okay, it's okay, I've checked my case, log out." Qin Hao said, apparently just now, when he said to himself, the system was also used as the query content, because Han Yihang returned to his mother star to do private affairs, so the soldier Of course, the system of the Ministry of Affairs cannot be found.

However, since Han Yihang came to Earth by flight, it means that his mother star has settled down. Bao Buqi this time he came with his parents and brother.