Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 531: Go to District K

In the process of teaching and learning, time came to noon. Pin-Book-Net

"Okay, it's almost noon. Let's go back to eat. Mother-in-law, I won't leave you. I'm old and eat lighter. Your young people can't stand the clear soup and waterless meals." When the sun reaches noon , Mother Liu stopped teaching.

"Mother-in-law, what time shall I come this afternoon?" Qin Hao nodded, and then asked Mother-in-law Liu.

"After three o'clock, after this person is old, he likes to take a nap," said Granny Liu.

"Good!" Qin Hao then resigned from her mother-in-law and returned to her own courtyard.

As soon as Qin Hao's forefoot stepped into the gate of the courtyard here, Chang Pu shook his neck and shouted, "Come back, the master is back, and finally we can have dinner!"

"Hehe ..." Qin Hao shook his head with a smile and knew that he must wait for himself, so Xiang Ling had to wait for himself, so he did not let the calamus eat, and the calamus, a half-sized child, was How fast he was hungry when he was growing up, so he couldn't wait.

"Master, wash your hands first, the meal is ready." Xiang Ling came out with a smile.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded.

After washing his hands, Qin Hao came to the dining table. Although it was not a big feast as before, it was cold, hot, and well-preserved, which was rich.

"Come, let's eat together!" Qin Hao greeted with a smile.

"Eh!" Because Xiangling had eaten together before, this time Xiang Ling didn't quit, this time Aura also waited with a bowl.

Xiang Ling just gave Qin Haosheng a bowl of rice, and Calamus did it by himself. He filled himself with a bowl of rice, and then waited for Qin Hao to move chopsticks.

"It's all family, don't hesitate to eat it." Qin Hao smiled, but he also knew that if the first one did not move himself, the kid, Aipu, would be ruleless, and he didn't dare to start.

Qin Hao quickly clipped each of the dishes on the table. There was no way. If he hadn't moved, Xiang Ling and Acorus wouldn't touch it.

After eating a meal, although Xiangling and Acorus are still in custody, the atmosphere is not much better yesterday. Qin Hao talked with the two for a while while eating.

After eating rice, Xiang Ling brewed tea for Qin Hao, then packed up the chopsticks and went to work. He also went to do his work. After all, all the energy in the small yard was his.

Here, Qin Hao took a break while drinking tea. Taking advantage of this time, he recalled the content of today's lunchtime in his mind.

Restricted by the Zerg gene, Qin Hao lost his ability to forget, but at least for now, the problem of brain capacity is far away, so the memorable ability is more beneficial to Qin Hao.

When the time was almost up, Qin Hao went to Wudaoyuan again to accept Mother-in-law Liu's instructions.

For three consecutive days, Qin Hao was at this rhythm every day. Except for eating and sleeping, he studied the martial arts before Wudaoyuan systematically combed with her mother-in-law, and Qian Ling never appeared in these three days. Mother-in-law Liu did not sigh too much for this, but Qian Ling was spoiled. She didn't dare to hold her back. She was afraid that the girl would do something regardless of the consequences after her eyes were anxious.

On the fourth day, Qin Hao finished his afternoon study. The martial arts he learned from his grandfather were basically combed by mother-in-law Liu, because Qin Hao had no real energy in his body at the time, and his grandfather taught more ordinary things. It ’s quicker to sort out.

"Xiaohao, go back and prepare for it. We will set off for the Tianshan School tomorrow. The ceremony of worship will be held first." Mother Liu said to Qin Hao at lunch time.

"Are you going to the Tianshan School?" Qin Hao was still a little excited, after all, as a boy, he grew up watching martial arts movies from a young age. He originally thought it was a fictional thing, but he didn't expect it to change now. It has become a reality.

"Well, by the way, you call Linger back by the way, she will have to go tomorrow." Mother-in-law Liu said.

"Oh! I see!" Qin Hao nodded.

He actually had nothing to do. Mother-in-law Liu gave him this afternoon, basically asking him to get Qian Ling back. After all, this girl hasn't been home for three or four days, although she is not an ordinary girl. An ordinary kung fu don't want to get close, but as an adult, how can you not worry about it?

After coming out from Mother-in-law Liu, Qin Hao first went back to his small courtyard for a meal, then came out of Qian's house.

It's still easy to find Qian Ling. Qin Hao directly dialed her phone, including her mother-in-law, Qian family members can also contact Qian Ling, but she is not willing to go home. If Qian Ling is really Lost contact, then Qian's family has gone crazy.

"Linger, where are you?" Qin Hao asked directly after the call was connected.

"I'm shopping with Brother Yihang for furniture!" Qian Ling replied ~ ~ The girl seemed very happy to hear the voice.

"You are so successful. If you don't go home for a few days, you are not afraid to hurt your grandma." Qin Hao said.

"I didn't call her every half a day to report safety!" Qian Ling muttered.

"Okay, send me the location, I'll find you." Qin Hao said.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing? Be a light bulb?" Qian Ling said dissatisfied.

"Come less of this set, do you talk nonsense or believe me a tune to make Han Yihang immediately return to the Kazakhstan?" Qin Hao rolled his eyes.

"Okay, brother-in-law, you are fierce!" Qian Ling immediately did not move, Qin Hao had no choice but to take her, but they were directly under the authority of Han Yihang. Under an order, Han Yihang returned to Keha obediently, then they did not see him. No more?

So helpless, Qian Ling had to compromise, and she sent Qin Hao the position of the two.

"Wait, I'm here," Qin Hao said.

"Brother, you can pull it down. We're in the K5 area now. If you come by taxi, we both have to play in the mall for a month!" Qian Ling said angrily.

"Uh ..." Qin Hao was speechless by Qian Lingzhang.

"Brother-in-law, now you go to the inter-academy airport. I'll call them and ask them to bring you over. After you arrive in the K5 area, go directly to Yihangjia, I will send you the address." Qian Ling said.

"Alright!" Qin Hao nodded.

Because Han Yihang was anchored in the Klein family and was able to immigrate to the family with his family, the house promised by Azlan was naturally also in the Klein family's territory.

After putting down the phone, Qin Hao went straight to the cross-court where the small airport was located. By the time he got here, Qian Ling had already arranged for him, and the next Sam who drove the small transport plane was the same.