Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 613: Hope for home

In addition to this new type of bug on the ground, the original Skywalker similar to the giant mosquito has also changed. Their limbs have become stronger and their wings have evolved from insect-like to bat-like meat. Membrane wings.

After seeing these new-type bugs, Qin Hao had to admire the Zerg gene technology. Although even after the bug, I am afraid I can't say the theoretical basis of the long story, but the Zerg mastered this random open gene lock and evolved at any time. Ability to emerge new swarms.

Because the gravity of the home star and the alpha star are different, and the oxygen content in the atmosphere is also richer, the swarms reared by the home star are more fierce.

"Master, why didn't you see the Bug Royal Family appear?" Qin Hao asked curiously.

"The royal family is not so easy to form, they are the products of gene mutations," explained Qin Hao after the worm.

"This way ..." Qin Hao nodded. Compared with the swarm of swarms, the number of royals is really scarce. Now the number of insects hatching in the nests of all levels is less than one million, so no royals have been born for the time being.

The zerg of the brigade brigade walked out of the nest. These bugs, which had not hatched for two hours, had already headed for the battlefield. They had begun to execute the order to occupy the home star after the bug.

"Compared to the Zerg, humans are really vulnerable ..." Qin Hao couldn't help sighing. As soon as these worms hatched, they already had a good fighting power, and humans, let alone newborn babies fight, that vulnerable It's ridiculous.

Sometimes Qin Hao questioned the truth of evolution, because humans are really too weak. Compared to other animals, human babies are fragile and ridiculous. On the grassland, whether it is cattle, sheep, red deer, these herbivores Almost all sexual animals can stand after being born, and can run after tens of minutes. Although carnivorous animals, their pups are slightly weaker, but they can move autonomously after a few months.

Human children alone, let alone stand up all their lives. For at least a few years, they all need the care of adults. The most terrible thing is that these little guys cried all the time. In the primitive period, compared with other fierce beasts, humans were not physically superior. They also had to avoid the fierce beasts, but with such a group of small things that yelled at every turn, Qin Hao really couldn't think of how humans survived at that time. Come down.


In the next two days, worker bees have been hatched in the incubation cavity of the nest's heart. These workers have only one task, which is to establish a large number of secondary nests and incubation cavities near the heart of the nest.

Soon, nearly a hundred secondary nests were completed. These nests continuously hatched swarms. Every day, tens of millions of bugs were hatched and put on the battlefield.

Although single insects are only abused when facing the carnivorous dinosaurs on this planet, there are too many insect swarms. They are advancing rapidly. In just a few days, the entire home star is conquered by them. Half.

Almost all large creatures were driven to the other end of the planet, and at this time the worms finally stopped the swarm from attacking.

"Master, how did you stop the swarm?" Qin Hao asked.

"Because I need to maintain the diversity of the planet's species," the Queen answered.

"Ah?" Qin Hao froze.

"If the swarm wants to evolve, it needs as many biological genes as possible. Although we can slaughter all the creatures on the planet and plunder their genes, there are as many species on a planet as there are times when they can be killed. If the species on this planet is very abundant, then every time a new species will be born, and these new species must have their unique genes, "explained the post-worm.

"Uh ... sustainable development that you still know ..." Qin Hao muttered to himself, although he did not go to school after the worm, but with her wisdom and experience, she could understand even if she didn't know the idiom of exhaustion. The truth.


Time flies, Qin Hao has been home for half a month, and the number of swarms has soared to nearly 10 billion during this time. I am afraid that this ability to restore vitality is unmatched by any other race. of.

However, although the number of insect swarms is easy to recover, the quality is far from good. In this half month, there are three worm royal families hatching from the worm nest, and when these larvae have evolved to a higher order, it may have to be How long.

After more than half a month's recovery, Han Yihang's health has improved a lot, because he has landed on the surface of the planet, so Qin Hao let the Swarm hunt some beasts. After the meat of these beasts was roasted, for Han Yihang, More acceptable.

"Sir, are we here to live alone forever?" Han Yihang was chatting with Qin Hao again this day, and the two of them had nothing else to do. Qin Hao could also practice psionic techniques or Tianshan school martial arts. In addition to eating, drinking, and sleeping, Han Yihang was left to chat with Qin Hao.

"We will return to human society sooner or later, but for the time being there is no other way." Qin Hao said.

"Ah! Also, trapped here, there is not even a boat, even if the insects let us go, we can't go." Han Yihang sighed, Qin Hao told him about his current plight before.

"If she let us go, we could really go!" Qin Hao whispered to Han Yihang suddenly.

"How to go? Chief, is it possible that you intend to build a ship? We are not trapped on an isolated island ~ ~ We just need to make a raft. The spaceship can not be made by two indigenous peoples." Han Yihang turned over Baiyan, not to mention that neither he nor Qin Hao are mechanical majors, nor do they understand what technology is needed to make a spacecraft, even if they understand it, it is useless. On this primitive planet, they ca n’t even make high-quality steel. Come out, as for building a spacecraft, it is tantamount to foolish dreaming.

"Who said to make it?" Qin Hao said angrily.

"Can you change one?" Han Yihang asked.

"Almost!" Qin Hao said, lowering his voice.

"Sir, stop joking!" Han Yihang didn't believe it at all.

"Hey! Who was joking with you? I found the wreckage of three alien warships in the heart of this worm nest, and if I put together the pieces, maybe I can make one that can fly out." Qin Hao whispered. Said.

The wreckage of these three alien battleships was accidentally discovered by Qin Hao. This was previously researched by the worm. Although she did not understand science and technology, she was also curious about the alien warships, so she let the worm swarm. Several ships were returned, and all were placed in the heart of the worm nest. To read this site, please use the latest domain name