Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 616: First flight test

Because the rescue capsule was damaged, Qin Hao simply removed all the equipment inside, especially the power system. This thing took up a lot of space. After removing it, the 5-meter diameter rescue capsule was actually A space of about three meters in diameter was created.

The console of the drone is also the size of a desk, so it is more than enough to put it inside, and there is even a place for Qin Hao to get two sofas in. These sofas were also found from the wreckage of the battleship. It should be Something in an officer's lounge.

After everything was ready, Qin Hao was ready to test sail. He found the energy blocks needed by the drone from the Holy Admiral's battleship, filled them in, and then used another control in the hangar. Taiwan began to try to make the first drone after the transformation.

A large group of worker bees dragged the unmanned bomber and console transformed by Qin Hao out of the heart of the worm nest, because the worm entered the dormant state, so the entire Alpha Star swarm was Qin Hao, so he evoked These bugs came, and they were not polite at all.

After the bugs dragged the drone into an open space, Qin Hao began his first flight experiment.

Because the Holy Admiral's drone used anti-gravity flight after entering the planet's atmosphere, the plane took off very quietly, without rumbling engine roar, and no long-distance run-up.

Seeing this modified drone slowly rising, Qin Hao was extremely excited.

"The technology of this Holy Admiral is really reliable. I made such a mess, and there was no mistake!" Qin Hao smiled, and then he turned on the drone's shield system through the console.

"Baturu, assemble a team of Skywalkers," said Qin Hao, who directly connected a swarm leader under his opponent through his heart.

"Yes! King!" Baturu took the lead immediately.

Soon a group of Skywalkers arrived near Qin Hao's testing ground. These Skywalkers are no longer the kind of giant mosquitoes on the Alpha Star, but flying beasts with long heads and flared tails.

"Attack that fighter!" Qin Hao ordered.

"Squeak!" With a sharp worm, a small group of skywalkers began to attack the drone transformed by Qin Hao. These homeland stars are different from their predecessors, and their attack method no longer depends on the blade. The same forefoot and mouth spit acid, but the highly corrosive venom spit from the flared tail.

Because the home star has better resources than the alpha star, and there are many toxic creatures on this planet. After these creatures are hunted by the swarm, their genes also fill the swarm's gene bank, so Skywalkers also get Evolution.

"Hmm ..." A bunch of strong corrosive venom was sprayed onto the fighter, but all were blocked by a layer of shield. Unlike the human energy shield, the shield technology of the Holy Admiral is more advanced. Their shields can not only block energy attacks, but also have a certain defense ability against physical attacks.

"Hmm ..." Skywalkers are constantly attacking around Qin Hao's fighters, while Qin Hao is watching the data on the console.

"Yes! The shield is quite stable, there is no defensive dead end in all directions, and the speed of energy consumption is ok." Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction, and then he pressed the attack button.

The drones of the Holy Admiral all have a certain degree of autonomy. They are all equipped with intelligent control systems, so that a drone driver can control two or even three squadron drones in the hangar. This is The human side is incomparable. Although the drone technology has been used in combat for a long time, the autonomous coordination ability of the drone is still poor. Almost every drone must have a driver. They Although in the battleship, you don't have to risk your life to rush on the front line, but it takes up the resources of the spacecraft.

With the release of Qin Hao's attack order, the drone began to fight back. Although it was an unmanned bomber, the speed of the two 80 mm particle-focusing particle guns was slow, but the power was very amazing, even when facing the enemy. Heavy cruisers also have terrifying lethality.

In addition, during the modification process, Qin Hao also added a four-door rapid-fire pulse laser generator to this bomber. This thing has a very fast rate of fire and is suitable for intercepting small targets such as enemy drones or ultralight frigates.

However, because of its size, no matter how Qin Hao modified it, this unmanned bomber is not as flexible as a fighter, but at least in terms of offense and defense, Qin Hao has strengthened it a lot.

The reason why Qin Hao wanted to expand the drone's weapon and shield system was mainly because the Ollis galaxy was not very flat. He could not escape from his home star. He had to pass through the Ollis galaxy to reach Ke. Kazakhstan.

And the Ollis galaxy is also a place where pirates are entangled. Even if the Holy Admiral's technology is far higher than humans, it is still very unreasonable for a small unmanned bomber without teamwork to cross a star field full of pirates. Dangerous, so Qin Hao had to add some insurance to his car as much as possible.

"Boom Boom Boom ..." Under the bombardment of two 80mm-energy particle guns from unmanned bombers ~ ~ The skywalkers are just dead and dead, although the vitality of the swarm is very Powerful, but after all, they are flesh and blood. When they are hit by the front of the energy cannon, they are directly granulated.

"嗖 嗖 嗖 ..." Four-door rapid-fire pulse laser generators also started to run. The firing frequency of these generators reached the level of more than 200 times per second. Although these high-frequency lasers are not very powerful, they penetrate The force is very considerable. The hit Skywalker will be immediately opened a blood hole, but at more than two hundred shots per second, the laser beam is almost lined up. After being hit, those Skywalkers will be hit. Cut into pieces instantly.

"The weapon system is also okay. The next step is the stability test." Qin Hao nodded with satisfaction, and then let Batulu pull the swarm down.

Then the drone began to take off under Qin Hao's control. It quickly broke away from the home star's atmosphere, and then circled around the home star twice before returning to his side under Qin Hao's control.

"Well, it's not bad. There is no problem with lift-off and landing!" After Qin Hao asked the Swarm to drag this plus drone back to the hangar wreckage of the heart of the insect nest, he checked the drone with the equipment inside Various indicators, according to the data on the instrument, show that after the test flight, this drone is all normal, and it seems that the stability is reasonable. To read this site, please use the latest domain name