Interstellar Almighty Evolution (Galactic Almighty Evolution)

Chapter 642: High-level dialogue

"Nicole is in Analamanga. You will see her in a while." General Cohen laughed. Qin Hao could remember Nicole so much, he was really pleased.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, and after confirming that Nicole was safe and sound, he asked again, "how about Han Yihang?"

"Han Yihang? Is that major with you?" General Cohen froze.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, Han Yihang was pulled into the water by him, so he was still very worried.

"He's okay, the Klein family is still justified in this matter. Han Yihang was fired, but not held accountable. He should now live on earth with his family." General Cohen said Because the affairs of Han Yihang were downplayed by those families, when they announced Qin Hao's crimes to the outside world, they did not mention Han Yihang's affairs at all, so he should have no problem.

"That's good!" Qin Hao nodded, he was really afraid that Han Yihang would be killed by himself.

Although Han Yihang has been fired from the military, he has at least no worries about his life, and is under the care of the Klein family. Their family can at least live on the earth. This pair can also reassure Qin Hao.

After letting go of the two most worrying things, Qin Hao turned to President Claude, and then he said, "His Excellency President, you and General Cohen are so anxious to summon me, what should happen?"

"Well! We are all our own, and I won't go around with you!" Claude waved and motioned for his bodyguards and secretary to retreat, leaving him and General Cohen in the room. There are three people from Qin Hao.

"Well, Xiao Qin, just the three of us, don't be restrained, just sit down." General Cohen said with a smile, then he sat down first, and President Crowd sat on the sofa on the side.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded and sat down opposite the two.

"Now I'm not talking to you as President, our grandpa and grandma will just talk casually, and I will call you Xiao Qin with Cohen, don't you mind?" Claude said with a smile.

"Uncle Claude, you are saying this, you call me my blessing." Qin Hao said immediately with a smile.

"Okay! Then we won't go in circles, can you tell us the purpose of your sudden trip to Alpha Star?" Although Crowder's face was all smiles, his eyes were serious.

"Of course you can. I was going to report it to the federal government, but as you saw, they didn't give me a chance to speak." Qin Hao shrugged.

"Don't worry about those guys who can only wrestle with each other, this Roentgen Republic is just like your home, say anything." Crowder said.

"Hmm!" Qin Hao nodded, and then said to General Cohen and President Claude: "I have to explain to my two uncles first. I actually knew how to communicate with Zerg long ago."

"Oh ..." General Cohen and President Claude glanced at each other, and the two showed an unspoken smile. The two old foxes had already guessed this, but they didn't mention it to anyone, including Federal Parliament.

"Hey, you all guessed ..." Qin Hao smiled embarrassed, but think about it, he was so smooth on the Alpha Star, the Zerg movements can be easily grasped, and even with the Swarm Achieving a tacit understanding, attacking other swarms with the swarm, and merging with the swarm, can not be achieved without direct communication.

General Cohen and President Claude are old foxes. They can't find them once, but can't they find them again? Even if it wasn't for these two old guys who helped Qin Hao clean his ass, I am afraid the Federal Assembly would have discovered this secret long ago.

But it was precisely because these two old foxes helped Qin Hao hide something, so the federal parliament was caught in the dark. If Speaker Barn knew that Qin Hao had this ability, he would definitely win first, rather than choose to kill directly. .

"Do those two uncles want to know what's going on with Alpha Star?" Qin Hao suddenly showed a strange smile.

"Alpha Star? What's wrong over there?" Crowd asked in cooperation.

"Alpha Star was destroyed, it no longer exists! The aliens directly destroyed the planet with super weapons!" Qin Hao said lightly.

"What !?" Both General Cohen and President Claude were stunned by the news.

"How is this possible? Completely destroying the Alpha Star?" General Cohen reaffirmed that although with the current technology of human beings, as long as a sufficient amount of nuclear bomb can be used to destroy a planet, tens of thousands of strategies can be used A nuclear bomb can only be used, and in order to avoid the simultaneous explosion of nuclear bombs and mutual interference, which affects the release of power, it must be detonated in a certain order. This process will be quite complicated.

The most important thing is that the energy crystal resources on Alpha Alpha are too precious. How can those aliens say that they are destroyed?

"Now the Alpha Star is gone, those guys really did that." Qin Hao said.

"What about the zerg?" President Crowd asked.

"It's all gone!" Qin Hao said.

"Extinct ?!" General Cohen and President Claude were shocked again. This time they were more shocked by the fear of alien technological power.

"Huh!" Qin Hao nodded, and then continued: "Alpha Star was destroyed, and those bugs could not leave the planet and could only be destroyed along with it."

"Then how did you escape and take that major?" Crowder asked.

"The queen took us out and she could travel in the interstellar space." Qin Hao did not lie, because he wanted to promote the alliance between humans and the Zerg, and he had to let humans know some Zerg information.

"Queen ?!" President Claude and General Cohen heard the name for the first time.

"Well! She is the master of the swarm ~ ~ Qin Hao.

"Where is she now?" Crowder asked.

"On the edge of the Oris galaxy, the Zerg are being re-bred. As long as the insects do not die, then even if the swarm is completely destroyed, they can recover in a short time." Qin Hao said.

"So, are we going to be pinched by the Swarm and aliens?" Crowder's face changed dramatically.

"Maybe we can fight against aliens with the Swarm Alliance!" Qin Hao finally put forward his own ideas.

"Union bug?" General Cohen stunned. He had countless soldiers buried in Alpha Star, and he could be said to be deadly against the Swarm.

"Uncle Cohen, if you want humans to survive the threat of aliens, then we must give up our hatred, give up our prejudices, and ally with the Zerg. We alone are not alien opponents by our own words!" Qin Hao advised In the past, he persuaded the federal government that he had no confidence, but now that the Roentgen galaxy is independent, General Cohen and President Claude have become the supreme rulers of this small part of humanity, which once again raised Qin Hao's idea of ​​uniting the Zerg. To read this site, please use the latest domain name